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File 131890249246.png - (225.93KB , 482x441 , 1316572023129.png )
1630 No. 1630 [Edit]
How can I get back into the irc channel? I've finally decided to stop using my old 56k dial-up and get cable, but now every time I try to go on #tohno-chan it says the address is banned. I feel like I could be missing out on some interesting conversations. Help!
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>> No. 1688 [Edit]
Replies: >>1689
I think the IRC has enough activity. Also the conversations it starts are usually spam, boring or complaining about it. Conversations should be about interesitng things like games or anime.
>> No. 1689 [Edit]
Replies: >>1690

>Conversations should be about interesitng things like games or anime.

So you pretty much admit he's right?
>> No. 1690 [Edit]
No activity is better than shit activity. That is the tohno-chan way
>> No. 1691 [Edit]
I pop in the IRC usually once a day and if people are talking I stick around, if they aren't I leave after a few minutes. No big deal
>> No. 1693 [Edit]
Replies: >>1694 >>1695 >>1697
The IRC is nice when it's relevant otaku talk. Politics, jobs, or your university drama is of absolutely no interest. I usually minimize it to my taskbar when that meta stuff erupts.
>> No. 1694 [Edit]
that's not 'meta'. meta discussion on irc would be discussion about irc or tc related stuff. that's just off-topic discussion (not that i like that sort of discussion)

Post edited on 9th Nov 2011, 8:45pm
>> No. 1695 [Edit]
Nice to know I'm not the only one that finds jobs and university drama to be lame.
>> No. 1697 [Edit]

>The IRC is nice when it's relevant otaku talk.

I.e. pretty much never. Once in a blue moon we do happen to talk about topics other than 'politics, jobs, or your university drama' but those 3 topics cover about 95% of all discussions.
>> No. 1698 [Edit]
Replies: >>1699
Wake up, check IRC, last 3-4 hours is talk about the economy and someones bad day at school. Sure is Tohno-chan in HURR.
>> No. 1699 [Edit]
Replies: >>1700 >>1702 >>1703 >>1704
At least they're done with talking about fucking 3d in clubs.
>> No. 1700 [Edit]
when I'm in irc conversation usually drifts towards BttF or 90s cartoons and video games. I have never heard anyone talk about this kind of shit: >>1699
>> No. 1701 [Edit]
Replies: >>1705
And all of this is why I left the IRC.
Sounds like it's gotten even worse too.
>> No. 1702 [Edit]
Replies: >>1706
>> No. 1703 [Edit]
Replies: >>1706
>> No. 1704 [Edit]
Replies: >>1706
>> No. 1705 [Edit]
Replies: >>1715
File 132099266390.png - (141.05KB , 500x366 , dontforget.png )
>> No. 1706 [Edit]
File 13209943907.png - (93.74KB , 320x320 , kool-aid-man.png )

>> No. 1715 [Edit]
File 132102557033.jpg - (177.19KB , 1600x1200 , 1301615325195.jpg )
>> No. 1719 [Edit]
Now we just need that waifu version
>> No. 1799 [Edit]
download an irc client like mirc and connect to #tohno-chan on rizon
>> No. 1800 [Edit]
Might be incompatible with your browser.
>> No. 1802 [Edit]
Replies: >>1803
Is chatzilla a good IRC client?
>> No. 1803 [Edit]
Replies: >>1804 >>1805

No, it's pretty shitty.

Use mIRC or Xchat.
>> No. 1804 [Edit]
Oh, thank you.
>> No. 1805 [Edit]
Replies: >>1806
How's it shitty? It connects to a chat and lets you...well chat. Is there more to it than that?

Note that I'm not defending it or anything, it's just that I have just started using IRC a few months ago so I legitimately don't know anything about it.

