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File 130583774256.png - (827.99KB , 704x400 , shot0008.png )
1004 No. 1004 [Edit]
I like this website.
Thank you for making it.
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>> No. 1005 [Edit]
File 130583798074.png - (59.19KB , 121x609 , i09jh[9huiop;hbu;i.png )
I feel the same.
>> No. 1006 [Edit]
File 130583815844.gif - (113.33KB , 310x233 , wonderful.gif )
>> No. 1007 [Edit]
File 130583820316.jpg - (52.74KB , 380x360 , 1282628169327.jpg )
>> No. 1008 [Edit]
File 130584054716.png - (376.91KB , 721x598 , 1302612910966.png )
Yeah, thank you Tohno.
>> No. 1561 [Edit]
I was just thinking about this. It is very cool that there is a place like this for like-minded people to come together and talk about the things they enjoy, share their experiences, etc.

I like this website.
Thank you for making it.
>> No. 1852 [Edit]
It can be easy to forget very important lessons. Like lessons in quality.

Thanks for making this site. I'm kind of sheltered and this place is pretty much the only place I enjoy.
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