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File 13084872583.jpg - (369.24KB , 1200x1600 , kanyestylinonmozart.jpg )
1249 No. 1249 [Edit]
After two new threads popped overnight in /ot/ (>>/ot/8451, >>/ot/8459) I think we should talk about this again. If you haven't read thread >>/ot/8162 already you should do so now.

Basically I wonder (i.e. I don't even officially propose it yet, I'll explain in a second) if creating a board for silly threads might be a good idea. I myself have many doubts about this (to be perfectly honest I think I would vote against it at this point) as a board of this sort could obviously attract the type of crowd we wouldn't want to see around here. But if you think about it and look at /ot/ 4 threads that are currently at top of the page are something that /sis/ (or whatever you'd like to call it) could be useful for. Obviously there are both cons and pros here so the question comes down to this: Do we want to encourage people to make threads like >>/ot/8451, >>/ot/8459 and such or is /ot/ more than enough for them? As >>/ot/8162 proved people are rather reluctant to post them in /ot/ and I understand them perfectly.

Basically I want to know what other Brohnos and - most importantly - Tohno himself thinks about this.
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>> No. 1250 [Edit]
it would suck
just post them on /ot/
>> No. 1251 [Edit]
It would help keep the stupid threads off of /ot/, since everything seems to go into /ot/. I've always wanted a /derp/ for the purpose of posting retarded threads to amuse my retardation.

Also I suggest making /fb/ into /fb/ - Meta, since there's meta threads popping up on /ot/ all the time, and /ot/ seems to move pretty fast and fills up quickly as it is, not to mention would seem to fit /fb/'s purpose more than /ot/'s.
>> No. 1252 [Edit]
I'd rather not have meta at all.
>> No. 1253 [Edit]
This. those kinds of threads are what /ot/ is for. No more boards please
>> No. 1254 [Edit]
Really? Cause I think moving it would help slow the board down. In fact, moving things would help solve alot of problems.
>> No. 1255 [Edit]
A board for random silly content? sounds so random lol!
maybe we could call it /R/ - random!

Really, I think /ot/ os fine being a board that, if it were a category in a list, it would be "other".
It's for stuff that doesn't fit or belong on the rest of the boards, but this you probably already knew.
I was kind of relived when I saw that pizza thread, it was almost like a sign that people have stooped being so... anal.. I mean sure, we don't want a /b/ board, that's the very last thing we want, let alone for our user base to become like that of /b/, but I think turning into /jp/ isn't a whole lot better.
Yes, /jp/ is a ton better then /b/, no arguing that, but they're so angry and bitter and hateful about everything and anything, I rather not see us go down that path.
Not to say that we should go down the brain dead path of /a/ either.
I believe most people come here because we're not like those boards.
We don't have the trolls, the underage dumb kids or any of the crap that comes with /a/, or any of the elitist jerk ass's that come with /jp/ (but we're heading that way I think.)
Maybe I'm straying away from the topic at hand, but I feel people just need to take it easy, seriously, relax.

what even counts as a silly thread anyway? isn't that kind of a matter of opinion, what's silly and not?
>> No. 1256 [Edit]
Speaking of /r/, we need a requests board.
>> No. 1257 [Edit]
I'm not sure, but I think we've gone over this once before.

What would we use it for?
4chan's /r/ is nothing but porn, would ours be any different?
is there anything people can/would request that couldn't be found using
>> No. 1258 [Edit]
Yeah, I agree.

At most, we should have a requests thread.

And if most of the time, you can't find source by yourself except for the most obscure of crap.. Then I guess you aren't otaku-hikikomori-NEET enough for this website, bro.
>> No. 1260 [Edit]
File 13085459569.png - (462.13KB , 1280x800 , Moka vector wallpaper.png )
I asked you for this picture, which couldn't be much more obscure, and there have been many other things I wanted, but I didn't want to make a new thread for each of them.
>> No. 1261 [Edit]
I'm against the idea of a "silly" board, because like others have said, I think it would attract the wrong type of people here and change the dynamics for the worse. I could see such a board becoming the most active on the site and hurting the original purpose as a whole.

That being said, I don't frequent /ot/ and I'm somewhat new to this site as a whole, but isn't it supposed to generally be about otaku related things? A quick look on the front page of it shows a bunch of threads that don't seem to have anything to do with otaku/hobby (although "hobby could be used very loosely) things. I don't really care if that rule isn't taken seriously because I don't go on /ot/ much, but I figured it was worth pointing out.
>> No. 1262 [Edit]
The 'media' related boards have less activity because many people haven't tried watching/playing/whatevering the media thats being discussed, and if they did may perhaps not be in the mood to discuss it. However, off-topic things about life in general most people can relate to and its easy to discuss because there is not many barriers to entry (there is techniques to analyse or whatever..)
>> No. 1263 [Edit]
>because many people haven't tried watching/playing/whatevering the media thats being discussed

Reminds me of why we started the "Anime of the week" threads on the old TC.
I wish that didn't fail so miserably.
>> No. 1264 [Edit]
Then it's settled I guess. I mean literally everyone is against it so there's no point in further discussion.

>any of the elitist jerk ass's that come with /jp/ (but we're heading that way I think.)

We're plenty elitist as it is. If the idea behind a site is to create a place 'for NEETs, hikikomori, otaku, and other social outcasts' to discuss their hobbies then you can't avoid that. No matter how you look at it we are much more conservative in those aspects than /jp/ or even /bun/. Furthermore

>Gaia/weeaboo shit. (Conventions, english dubs, Funimation, Naruto, friends or girlfriends into anime, ^.^, etc.) [is prohibited]

How is it not elitist? Heck, back in the day Naruto had it's own whole point. Also, it doesn't sound very convincing if two sentences before that you yourself said

>Not to say that we should go down the brain dead path of /a/ either.

I'm not arguing that we should allow those topics to be discussed. I don't want to see Ford Drivers discussing how 'SASUKE IS SO KAWAII KYAA XD' then sharing contact info to hit the bar together. But I don't see how one could deny we're elitist. Again, in many aspects we're much more elitist than /jp/ and I don't see it as a bad thing at all. If I wanted to talk about my hobbies with retards and Ford Drivers I'd go back to 4chan.
>> No. 1340 [Edit]
>Gaia/weeaboo shit. (Conventions, english dubs, Funimation, Naruto, friends or girlfriends into anime, ^.^, etc.) [is prohibited]

Huh? Never been to Gaia, what's the difference between weeaboo and otaku now? Isn't the former just a newer more "internet slang"-y term?
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