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1591 No. 1591 [Edit]
There's nothing necessarily WRONG with this many boards, but the currently rather small userbase for this site is spread incredibly thin across all these boards.

I'm not going to presumptuously suggest what boards you narrow it down to, but in my opinion you could easily narrow it down to at least six boards not counting arc/ddl/irc

Just a suggestion.
>> No. 1592 [Edit]
Seems fine to me.
>> No. 1593 [Edit]
why? this isn't 4chan, where you are expected to post only on one board, the site is a whole package

Post edited on 1st Oct 2011, 2:30pm
>> No. 1594 [Edit]
You aren't expected to post on only one board on 4chan.
>> No. 1596 [Edit]
I know exactly where you're coming from but given how our goal inst to attract a larger user base, it doesn't really matter.

This isn't really a traditional chan in the sense that we really care about this kind of stuff. When tohno went to add a few more boards a while ago i brought this stuff up. Theirs just no requirement for this kind of community for small boards so we just do what we pleased.
>> No. 1597 [Edit]
I used to think the same way (and this is even before Tohno added the academia or breakdancing board) but nowadays, I think it's perfectly fine as it is. It's not as if people browse only a single board here or there's a noticeable board culture difference among the various boards. And it's quite easy enough to see all the new posts no matter the board by clikcing "since last visit" in the home page
>> No. 1598 [Edit]
From time to time I like to look up on the ghost boards of 4chan to see what people are saying about us, and of course I see people complain about the amount of boards all the time, I'm not blind.

but the thing is, as op said
>the currently rather small user base for this site is spread incredibly thin across all these boards.
People who complain about our amount of boards seem to forget or just not know, we try to discourage camping out on a single board.
I understand most of us come from 4chan, a place where every board has it's own community, but here, the site is the community.

On 4chan's boards, people make off topic threads all the time, this is because they don't want to deal with the community centered around that topic on it's respective board.
People that ask on /a/ what they think about western comics for example, they're not idiots who don't know about /co/, they're asking the people/community of /a/ about it.

Here on the other hand, we have a board for those off topic threads, and people make off topic threads there, not on other boards, becuase they know anywhere they go on the site, it's the same people.
People posting on /an/ can be people that also post on /ma/, /vn/, /mai/ ect.

There's also no good reason to camp out on individual boards, individually, the boards are dead slow, and they would still be dead slow if you replaces the boards with threads like a cretin other site does.
Every post unless purposely hidden by the poster, shows up on our front page, there are options to view every post made since your last visit or in the last 12 hours, so what logical reason is there to f5 /vn/ all day?
It's just superficial, cramming everything from one board into one thread only makes things look like they're moving faster, when in fact, all you get is a big mess.
Who wants to deal with 200+ post threads on a broad topic, who'd gonna read all that?

Basically what I'm trying to say here is, this isn't 4chan, and you kind of have to approach the site with a different mind set.
>> No. 1599 [Edit]
>Basically what I'm trying to say here is, this isn't 4chan, and you kind of have to approach the site with a different mind set.

This quote should be necessary reading for all new visitors. It would solve a whole lot of the random questions on /fb/
>> No. 1601 [Edit]
Seconding this.

Well said, Tohno.
>> No. 1605 [Edit]
>You seriously need fewer boards.

No, just no.

>It's just superficial, cramming everything from one board into one thread only makes things look like they're moving faster, when in fact, all you get is a big mess.

I mean seriously, you must be quite literally suffering from mental retardation if you can't get a concept as simple as this. The amount of boards doesn't really affect the amount of posts. If anything you should be grateful we have this many boards as you can just decide not to browse board [x] if you don't have interest in what is discussed there.
>> No. 1607 [Edit]
Having more boards tends to inspire more discussion because it makes a distinction between subjects which could not be clearer, encouraging people to discuss it in a specific rather than general sense.
>> No. 1608 [Edit]
>Also, please keep in mind, this isn't 4chan, and you kind of have to approach the site with a different mind set.

I think this would fit better on the FAQ page than at the top of /fb/
>> No. 1612 [Edit]
I disagree, having more boards limits the directions a conversation on that board can go in, and limiting the direction limits your inspiration. ie: you can talk about space ships on /mai/ even if you were inspired by that board.

rules limit the possibilities, which is exactly why different boards exist.

But it does keep things organized.

also I don't really care, I think things are fine as /ot/ pretty much covers everything else anyways.

Do you really think they'll go read the FAQ?
I read the FAQ when I first arrived btw.

Post edited on 5th Oct 2011, 11:56pm
>> No. 1614 [Edit]
I think current situtation is fine and I think boards are well categorised. Yes most of them are bit unactive but I dont mind. Also this means most good threads will have longer lifetime here than in 4chan or somewhere else.
>> No. 1669 [Edit]
Really? I think thats true but it opens more opportunities than closes them.

Let me make a case example: On tc, you have a board about waifu. Every time someone gets a new idea, he posts a thread about it and there will be 20 replies to it. Compare this to /bun/ where everything is lumped into one board. They would probably have a waifu thread instead, and if someone gets an idea he posts a reply to that thread, and itll get 1-5 replies to it. So having a board encourages more discussion.
>> No. 1758 [Edit]
I think there should be more boards.
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