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1748 No. 1748 [Edit]
What happened to the waifu dreams thread on /mai/? The one witht he osaka pic in the OP. If it was deleted by mods well then you could've just edited the main post if there were problems..
>> No. 1787 [Edit]
Replies: >>1789
Along the concept of /mai/, could there be a subtext under rabu rabu saying something along the lines of "this board is for discussion on your interactions with your waifu, not for discussion on the concept of a waifu." or something? Unless that statement is wrong.
>> No. 1788 [Edit]
Replies: >>1790
I think it was deleted because of green text shit.
>> No. 1789 [Edit]
Replies: >>1796
>discussion on the concept of a waifu

I think a large proportion of the threads on mai are about this.
>> No. 1790 [Edit]
yeah, it was, and that's not what op made this thread about, as he also knows this to be the reason for the delete.
He's asking why mods didn't edit out the green text.
>> No. 1796 [Edit]
I'm just tired of seeing "lol is it okay to have a waifu f I have a gf?" and "what would you do if you saw a coelostat of your waifu I'd nail her" crap.

Deleting threads like that is a temporary solution to a recurring problem. There should he a clearly stated rule against it.
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