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1430 No. 1430 [Edit]
Suggestion: make it so tc pages don't come up on Google searches so people don't find their way here when they search for 4chanesque stuff.
>> No. 1431 [Edit]
For what purpose? Keeping 4channers away? IMO any 4channer that is willing to leave it and check out other chans is probably growing tired of 4chan and they probably aren't annoying. You have to start the transition from popular chan to obsure chan at some point, why not let the obscure one be here?

also tohno-chan is relatively 4chan meme free, your first search results would probably be 1000 facebook links, then a bunch of blogs. I really don't think it is going to be a problem.
>> No. 1432 [Edit]
Most people that come to the site using google, were searching for terms such as "tohno" or "tohno-chan" and believe it or not, tons of people come here from searching "hentia" on google.
every now and then from some image search.
but not to much from memes or 4chan related things.

I did consider it once, blocking google, but that seems to be how most people get to the site.
I guess it's easier to google 'tohno' then it is to enter the url manually, or have the place bookmarked.
>> No. 1433 [Edit]
It'd be nice if we didn't show on google, since being hidden is nice
>> No. 1435 [Edit]
yeah or maybe they could come here to laugh at us and call us pathetic then spam dozens of offensive posts about cum stained pillows and fantasies on /Mai/ and /so/.

>> No. 1436 [Edit]
I have to agree, but it's clear that Tohno does not, so what can I do?

Oh well, seems that recent spree of trolls or whatever has died down, at least.
>> No. 1439 [Edit]
I found this site when I was bored and looking for new RSS feeds and searched for "Waifu" in Google Reader but the bot must have analysed my data to get that result.
>> No. 1440 [Edit]
Why not just block threads from getting indexed from search that is a solution everybody could be happy about.
>> No. 1441 [Edit]
Funny because I found here too by searching "Waifu something"(I can't remember anymore).
>> No. 1442 [Edit]
Funny, because that's how i found it too!
>> No. 1473 [Edit]
Trolls originate from cross board linking into /a/ and /jp/, not from Google search.
>> No. 1484 [Edit]
I think it's becoming more and more important to keep us off google. What if we were to become a top google result for "waifu" or something? Better to make sure that never happens than deal with it if it does
>> No. 1485 [Edit]
wow i just googled for waifu and look what i found
>> No. 1486 [Edit]
Are you me? I just did this like an hour ago.
At least it's pretty much dead.
>> No. 1488 [Edit]
I found this place whilst doing a search for the hikikomori board on another anonymous IB which is now down. It's been a bad year for hiki boards. At least 2 ones have gone down this year. But at least now I have found this place now.
>> No. 1489 [Edit]
What was the reason for them going down?
>> No. 1490 [Edit]

One was the hiki board on AnonIB. The whole of AnonIB got taken down.

The second one was It was an amateurish run site and the admins left it to rot and thus it filled with Russian spammers and incurred a TOS violation.
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