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File 132398334764.png - (84.08KB , 756x459 , Snapshot 2009-02-17 09-08-13.png )
1810 No. 1810 [Edit]
I will apologize in advance for posting 4chan related stuff here, but I wanted to point out that the way the site is managed somewhat discourages posting here, which is obviously a necessity do to the behavioral characteristics of a majority of the English speaking world's end users. Never the less, knowing that my post stands a significant chance of being deleted reduces my willingness to expend effort on creating content for the site. I would like to suggest the possibility that if you have a balancing force to counteract the deletions, you might eliminate some of the negative effects of the very necessary strict moderation. Something like passing out gold stars or pic related might do the trick. Sorry again for posting stuff from over there. I actually gave up on the site entirely not too long after it happened (have been clean over two years now!), so maybe its a terrible example.
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>> No. 1811 [Edit]
wow, that just looks disgusting sitting there, i should have spoilered the image
>> No. 1812 [Edit]
a complement system doesn't solve the problem you mentioned at all. telling someone what a good post is doesn't neccessarily tell them what a bad post is and moderators cant go around complementing everything.
The best thing you can do if you dont know if something is appropriate, is ask
>> No. 1813 [Edit]
You totally undermined your case with that pic.

Also, if anything I'd like the mods to be stricter. I have yet to see nazi moderation kill a site but I've seen lenient attitude sink multiple sites. Better safe than sorry.
>> No. 1816 [Edit]
I would like someone to tell me I'm cute, please
>> No. 1817 [Edit]
Yes, i realized that somewhat too late and its worse than you think.
The more closely you look at it the more repulsive it becomes.
Regardless, I stand by what I said. In the earlier days of 4chan, back when I enjoyed it, part of the endemic culture included a fair amount of positive feedback amongst the end users and I feel that this encouraged further creation of quality content. That aspect of the culture died out a long time ago and not only there, but it seems to have disappeared in most other similar places online.
>> No. 1818 [Edit]
you're cute
>> No. 1819 [Edit]
if you think someones post is good then tell them
>> No. 1820 [Edit]
thank you
>> No. 1821 [Edit]

why are mods the only ones that can tell people they did a good job?
>> No. 1822 [Edit]
I don't really se how the mods here are nazis. Their moderation is quite reasonable. Ive been here long enough to be able to see that they're very reasonable folk, and they're hardcore otaku like you and me and they care about the site.

I think the nazi moderation accusations come from people who get their posts deleted/get banned and take their punishment the wrong way. If you post shit like r9k shit or /b/-level shit and then it gets deleted, it doesnt mean the mods are nazis, it means YOU need to change. Its right in the fucking title of the site, god damn it how much more obvious could it be: "TOHNO-CHAN: True Otaku Hikkikomori Neet Organisation Channel: A place to hide from normals and be at peace". If you can't follow this then get lost and go to one of the other million *chan sites.
>> No. 1824 [Edit]

Seriously, this. If you think someone wrote a remarkably good post just say it like it is. 'Great post', 'very insightful' etc. I don't think anybody will complain and say something like 'wow you sure are shitposting, what does this have to do with the subject' etc.
>> No. 1830 [Edit]
I think the mods do a great job as well and are just fine the way they are now. They're quick to clean up trash.
>> No. 1833 [Edit]
>If you post shit like r9k shit or /b/-level shit and then it gets deleted, it doesnt mean the mods are nazis, it means YOU need to change. Its right in the fucking title of the site, god damn it how much more obvious could it be: "TOHNO-CHAN: True Otaku Hikkikomori Neet Organisation Channel: A place to hide from normals and be at peace". If you can't follow this then get lost and go to one of the other million *chan sites.

This is a terrible attitude. Who decides what a true otaku/hikki/NEET is? I know a lot of people here arent literally NEET. It seems this site is only open to people who are un-normal in a very specific way.

