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File 138038985278.jpg - (11.92KB , 232x313 , 1rcjuxiv_wizardchan_2077765_m.jpg )
2225 No. 2225 [Edit]

I hope you like it. It requires RPGMaker 2003. Tell me what you think of it.
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>> No. 2226 [Edit]
File 138050020217.jpg - (5.94KB , 320x240 , Mutos 1.jpg )
Here, here's some screenshots.
>> No. 2227 [Edit]
File 138050021539.jpg - (18.85KB , 320x240 , Mutos 2.jpg )
>> No. 2228 [Edit]
File 138050023114.jpg - (13.79KB , 320x240 , Mutos 3.jpg )
>> No. 2229 [Edit]
I liked it. I had no idea what was going on most of the time, but that seemed intentional and it had a good, weird atmosphere. Playing it through at 4:30 AM was probably the ideal time.
>> No. 2232 [Edit]

Thank you. I think that the music was key to giving it that atmosphere. It is from Killer7.
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