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File 131242868429.jpg - (96.98KB , 500x333 , 4703211881_09f9329fd6.jpg )
1390 No. 1390 [Edit]
I just noticed the image spoiler function isn't working on /fig/... is this intended?
>> No. 1391 [Edit]
>is this intended?
All I know is, it's becuase /fig/ was made sometime after it broke, sort of.
>> No. 1392 [Edit]
Do[m][o][spoiler]n[/o][/spoiler][/m]'[o][sub]t[/sub][/o] [sub][b][b]m[/b][/sub][/b][spoiler][sub]i[/sub][/spoiler][sup]
[sub][spoiler] [/sub][/spoiler]
j[m][sub]u[/sub][/m]s[sup]t[/sup][sup][m] [/m][/sup][o][o]t[/o][/o]est[o]i[/o][sub]n[/sub][m]g[/m][o]

>> No. 1397 [Edit]
I agree.
>> No. 1421 [Edit]
What? Didn't he say "Don't mind me just testing the bbcode!"? How can you agree with that?
>> No. 1434 [Edit]
How can you not?
What lies can you find in that post?
>> No. 1454 [Edit]
I declare that having
>Message too long click here to expand
spoilered is a bug, fixnaoploxkthxbai
>> No. 1482 [Edit]
When will it be fixed? I want to post very lewd figure pictures on /fig/.
>> No. 1483 [Edit]
I don't have the first clue how to fix it.
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