the sign clearly read. It was hard to believe though, that I'd be living in hell for the rest of my life that is. Some called it Hiki Paradise, but to those of us who know better there isn't much difference. "Enjoy your stay, you weeaboo shit" someone literally spat in my face as I clumsily made my way past the gate where the longtime NEET began to amass. "What the hell," I naively mused. I thought we were all otaku outcasts. I didn't know that many there survived on hate, misery, and self-loathing expressed through belittlement. "You alright, brohno?" A concerned looking man asked, and it made me feel better to be treated like I was one of them. "Don't worry," he continued "sexual thoughts about pure, innocent Rika are horrible," his yellow-toothed grin had now been shown "but I'm gonna fuck your gaijin ass raw." My optimism began to fade. All this, just from liking anime?Post edited on 3rd Sep 2016, 4:48pm
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