No. 2913
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Alrighty, let's give this a shot. Praise Hotei!
Seems like coin is the obvious choice, since a door and a garage still require comparatively a lot of space to be place at, while you can take the coin -anywhere- and never lose it, and if you want to be a bit of a SoB, you can use it to steal and plunder: Leave the coin somewhere you know there's going to be cash left around, hide in the coin, exit after closing time. Regarding the properties, the real question is: Do I get tired while not ageing if the time is set to "not pass"? Otherwise it'd be ideal. I'd catch up with my anime and videogame backlogs at last.
While the space / asteroid options seems extremely enticing, there's no mention of the landscape or view; Is it just full blackness or is the place actually located in a specific stellar coordinate where I can see a particular range of space?. Regardless, the mountain option is ideal because I love the cold, so being able to enter it in summer, even with real time passing, would be great.
>Outdoor Add-on.
Events, predictable weather and wildlife are must-haves, imho. The brook and the hot spring look nice as enhancements and would take both or either depending of how Set Time works; Does it work regarding time passing? Does it pass slower if time is slowed as well? If time is stopped, is the time the same you entered at? Not enough info to know if it's worth to take it or not.
The dining room, bar and guest room are beyond pointless. The indoor pool would be nice and relaxing, but it can be sacrificed for better stuff. The library, while comfy, provides nothing I couldn't get on my own; if I want to read without time passing, I can just bring a kindle or whatever into the coin and sit in the living room.
- Living Room:
It was a bit of a tough call, but I think this one is good to have because watching movies and TV series for me is the kind of thing you can / should do without any other distractions, so ideal for pausing time and catching up with everything you wanted to watch. Options: Supernatural furniture; Ultra-TV; streaming service.
- Kitchen:
With this I can just rent a crappy but hyper-cheap studio apartment and just spent most of my time in the coin. Options: Replicator; Wood Oven, Industrial appliances.
- Bedroom:
Obviously necessary for ultimate naps. I recommend setting time to pass as normal so your cyrcadian rythm isn't compromised. Options: Temperture control; ultra-comfort mattress; the rest are useless (sound-proof from what?).
- Bathrooms:
Obligatory. Options: Jacuzzi; Neutralizer; Deluxe.
- Game Room:
Hard to choose between this and the computer room, but if I'm going to use the coin dimension to stop time besides when I'm sleeping, then it means internet use won't work, so I'd think the game room works in the same principle as the living room: to catch up with all the games you ever wanted to play. Options: All Consoles; All titles; Comfy chairs.
- Home Gym:
Definitely a must have. Just stop time in the room, workout until tired, take a shower, eat a bit, take a nap. Rinse and repeat but not too often or your physical gain will be suspicious. Options: Full set of workout machines; Burn fat and build muscle at 2x Speed; Android personal trainer.
With this wonder of creation, all that I would have in my actual room / apartment would be a small bed / couch and a microwave for appearances, a wardrobe for clothes, and then the rest of the space for the computer, a couch, and storage for documents, figs, etc. Praise Hotei.