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File 138601428194.jpg - (669.07KB , 3000x2194 , JosephTurner.jpg )
2261 No. 2261 [Edit]
Do any of you have any painters that you like? I want to get into painting, and I just discovered this guy named Joseph Mallord William Turner.


I was wondering if any of you had any others you could recommend.

Any tips on starting off with painting would be helpful as well, if you wouldn't mind.

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>> No. 2262 [Edit]
File 138601565449.jpg - (246.49KB , 2048x1237 , Egon_Schiele_036.jpg )
I like Egon Schiele.
>> No. 2264 [Edit]
File 138602646457.jpg - (214.82KB , 600x872 , Rackham undine14_lost_in_danube.jpg )
Me too, though that hardly looks like a Schiele...

Anyway, My top 5, for years, were: Klimt, Schiele, Rackham, Basquiat, Giger.

Others who had a great influence: Munch, Rogelio Naranjo, Saturnino Herran, Sadamoto.

Illustrators: Haeckel (Kunstformen der Natur), Jean Paul Huens, Stan Galli, Guy Deel, Oscar Liebman, Mercer Mayer, Diane Goode.
>> No. 2265 [Edit]
File 138645365961.jpg - (166.93KB , 1000x658 , Cole_Thomas_The_Voyage_of_Life_Manhood_1840.jpg )
Thomas Cole.
>> No. 2266 [Edit]
File 138802704624.jpg - (251.47KB , 685x644 , 1362071774097.jpg )
Zdzislaw Beksinski. One of the best converting the images he feels into a canvas.
>> No. 2267 [Edit]
File 138804292646.jpg - (106.80KB , 750x523 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
I agree. I really like his photography, too. (Spoiled for 3D vaguely/off-topic)
>> No. 2341 [Edit]
I just found out that Giger died 3 days ago.
>> No. 2362 [Edit]
i really want to someday make a game or film (or at least something very immersive) stylistically identical to the landscapes that Zdzisław Beksiński made. a decaying, horrific place to visit.
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