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1825 No. 1825 [Edit]
Are there any plans regarding SOPA?

Do we just wait for shit to hit the fan, are things being blown out of proportion, or is this place going to move to TOR?
>> No. 1826 [Edit]
I doubt that garbage will pass. That crap violates too many rights.
Too many riots will ensue if it did and there are people with capabilities on the internet that can do worse than just burning a couple buildings or trashing some cars.
And no, I don't mean "Anon is legion" shit like spamming or DDoSing or that lulzsec's petty breaking into minor sites.
>> No. 1827 [Edit]
It's going to pass the committee (because most of the people there are in the media corperations' pockets) but get killed in the senate. A bill almost exactly like this came around almost a year or so ago and the same thing happened, and it didn't get nearly the amount of negative press as this one.
>> No. 1828 [Edit]
Theoretically, though, what's going to happen if i does pass? After all, it's only a matter of time. Maybe just some purging of posts that are a danger to the freedom of Americans?
>> No. 1829 [Edit]
>Theoretically, though, what's going to happen if i does pass?

it gets taken to the supreme court at the first opportunity and overturned
>> No. 1831 [Edit]
Also, even assuming this turd somehow passes both houses (again, extremely unlikely) Obama will probably veto it. Not because he cares about the bill itself, but because the tech companies that are against it are his primary campaign supporters and they would be very unhappy with him if he let it go. Not a good move with election season around the corner and getting re-elected is literally the only thing he cares about
>> No. 1832 [Edit]
Most people don't care about losing rights until it directly affects them in a clear way, and since most people only use the internet for face-book and dicking around, people just aren't going to care until it's too late.
>> No. 1836 [Edit]
Tohno-chan mansion
>> No. 1849 [Edit]
Thing is, the bill would put social networking and being a lip-synching whore on the chopping block, so it's sad to say this, but we kind of need to team up with anyone who isn't an idiot, a consumer whore, or a megacorparation about this or we all get royally boned. The whores may be prevented from lip synching, but we also would be liable for going to jail for torrenting something instead of buying the shitty funimation dub...
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