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File 131983840933.jpg - (88.64KB , 450x357 , 126948843838.jpg )
1637 No. 1637 [Edit]
I think someone told me a while back that you told google to fuck off a while ago. Is there an alternative method to hunt for older threads other than having the entire site memorized? I'm kind of on the lazy side so hunting manually is a big of en effort for me (      )
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>> No. 1638 [Edit]
>> No. 1639 [Edit]
He probably means for stuff that's still alive, ie, page 0-10
>> No. 1640 [Edit]
File 131984203750.png - (627.54KB , 1280x720 , danke.png )
yes, thank you for posting that so i don't have to go to the trouble (however now i have to make this post thanking you for your efforts, nevertheless, i do appreciate your sentiment on my behalf)
>> No. 1641 [Edit]
Someone was working on a raw-text version of the all the active pages on each board of tohno-chan to solve the very problem you describe. I don't know what happened to that person, nor do I have the link. I assume if he finished making it he would've posted it here by now.
>> No. 1642 [Edit]
Do you refer to this?
>> No. 1643 [Edit]
Yes that
>> No. 1648 [Edit]
File 131995494977.jpg - (67.08KB , 316x400 , soup.jpg )
lacking some sort of search feature also leads to thread recurrence such as in
>> No. 1650 [Edit]
Although you certainly do have a point, Those treads are a little different though.
The first one asks us to talk about shows we don't like to talk about where as the second was about crappy anime we liked.
This is why I never posted in that first thread but did in the second.
>> No. 1809 [Edit]
Yeah, I was just looking for oldish info that I was pretty certain existed somewhere on /an/. Spent almost an hour reading every page on the board and never found it. Some sort of search facility would be very helpful.
>> No. 1814 [Edit]

Had the same problems multiple times although I can't say what threads I've been looking for (but one time I spent like 30 minutes looking for something in /an/ and gave up after not finding it - might've been deleted or something).
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