It isnt just /b/ level shit getting deleted, you probably wouldnt know about most of it unless it was your post. I think I mentioned here before that my reply on the Collectables board saying SEGA figures suck was deleted. What the hell. They do suck, ask anyone. SEGA prize figures usually look like bootlegs, thats why theyre so cheap.
>> No. 1834 [Edit]
>Who decides what a true otaku/hikki/NEET
I can't say what they are exactly, but I can sure as heck say what they aren't.
A true otaku is not someone with a passive or casual interest, they're called otaku because they border on obsessive, in whatever field they're in, be it anime games figs military trains etc.
A hikki is not someone that leaves their home very often (if ever) or participates in social evens.
and a NEET is someone that does not have a job or is any form of education.
I think you're placing to much enthuses on the 'not normal' part, There are millions of people out there that are not normal, but who are also not in any way otaku/hikki/NEET, and those are the people we don't want here.

but yeah, sometimes mods overreact and delete stuff that seemds inapropreate to a person not involved in that part of the lifestyle.
I imagine the mod that deleted the sega post isn't a fig collector, and mistook it for shitposting.
they're only people, and not perfect, but at least our mods aren't putting off work with having a life as an excuse, like on so many other sites.
>> No. 1835 [Edit]
my oppinions on that matter is that it can escalate into 6+ posts of "awesome post", "I agree", "QFT" etc. Which is great if you want a jerk circle. Admittedly it appears that is sometimes what I apparently want as I have been known to reply with those responses, but I try not to do a this unless I have something to add aswell. And I do make exceptions for exceptional comments that go ignored.

tl;dr (math edition)

n == the number of "good post responces"
as n -> infinity, the nth poster -> a horrible poster
>> No. 1837 [Edit]
The whole point in being anonymous is to not stand out, nor be rewarded or scolded for any type of effort you put into anything.

Leave if you think that you "deserve" praise for "contributing" anything. Scum like you deserve nothing.
>> No. 1838 [Edit]
>I can't say what they are exactly, but I can sure as heck say what they aren't.

okay, what about someone who buys Funimation products or looks up 3D porn?
>> No. 1839 [Edit]
>I think you're placing to much enthuses on the 'not normal' part, There are millions of people out there that are not normal, but who are also not in any way otaku/hikki/NEET

And there are plenty of people that are otaku, hikki, NEET, or all three, but would still be drummed out as normal. "not normal in a very specific way" is actually pretty damn apt.
>> No. 1840 [Edit]
People that buy Funimation products are casual weeboos, certainty not otaku.
and looking up 3D porn is about as normal as can be.
>> No. 1841 [Edit]
Hell, seeing a real person's nude body makes me want to puke now.
>> No. 1842 [Edit]
Don't the original/actual otaku (i.e. japanese ones) tend to buy a lot of DVDs and other merchandise?
>> No. 1843 [Edit]
That is 100% different
>> No. 1844 [Edit]
Care to explain?
>> No. 1845 [Edit]
Buying Japanese DVDs supports the people who make the show, buying Funimation DVDs supports dubs and the shitty westernization of anime. I really shouldn't have to explain this
>> No. 1846 [Edit]
Since this thread is going to devolve into a "what is normal" debate and I'm 100% sure the OP's suggestion has been made before, can we just axe this thread before it gets worse?
>> No. 1847 [Edit]
not the Funimation versions.
>> No. 1848 [Edit]
Well obviously. They don't need to wait for the shows to be translated and released in a region encode that works on their systems.
>> No. 1850 [Edit]
>> No. 1851 [Edit]
If you have a region-unlocked DVD or Blu-Ray player and watch it without the subs, then yes, you're an otaku. Doesn't matter where you are, the word was used in its current context both in Japan and the US within months of each other. Otaku is a person who has an avid interest that usually makes them a social outcast or niche-seeker. Generally, people with interest in Japanese things are otaku in the US.

You're a casual whore if you buy Funimation dubbed crap, it just makes it so Funimation still clings to bringing shitty dubs to us. Casuals want to watch anime and read manga while not actually accepting them into their lives. Casuals are afraid of us, or who they perceive us to be, and decide to make their own fringe group just to be edgey and look like alphas while not actually delving into it because they think they'll reach the point of no return and lose all hope of assimilation.

I'd accept Funi more if they just did subs, no dubs, and put them on Netflix. Makes it easier for me and it would get them a bit more respect... I really don't care anymore who else likes anime, just as long as I can get access to subs without having to search all over the goddamn place or spend a whole lot of money I don't have.
>> No. 1853 [Edit]
>just as long as I can get access to subs without having to search all over the goddamn place or spend a whole lot of money I don't have.

