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File 149277068897.png - (103.05KB , 750x750 , a2472602b69b3287bda74bcd8d7e3f9c.png )
2782 No. 2782 [Edit]
After a long time of being a lazy bum I finally finished the first Tohno-house comic. You can make some as well if you like and post them here.

This features Kilo (the inumimi) and Tohno.

Lotsa flaws, I know. I'm not a good artist.
>> No. 2783 [Edit]
I want to nitpick about the decision to make the panels into weird squares like that, but I suppose that it's up to the author. The art is good, however.

I don't have any talent in drawing whatsoever, so I cannot participate because I'm a useless failure incapable of keeping up.
>> No. 2784 [Edit]
That is a very tohno-chan like post of you.
>> No. 2968 [Edit]
I think 4komas would be good practice for drawing. Once I get a bit better I might try to make some.
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