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File 13110308161.jpg - (42.71KB , 407x399 , lotte lips.jpg )
1344 No. 1344 [Edit]
Can clicking on a post/image on the front page take you to the "last 50 posts" version of the thread it's in instead of the long version?
>> No. 1345 [Edit]
I've had this problem a bit too, but not so often as it would be a problem.
>> No. 1350 [Edit]
can someone tell me how to edit a post?

all i get is "invalid password for editing"
>> No. 1351 [Edit]
you need to have the same password in the password box as when you made the original post. It automatically provides you with a password, so make sure you're using the same computer, same browser and you haven't cleared your cookies
>> No. 1352 [Edit]

I think the problem is dynamic IP. I have dyn. IP and I can't edit my post after I refresh my network either.

If that's not it I'd just like to say I have the same problem. Not really that much of a bother but I couldn't delete/edit my posts quite a few times.
>> No. 1355 [Edit]

In that case, you could just write a password and use that to edit your posts.
It's right there below the youtube embedding box.
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