Submit anything and everything related to your original characters here whether it be ideas, advice, rough sketches, final drawings, facial expression charts, or feedback. Perhaps some users could give advice or ideas to others who need help completing their character but only if it's welcome.
>>2728 Don't tell me what to do.
>>2734 Like you're one to talk.
Here is a character I made for one of the users here. Critique welcome.
>>2787 It's pretty good, the girl is definitely cute. The only thing I can complain about is the thing that's supposed to be a shoe on the right leg.
>>2787 thats cute
>>2787 very cute character. the proportions seem good, but there is that shoe the other person mentioned. as well the eyes may be a little big. you're really good at drawing those stars/sparkles circling Lesh-tan. the mushroom, snail shell, book, and tongue are well done as well. the coloring on the crab claw seems a bit hastily done or incomplete. i really like the hat, and the necklace. please upload more of your works
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