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File 132281058531.jpg - (237.27KB , 500x523 , 749fb092d8f39372da802ff69e3a7960.jpg )
1759 No. 1759 [Edit]
/mt/ should be renamed "Learning", "Self-education" or something of the like. Why? Because NEETs are by definition, outside academia. And most threads are not about college or university anyway.
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>> No. 1760 [Edit]
But it's about academical (aproachings to) subjects, so the name isn't reallly out of place...
I mean, it's not any Academia out there, but TEH /tc/'s Academia.
>> No. 1765 [Edit]
I rather not see /mt/ status go even lower with that poor choice of name. This "neet" thing is supposed to be a joke and is irrelevant for the entire site, why define us by status quo? Tohno-chan is always moving even if you do not see it.
>> No. 1766 [Edit]
>This "neet" thing is supposed to be a joke
Careful, there.
>> No. 1767 [Edit]
You can be a shut-in academic. And you can be a NEET with a college degree. I don't see the point of another name-change.
>> No. 1768 [Edit]
To put the board as bluntly and simply as possibly can be, it's a board for nerd stuff.

We've gone over this, and gone over it, and gone over it some more, then some more, and more after that, and a little bit more just to top it off.
we changed the name of the board and it's content more than a few times now, and that's what we ultimately settled on.
Not to say I'm unwilling to change it, if people want, I'll change it a hundred times.
Just thought I should point out, this isn't the first time the board has come up.
....but uhh, yeah, umm, nurd stuff... hmm.. I guess you could say that about the whole site, but like, that's for the more, tech nerd stuff, you know?
>> No. 1769 [Edit]
File 132289347828.jpg - (27.55KB , 640x360 , itsuki_1.jpg )
>To put the board as bluntly and simply as possibly can be, it's a board for nerd stuff

as opposed to the rest of the boards…
>> No. 1770 [Edit]
>....but uhh, yeah, umm, nurd stuff... hmm.. I guess you could say that about the whole site, but like, that's for the more, tech nerd stuff, you know?
>> No. 1772 [Edit]
How about we name it 'The Academy'
>> No. 1773 [Edit]
How about we leave it as is because there's nothing wrong with it
>> No. 1775 [Edit]
>This "neet" thing is supposed to be a joke

I don't think you're on the right site.
>> No. 1776 [Edit]

>This "neet" thing is supposed to be a joke and is irrelevant for the entire site

Sorry, this is not /jp/, you're not where you wanted to be.
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