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File 139364204472.jpg - (133.87KB , 523x797 , 1rgs8fxy_wizardchan_1379469827291.jpg )
2310 No. 2310 [Edit]
I just created a Vaporwave band, called "Clockmaster Anderson and the Sexy Boiz".


The songs are free; I'm not making any money. Just tell me what you think about it.
>> No. 2312 [Edit]
Somewhat interesting until track 5.
>> No. 2313 [Edit]

It is my first one, so some of the songs are going to suck. That is a fact of life. But I'm looking into better audio programs, and I've learned from most of my mistakes, so I'm going to give it a go again.
>> No. 2333 [Edit]
It could be very interesting if it was just a little more melodic. Going straight for glitch is a bit ambitious for a beginner.

Also what's up with your bandcamp page?
>> No. 2339 [Edit]

Yeah, I definitely did some things wrong. I believe that I should follow another genre more closely, instead of trying to form my own. But at least I get points for originality.

The black guy is the person from "Don't Copy That Floppy". I thought that it would be funny to put him on my page, but I think that I should probably do a redesign.
>> No. 2340 [Edit]
Well, I'll be interested to see you develop.
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