This bullshit sense of entitlement is exactly the reason why companies started providing free legal streaming but I suppose you have another bullshit justification for dismissing that. and believe it or not there are hardcore otaku who buy dubbed anime, deal with it.
>> No. 1854 [Edit]
i remember a time when tohno-chan level shit and "/b/-level shit" were the same thing

thats why it should be done, if at all, behind the scenes just like how bans are done.

kenichi smith does
>> No. 1855 [Edit]
>i remember a time when tohno-chan level shit and "/b/-level shit" were the same thing

really, when was that
>> No. 1856 [Edit]
yeah I'm also curious.
>> No. 1857 [Edit]
Well back on topic, I don't think good posts should be 'rewarded' with a compliment from a mod, or even another user. It shouldn't be discouraged either, obviously. Making a post and knowing that your post is valued ought to be good enough.

If you really liked a post then maybe add something to the discussion, while giving a small bit of recognition on the side. E.g something like 'Nice post, I also found that blahblahblah, and blahblahblah.' I agree that it shouldn't go as far as some kind of circlejerk.
>> No. 1858 [Edit]
In which way is it bullshit? you mean in a regulated capitalist sort of way? Because then ya it is subjectively bullshit for those who believe in that.

Also I've seen many dubs and often I seek them out, usually when I feel too stupid to marathon 16+ subs, or when I want to rewatch a series.
>> No. 1859 [Edit]
File 132411163965.jpg - (48.51KB , 533x363 , kagami.jpg )
Sorry, I didnt mean to go in so hard against Shinden. The main problem I have is with this attitude, which is 100% backwards:
>People that buy Funimation products are casual weeboos, certainty not otaku.

If you dont buy anime because you cant afford it, thats your problem. I would argue its a pretty big problem and you should do something about it.
>> No. 1860 [Edit]

I won't deny you've got a point there but I think it's more of a userbase related problem and I trust fellow /tc/ers to know better than that. Also, should anything go horribly wrong, we have mods and in worst case scenario we could change the rules.

And somehow I don't see it happening on a site where most people are somewhat reluctant to post at all.

But again, I'm not saying you're wrong or anything, you've got a good point there in fact.


>I think you're placing to much enthuses on the 'not normal' part, There are millions of people out there that are not normal, but who are also not in any way otaku/hikki/NEET, and those are the people we don't want here.

Who are those 'we' you speak about? You meant 'I', right? Tohno himself has stated multiple times that as long as they are quality contributors he has no interest in posters' personal life and even Ford Drivers won't be purged just on the basis of them being 'normal'.
>> No. 1861 [Edit]
You can buy anime without buying Funimation crap.
>> No. 1862 [Edit]
I mean that in the context of their posts, since there's no way to know if a person is a Ford Driver until they post something acknowledging such.
If a Ford Driver is posting suitiable content, there's simply no reason to ban them or delete their posts.
It's not like we have a way of knowing if a person is a Ford Driver when a someone so much as visits the site. (we're not google)

It's the same logic of guys here not caring about women browsing the site, provided they don't say anything about being a girl.
>> No. 1863 [Edit]
up until about five years ago

>>1860even Ford Drivers won't be purged just on the basis of them being 'normal'.

some of the weirdest people i've seen on this site were purged
/tc/, like most subcultures, is one of conformity to an abnormal norm
>> No. 1864 [Edit]
Ive been waiting for someone to confirm this for a long time. Now Ive got something straight from the site owner's mouth. Let it be known that its acceptable to be normal/whatever else so long as you just keep it a secret and only post acceptable content.
>> No. 1865 [Edit]
I don't really like the idea of Ford Drivers browsing the site, but like I said, it can't be helped.
>> No. 1866 [Edit]
at least you can eliminate the limo riders
>> No. 1867 [Edit]
It's not "acceptable", it's just unenforceable unless the person in question is a huge dumbass
>> No. 1868 [Edit]
there is a small subset of ford driver who cruises around with a trunkload of dakimakura, but chooses to be a ford driver because he doesn't want other people thinking that he is the type of person who drives around with a trunkload of dakimakura
>> No. 1869 [Edit]

Tohno has been saying that all the time, though.
>> No. 1873 [Edit]
He has?
>> No. 1876 [Edit]
That has always been the case.
You can't tell if someone is something if they don't show it.
Hell, some 35 year old lonely guy can pass off as a 14 year old girl on Gaia as long as he uses the right typing style and avoids certain topics.
Hell, TOHNO could be a normal and you'd never know with how he acts. Not saying he is though, it's clear he's not.
>> No. 1886 [Edit]
I just wanna say I freaking love the yuru theme. I didn't want to make a new thread just to say that so I'll say it here
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