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File 130101813950.jpg - (77.63KB , 848x480 , horriblesubs-panty-and-stocking-with-garterbelt-01.jpg )
741 No. 741 [Edit]
If you could direct S2 what would be like?
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>> No. 742 [Edit]
Less bad
>> No. 743 [Edit]
I wanted a more serious, extended plot in the first.
>> No. 744 [Edit]
I'd ditch all the characters from season 1, making for a whole new cast to keep it fresh, it get boring to have the same characters the whole time, we could replace them with a loli and a robot, and on that note, might as well change the setting, place it somewhere completely different, like in space, maybe a distant galaxy, far far away.
It would also have to have a all new story, doing away with the whole angels and demons thing, that's sooooo 2000 years ago, it would be the same universe, but in place of the war between heaven and hell, it would be the million year war between lolis and robot bunnys
oh and it would be prettier, more eye pleasing and touched up art style, less jagged lines with crude designs.
also, to call it P&SwG 2, or season two or the like would be soo cliche of second seasons, so we'd give it a new name, like "super happy dream robot loli wars 3021"

That is my vision of what the next season of panty and stocking with garterbelt should be like.
>> No. 745 [Edit]

I think it was fine.
>> No. 746 [Edit]
I don't have an entire story summary ,but Briefs would get his own holy weapon,maybe suspenders. Scanty and Kneesocks would tag along to help Briefs since their Dad is dead. At some point panty would be put back together again.the suspenders would have two powers ,the ability change demons into angels and vice versa; two the ability to make and angels and demons serve you. I want at least a dream harem fantasy episode.
>> No. 747 [Edit]
Why would a guy called Briefs have suspenders?
>> No. 748 [Edit]

Why would a guy called Garterbelt fight with a shotgun?
>> No. 749 [Edit]
That's a completely different issue and you should know that.
>> No. 750 [Edit]
Because shotguns suit his personality, of course. By the way I would make Panty's dad wield a Bren Mk.II.
>> No. 2615 [Edit]
File 14551303859.jpg - (222.64KB , 571x1344 , 143599185696.jpg )
it would be like pulp fiction mixed with kill bill. in Anime.
More Blood
More sex
More Black Humor
More Weapons
But I think this wouldn't be possible in a country like Japan.
>> No. 2616 [Edit]
Well mainly:

1.- Get rid from the ugly cartoon-like style

2.- Make Stocking the good one obviously

3.- have actual arcs/sagas
>> No. 2617 [Edit]
>> No. 2618 [Edit]
There's nothing wrong with the art style. It's just not generic moeblob stand-around-and-blink-and-say-uwahh-until-something-important-happens 3 frames per second shit.
>> No. 2621 [Edit]
What's the big deal here? All I'm saying is it's just a unique art style. There's nothing inherently wrong with it.
>> No. 2622 [Edit]

Not the guy you're responding to but while there's nothing wrong with having a unique artstyle PSG's is pretty damn awful.
>> No. 2623 [Edit]
Intentional or not if lazy ugly rudimentary art isn't inherently wrong then what is?

"generic moeblob" actually takes some skill to draw, people practice art for years to get it down properly. It's not like western cartoon garbage any five year old can draw. Big heads/eye jokes aside you need a good understanding of human anatomy, how light and shadows effect objects, how different types of cloth work and react to different objects, and an understanding of perspectives reflections and all other kinds of variables which are largely ignored in P&SwG. P&SwG's 'artstyle' disregards these principles which is what makes it wrong.

That is also why "generic moeblob" has that lower fps you criticize it for, because it takes much more time and effort to draw something that detailed repeatedly. Anyone can give a few blocks and some triangles smooth animation, that's nothing to be proud of.
>> No. 2624 [Edit]
>"generic moeblob" actually takes some skill to draw, people practice art for years to get it down properly.
>It's not like western cartoon garbage any five year old can draw.
>Big heads/eye jokes aside you need a good understanding of human anatomy, how light and shadows effect objects, how different types of cloth work and react to different objects, and an understanding of perspectives reflections and all other kinds of variables which are largely ignored in P&SwG.
Western cartoons take more practice & skill to draw because they tend to be more stylized & more "animated", so you need to have a better understanding of how things work to draw something so completely unrealistic and still have it move and flow naturally.

>P&SwG's 'artstyle' disregards these principles
That's the entire point of stylized art.

>which is what makes it wrong.
What about Paul Cezanne, or Pablo Picasso, or Jean Metzinger? Does their disregard for rules make their art "wrong"?

>That is also why "generic moeblob" has that lower fps you criticize it for, because it takes much more time and effort to draw something that detailed repeatedly.
No it doesn't. It has a low FPS because most animation studios want to save their budget for an important scene, like I said.
>> No. 2626 [Edit]
>What about Paul Cezanne, or Pablo Picasso, or Jean Metzinger? Does their disregard for rules make their art "wrong"?
Yes, they're overrated hack frauds.
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