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File 13218906614.jpg - (273.15KB , 550x778 , 1321782137322.jpg )
1735 No. 1735 [Edit]
Hey Tohno, can you change the date settings so that it always shows "(Sun)"?

You know, when you're a neet everyday is sunday, etc.
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>> No. 1736 [Edit]
That is just stupid. Losing track of time makes you crazy.
>> No. 1737 [Edit]

I think is'a a pretty amusing idea. On top of that it also displays the actual date which is what actually matters. I never know what day of the week it is either way.
>> No. 1738 [Edit]
I think it's a great idea. And if you think this would be confusing, check out 4-ch's /dqn/ where every date is represented in the number of days since Eternal September.
>> No. 1739 [Edit]
I hardly ever see the date, here or anywhere, so do as youm please.
>> No. 1740 [Edit]
File 132190014488.jpg - (53.04KB , 320x768 , 071f169dd70d44482019ac23c7fcae1a.jpg )
I have no objection!

Post edited on 21st Nov 2011, 10:36am
>> No. 1741 [Edit]
what happens with the archive then?
>> No. 1742 [Edit]
Everyone here isn't neet.
>> No. 1743 [Edit]
I thought it wa just about changing the day (sunday), not the date...
>> No. 1744 [Edit]
Nah thats a lame joke.
>> No. 1749 [Edit]
I thought it was pretty... NEET.
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