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File 131561689689.jpg - (116.56KB , 1440x810 , 1306416228_79643206.jpg )
1493 No. 1493 [Edit]
It's poll time, /tc/.
Which theme (board style) are you using? Since when have you been using it? Is there a particular theme you would like to see here? Do you think there is enough choice already?
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>> No. 1494 [Edit]
File 131561722978.png - (17.46KB , 600x550 , 9d1ea44b9c221a47303ae17bc14a81bc44ad98ec.png )
I've settled on the psp theme, and have thought about making it the site default.
Been using it since I made it.
there are a few that might be cool to add on, but I got a little burnt out on theme making so I never got around to em.
There will never be enough themes!
>> No. 1495 [Edit]
Yotsuba v2 master race. I have my browser set to delete everything on exit, so it always goes back to the default whenever I come back and I'm too lazy to change it.
>> No. 1496 [Edit]
File 13156173222.jpg - (77.54KB , 1280x720 , kyoko think.jpg )
Yotsuba v2. Unoriginal, I know
>> No. 1497 [Edit]
Best for a dark room.
>> No. 1498 [Edit]
vndb, it's easy on the eyes.
>> No. 1499 [Edit]
Same here.
>> No. 1501 [Edit]
Another one for Yotsuba v2
>> No. 1502 [Edit]
I used to use Yotsuba v2 but then switched to easymode just to see something different and have used it ever since.
>> No. 1504 [Edit]
Dark, I've been using it for a while, don't really plan to switch, it's easy on the eyes and I got used to it already.
>> No. 1505 [Edit]
Yotsuva v2, always and forever.
>> No. 1506 [Edit]
I remember we used to have a style with hearts on the home page, but it was removed for some reason. Using pink right now.
>> No. 1507 [Edit]
You sure that wasn't valentine's day related?
>> No. 1509 [Edit]

Just got used to it for some reason.
>> No. 1510 [Edit]
I like paisley (and a few others), but I'm a hardcore creature of habit and having anything but yotsuba v2 feels too weird
>> No. 1511 [Edit]
File 13156806082.png - (149.40KB , 999x654 , 129771399534.png )
Thought about that, too.
>> No. 1516 [Edit]
Can there be a theme that uses the OP picture? Because I would use nothing else
>> No. 1540 [Edit]
Paisley, it's just pleasant to look at.
>> No. 1541 [Edit]
I like "tohno"
>> No. 1542 [Edit]
While on the topic of themes, it seems that the themes are messing up whenever a page is refreshed or opened.
>> No. 1543 [Edit]
It happens only in Chromium.
>> No. 1620 [Edit]
I made my own. It's black backgrounds with grey text.
>> No. 1622 [Edit]
Also, perhaps someone could port the famous nigrachan theme to this site. It's my favourite on any site by far.

I like paisley but it lags when I use my browser in full resolution.
>> No. 5434 [Edit]
I'm using Rotte now even though rotte means rat where I live. Sort of how they called Morgiana Mor which means mom. The Rotte style is cute.
>> No. 5435 [Edit]
Danish or Norwegian?
>> No. 5436 [Edit]
>> No. 5437 [Edit]
That much I knew.
>> No. 5500 [Edit]
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