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File 12996241891.jpg - (70.82KB , 600x450 , 95727618.jpg )
552 No. 552 [Edit]
Replies: >>3027
Anyone else get depressed when thinking about how manga and the like are made. All I can ever do is think of things I like to do in / to existing works. It makes me feel like a virus or something.I was rereading Negima and realized I'll never think of anything as cool as having an entire world spatially bound to Mars.;_;
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>> No. 553 [Edit]
Replies: >>581 >>3004
everything new is built on something that came before it
as you gain more experience being creative you'll be able to go further above the norm and your works will be more original and less derivative
>> No. 581 [Edit]
File 129977139592.jpg - (133.90KB , 400x561 , Franken Fran.jpg )
This man speaks the truth. Don't worry too much about what you're telling, what matters is how you do it.
>> No. 3003 [Edit]
File 157126432059.gif - (1.36MB , 1280x720 , browsing.gif )
A little bit. I come up with stories sometimes and plenty of characters. I want to make some manga someday, I want to tell those stories even if what I make never goes beyond getting published. I just want them to be told. But drawing is exhausting for me and artists are so good at getting out so many good pictures in a short amount of time. I don't think I'll ever be able to get to that point and if I do I'll be the most tired I have ever been by the time I'm done. Still, I try to practice drawing.
>> No. 3004 [Edit]
This. There no reason to worry.
Read more interesting stuff and eventually you will came up with something nice. Take it easy, anon!
>> No. 3027 [Edit]
File 157165329128.jpg - (67.72KB , 485x600 , 47706_115947881792052_2728188_n.jpg )
>I was re-reading Negima
I like you just from this alone. I love Negima. I started using the name Negi Springfield 10 years ago. It's one of the most enduring names I've used online. So, it goes without saying that Negima has a special place in my heart.

>not using a Negima pic for your OP
I'm a bit disappointed.
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