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  • Supported file types are: ASS, BMP, CSS, FLAC, GIF, JPEG, JPG, MP3, OGG, PDF, PNG, PSD, RAR, SWF, TORRENT, TXT, WEBM, ZIP
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File ;_;.txt - (3B )
1124 No. 1124 [Edit]
>Supported file types are: CSS, GIF, JPEG, JPG, MP3, PNG, PSD, TXT
Wow, I was just about to report that any audio codec but mp3 wouldn't work properly, i.e. with embedded music player, and now I see the list is updated accordingly.

On a related note...
>Maximum file size allowed is 22222 KB.
So I guess I'll dedicate this thread to file upload testing. First up is attaching an mp3 file sized >7MB..

2 tries and no dice. I was unable to upload a 10MB big MP3 file. Have a .txt instead-
>> No. 1125 [Edit]
File types other them .mp3 might not work with the embedded player, but can still be played by opening them in a new tab, also, people might be interested in uploading/downloading file types such as .ogg regardless of a preview.

7mb is all boards, and not by choice but because that is the highest file size our host allows for single uploads.
>> No. 1127 [Edit]
I had a problem once that I tried to upload a high-res image that was less than 7MB, and the site said it was too big. I reduced the file size a bit, but it was still too big, and I kept repeating the process until the site finally accepted a ~4MB file. This has happened more than once, but that's the only specific instance I remember.
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