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File 13072166782.png - (983B , 88x19 , name-style.png )
1128 No. 1128 [Edit]
I don't like this bold font, so I change to easy mode. So green.. Am I weird?

FF4 was to blame; thanks goes to >>1135 for pointing it out.

This is now an esthetique/general feedback thread.

Post edited on 5th Jun 2011, 5:11am
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>> No. 1129 [Edit]
File 130721957870.png - (7.61KB , 582x82 , Capture.png )
Everyone has their preferences, nothing wrong with that.

Also, default style isn't in bold on my end, maybe it's your browser?
>> No. 1130 [Edit]
Try re-installing Arial on your computer OP.
>> No. 1131 [Edit]
File 130722629453.jpg - (1.56KB , 246x23 , fig.jpg )
Thread hijacked because this doesn't warrant it's own thread and we don't have any general feedback threads.

On the front page it says collectables but when you actually go to /fig/ it says collectibles. Please have mercy on us OCD ridden folk. It's driving me mad!

Also, /pic/ and /ddl/ are the only board where the... heading(?)/label(?) doesn't begin with a capital letter.
>> No. 1132 [Edit]
I fixed ddl and pic, but I can't edit the front page. Need Tobo for that.
>> No. 1133 [Edit]

Thanks a lot.
>> No. 1134 [Edit]
File 130722891775.jpg - (71.29KB , 1041x460 , 0.jpg )
This is what happens when I click on WT on the bottom of the page. It's probably my browser. Also, there's still a 'manage' link on the bottom.
>> No. 1135 [Edit]
The bold font is only in firefox 4, cause my laptop that's using 3.6 shows it like >>1129
>> No. 1136 [Edit]
I'm guessing that's probably because FF4 ain't supported by the board software yet. You could always downgrade to 3.6 and it should work fine. (Well, if it worked before that is)

Firefox website hides the page to download previous versions so

Post edited on 4th Jun 2011, 4:24pm
>> No. 1137 [Edit]
The watched threads feature has always been problematic. Not sure what the solution would be, but I'm sure we'll get around to it eventually.
>> No. 1138 [Edit]
working as normal on firefox 4 for me
>> No. 1139 [Edit]
I really didn't think anyone used the watched threads thing.
>> No. 1140 [Edit]
I don't really use it. I wondered what WT was and happened to click it.
>> No. 1141 [Edit]
This was absolutely correct; I rolled back to FF3.6 and life is now in balance again. I had only used it for 1 day, and FF4's poor performance and over-simplified interface was alreadty driving me mad. Seriously what the fuck?

Your hijack is now legit; OP edited.
>> No. 1142 [Edit]
Honestly, all these problems arise because the people who made Kusaba X don't know what the fuck they're doing.
>> No. 1143 [Edit]
File 130728030591.jpg - (121.18KB , 1156x561 , dsg45564.jpg )
FF4 user here, everything normal. Performance is good. Downgrading shouldn't be an option.

Have you tried changing the styles? Or maybe you had zoom activated?
>> No. 1144 [Edit]
File 130728447535.png - (122.90KB , 1072x596 , 4_01.png )
No zoom, and I've tried changing styles both in TC and FF; no dice. I'm sorry to say that I won't go any further than that with my troubleshooting, there's already so many designer choices I don't agree with in the newest installment, there's little point in upgrading in my case as it stands now. I'm not generalizing my issues, I have no problem accepting that the issues I've experienced very well could be isolated. I'm not usually reluctant to update my software, but Firefox is a special case.

About performance, note that I usually browse with 100+ active tabs. It's not bad per se, but when comparing to 3.6.17, it's just not as good in my case. Should you be a FF4 developer - don't let this lousy case bother you; I'm sure it's highly individual.

I'm curious, is ctrl+e removed from the hotkeys in FF4?

Post edited on 5th Jun 2011, 7:36am
>> No. 1145 [Edit]
File 130728467165.png - (108.67KB , 940x587 , 3_6.png )
Finally here's a screen on 3.6.
>> No. 1146 [Edit]
it appears this is a known bug for firefox 4 as other people are having the same issues. I could try messing with the stylesheet to get something that displays correctly on ff4 but it's fine on my PC so it's difficult to test.

Post edited on 5th Jun 2011, 8:09am
>> No. 1147 [Edit]
File 130728718432.jpg - (110.47KB , 1049x382 , 401.jpg )
From what I gather it's a problem with DirectWrite and the use of hardware acceleration in Firefox 4. DW will produce fonts that are too big.

Try disabling hardware acceleration. Happens in sites that use
set to a specific value.
>> No. 1148 [Edit]
the font-weight in the stylesheet was set to 800 which was a step above the default value for bold which is 700. I've changed the weight down to 'bold'. Will this fix the problem? Can you give me a link to somewhere where I can read about it?
>> No. 1149 [Edit]

It's just a FF4/DW specific bug. I think this is fixed in later versions/Nightly builds.
>> No. 1154 [Edit]
Oh firefox 4, yeah I remember noticing soon after installing that, that it made a lot of things bold.
It bugged me among other things so I downgraded to a later version.
>> No. 1155 [Edit]
Oh hey, it looks normal now.
>> No. 1156 [Edit]
Yeah it looks like Yotsubav2 is fixed.
>> No. 1157 [Edit]
File 130729278485.png - (109.38KB , 1360x115 , FFheader.png )
Oh by the way, if you're really a FireFox developer, is there any way to get rid of this line? it goes straight through Hanako and it's really getting on my nerves. It wasn't there with FireFox 3, and I really don't see a need to add it.
>> No. 1158 [Edit]
Have you tried messing with customization, as in right-clicking on that area and then "Customize". You could change pretty much anything in v3 at least.
>> No. 1159 [Edit]
File 130729615279.png - (65.39KB , 981x118 , top.png )
The bar isn't there for me when I'm not maximized.
>> No. 1160 [Edit]
I never noticed that, mainly because I always keep it maximized.

Tried for hours right after I upgraded to no avail.

Guess I could just keep it unmaximized and stretch it so the borders are off the screen until they fix it.
>> No. 1161 [Edit]
Right click somewhere on one of those bars, disable them all till it disappears.
>> No. 1162 [Edit]
It goes away when I turn off the bookmarks toolbar, but then I loose part of the image (it goes right up to her chin) and I loose my Instant CSI and Goggles.
>> No. 1266 [Edit]
Even though I was reluctant to do it, I said fuck it and downloaded FF 5.0 and sure enough the line disappeared. So if you're still having problems, try that.
>> No. 1284 [Edit]
Already did. It sorta forced me to when I downloaded an addon, and I was pleasantly surprised. Thanks for the tip anyway.
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