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File 137169464379.png - (339.75KB , 434x434 , 4trackscover.png )
2166 No. 2166 [Edit]
I used to make music, and lately I've been finding it on old backup DVDs. So, I've been uploading it. Check it out if you'd like.

>> No. 2248 [Edit]
Replies: >>2249
sounds like noise.
If you dont have anything good to post dont post it, I'm experiencing secondhand embarassment.
>> No. 2249 [Edit]
I didnt want to be rude, but this is just really bad...
>> No. 2359 [Edit]
I'm about 7 minutes into Parmenides right now and it's really nice and relaxing. Thank you.
>> No. 2360 [Edit]
Replies: >>2548
I just figured out that Parmenides is part of all file names. I was talking about 4 Tracks. I've started listening to From Atelier now and it's a bit more unnerving. I guess the Glitch aspect is more pronounced.
Also, I've unknowingly replied exactly one year after the thread started. How curious.
>> No. 2543 [Edit]
I guess I can see how the other three could be heard as "just noise", but From Atelier and 4 Tracks are easier to enjoy. From Atelier is my favorite out of these five.
>> No. 2548 [Edit]
Parmenides is this artist's former label.

Why don't you make some music like it? OP is never coming back.
>> No. 2672 [Edit]
Don't care much about individuals, I'm talking about the music

Track 1 of From Atelier is the best one, the ending is intense.

Here's a mirror https://a.desu.sh/ijwtmp.zip
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