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1575 No. 1575 [Edit]
I like the site, I really do. Love it, even.

But the userbase needs to learn to take it easy instead of just thinking they do.
>> No. 1576 [Edit]
you should take into consideration the board you're posting on.
you post some good threads but when you post an inapporporiate thread you blame everyone else when you should really blame yourself for not understanding the tone of the board.
>> No. 1577 [Edit]

What are you even talking about? Besides, who are you to determine what's an "inappropriate thread"? Are you the king of Tohno-Chan now?
>> No. 1578 [Edit]
He's the prince.
>> No. 1579 [Edit]

I thought he's the princess.
>> No. 1580 [Edit]

The way he acts is certainly like a princess. A spoiled one, at that.
>> No. 1587 [Edit]
Not sure if trolling, but hes a mod
>> No. 1588 [Edit]

So mods decide what is appropriate and inappropriate for the site? I thought that was Tohno, and the mods just enforced it? Or am I wrong?
>> No. 1589 [Edit]
>Or am I wrong?
>> No. 1590 [Edit]

>So mods decide what is appropriate and inappropriate for the site

That's the only reason they exist for.

Post edited on 1st Oct 2011, 12:33pm
>> No. 1595 [Edit]
what is the point of anonymity if you can all see my IP
>> No. 1600 [Edit]
No one is preventing you from hiding it. I don't think the site has anything against proxy's.
>> No. 1602 [Edit]

So would you say then that a moderator has the right to go against what Tohno has explicitly stated as his desire for his website?

Or that they can make up new rules in Tohno's stead?
>> No. 1603 [Edit]
Simply put:
The admin's word is absolute, but he doesn't say much.
>> No. 1604 [Edit]

If Tohno didn't trust the mods they wouldn't be mods in the first place.
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