Post edited on 8th Dec 2011, 1:39pm
>> No. 1806 [Edit]
I used the one they have built into browsers for a short time, found it very laggy and cumbersome.
>> No. 1902 [Edit]
Replies: >>1903
Why do quality posters turn into complete idiots the moment they join IRC? From what I've seen, this is true of any board-related IRC group.
>> No. 1903 [Edit]
Replies: >>1904
The IRC by nature is for casual chatting, whimsical remarks, acting natural while you're around your friends, etc.
>> No. 1904 [Edit]
Replies: >>1905 >>1907 >>1909
Have you ever been to the Tohno-chan IRC? It's hard to believe any of those retards post here. Name and tripcode users aside, that is. It's more like I'm on some anime forum for 13 year olds.
>> No. 1905 [Edit]
Replies: >>1906
>Name and tripcode users aside
They're very well included in the dumbass category.

You can look over your post and delete it later on the boards. Can't do that in IRC.
>> No. 1906 [Edit]
>They're very well included in the dumbass category.

I suppose I worded my post strangely. I meant to say that they DO act the same (idiotic) both on the board and in IRC.
>> No. 1907 [Edit]
I figure some of the more retarded guys on the irc rarely post on the site.
>> No. 1908 [Edit]
Whoa, calm down, guys.

I haven't been on IRC and have not witnessed this, but we can't have ourselves talking badly about each other when we're supposed to, more or less, be friends. So let's just take it easy〜!
>> No. 1909 [Edit]
Replies: >>1918

You shouldn't take everything you read in the IRC seriously.
I don't know about everyone else, but I joke and voice my opinions a lot more forcefully in there (sometimes I speak sarcastically and say things I don't really mean), since you're along friends who don't mind if you're being a retard or not, as long as everyone is having fun.
The board is different though, you need to have more respect here, since we're trying to create a civilized and mature kind of discussion.
They're two different environments.
>> No. 1918 [Edit]
I kind of agree with this to a certain extent.

The site has a memory, while the chat more or less only has the memory that personal chat logs have.

I kind of think of the chat as the autonomous region in the Tohno Empire. The fact that being completely anonymous is not an option attests to this.
>> No. 1942 [Edit]
Replies: >>1943 >>1944
If you want to improve IRC quality then eliminate godzilla. All he ever does is promote spam.
>> No. 1943 [Edit]
well don't look at me, I've banned godzilla from the irc channel at least a dozen times now (and never unbanned it)
>> No. 1944 [Edit]
i dont mind him when people dont abuse him but lately people have just been spamming the place with .fml and the weather in japan
>> No. 1945 [Edit]
I like to ask it my fortune
>> No. 1946 [Edit]
godzilla keeps giving out the same crappy fortunes each day now.
>> No. 2027 [Edit]
Replies: >>2028
>Channel takeover if founder is absent for a certain amount of time

>> No. 2028 [Edit]
Replies: >>2274
>30 days
I guess it wouldn't kill me to pop in for a few seconds every month.
>> No. 2274 [Edit]
Replies: >>2277
have an IRC bot hosted from the site open the channel and idle/auto-connect in it indefinitely.

though your idea would probably lead to more moderation in the channel.
>> No. 2277 [Edit]
Replies: >>2292
I've seriously considered using a bot in the channel, but I've never been able to get one to work.
>> No. 2292 [Edit]

>> No. 2339 [Edit]
File 133408460863.jpg - (49.63KB , 379x464 , aaae06656629728b828dd9c6aceec827b2ef062a.jpg )
Yo, computer exploded so i only have a ps3 for internet. Can't go on IRC with anything, sadly. Someone tell Freed i can't win games for him for the time being. Gonna have to get money for a new PC somehow, however long it takes...
>> No. 2384 [Edit]
Replies: >>2460
File 133800463988.jpg - (183.41KB , 965x1041 , 036.jpg )
I just got banned...
>> No. 2460 [Edit]
>> No. 2709 [Edit]
Replies: >>2710
File 134586762565.jpg - (874.22KB , 720x912 , 22449253.jpg )
I keep getting banned from the IRC channel as soon as I connect to the server. I have no idea why.
>> No. 2710 [Edit]

I don't see your IP or host banned in the channel. It's possible you have a GLine/server ban - which you'd have to resolve with Rizon.
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