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File 143797820412.jpg - (65.25KB , 517x818 , 113.jpg )
2547 No. 2547 [Edit]
I was wondering if anyone wanted to code a wiki / wiki-like with me. I can get by with Python, LISP, and HTML+CSS. Just recently, I finished an open source CGI blog script: http://4x13.net/wlog/ https://github.com/153/wlog/ and think it'd be fun to code with others.
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>> No. 2549 [Edit]
What would you even put in the wiki?
>> No. 2606 [Edit]
File 145334101265.png - (112.86KB , 1366x768 , wiki.png )
I don't know, but I did make one in two days (from January 1 - January 2nd!)

It's located here: http://4x13.net/wiki/ and it roughly follows the conventions of C2's wiki ( http://c2.com/cgi/wiki ), the original wiki. Plus, it has Markdown formatting.

Have any topics that interest you? Are you a fan of anything that you think could use an info page about? Ever feel the need to post rants? Well, good news! If anyone would ever like to write little articles, it's open format and has no registration.

>> No. 2607 [Edit]
File 145334104197.png - (110.22KB , 1366x768 , wiki2.png )
Tons of pages....
>> No. 2608 [Edit]
File 145334106063.png - (151.68KB , 1366x768 , wiki3.png )
.... recent edits....

Post edited on 20th Jan 2016, 5:53pm
>> No. 2609 [Edit]
File 145334117626.png - (109.78KB , 1366x768 , wiki4.png )
... intuitive markup, easy page formatting, and page previewing..
>> No. 2610 [Edit]
File 145334135488.png - (74.55KB , 1366x768 , wiki5.png )
... and a handy page history mode, which shows who edited what, when, with a little word count for each revision.

Public domain, Python 3, ~400 lines including all HTML and CSS. Give it a shot if you want I guess.
>> No. 2612 [Edit]

This is the repo btw
>> No. 2665 [Edit]
I'd possibly be interested in working on other projects with you if we can find some common ground.
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