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File 13355878236.jpg - (1.12MB , 1000x1433 , gridmaybe.jpg )
1819 No. 1819 [Edit]
Some of us figured we'd give a group grid drawing thing a try, you know, like, everyone draws a block, that sort of thing.

Submit in this thread candidates for a possible image we'd be using.

As the blocks are made, I'll update this page

once a image has been selected and started, To avoid confusion post in the thread stating which grid you'd like to make.

Post edited on 27th Apr 2012, 9:53pm
14 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 1834 [Edit]
File 133565612779.jpg - (17.60KB , 300x300 , 13332353598409.jpg )
It can be anything you want though.
>> No. 1835 [Edit]
That ones pretty good.
>> No. 1836 [Edit]
Really really good.
>> No. 1837 [Edit]
I don't really think something with a solid color background taking up most of the image can be considered really really good. Think about it, at least half the people participating would just be submitting blank blocks with no drawing or anything done to it.
>> No. 1838 [Edit]
File 133570548146.jpg - (168.91KB , 500x500 , Untitled-3.jpg )
Huh? There are what, 2 or 3 squares that are just background + a text balloon.
That's nowhere near half the image.
>> No. 1839 [Edit]
Sorry, my mistake, I thought he was quoting the image below it, the one with the solid white bg.

This one should be good.
>> No. 1840 [Edit]
So I guess we're going with this one then?
should we number the blocks?

Think I'll try the 15th block from the top left.

Post edited on 29th Apr 2012, 3:19pm
>> No. 1841 [Edit]
File 133573963170.jpg - (24.83KB , 100x100 , 15.jpg )
Welp, here's my block.
almost a shame it has to be such a small rez...
>> No. 1842 [Edit]
I would like to claim the laptop/NEET square, if no one else has already started.
>> No. 1844 [Edit]
File 133578524665.png - (171.54KB , 500x500 , pic15B.png )
What do you guys think about the idea of drawing the images a little bigger than just 100 x 100 to make the over all image larger?
>> No. 1845 [Edit]
File 133591981161.png - (10.30KB , 500x500 , grid.png )
I suppose that this would be square 7, right?

Everyone else please contribute too!
>> No. 1846 [Edit]
I'll give 6 a shot.
>> No. 1847 [Edit]
File 133592446258.png - (98.12KB , 500x500 , crap.png )
>> No. 1848 [Edit]
File 133592497743.png - (31.66KB , 500x500 , artyblock.png )
square 21. I cheated a bit, but I have no artistic skill ;_;
>> No. 1861 [Edit]
You'd think the people who posted images earlier would contribute....
>> No. 1865 [Edit]
File 133617772674.jpg - (46.81KB , 500x500 , 133570548146.jpg )
Fine you guilt tripped me into doing it.
>> No. 1867 [Edit]
File 133620465335.jpg - (932.48KB , 2520x2548 , 20 to go.jpg )
It's slow goings, but it's going.
>> No. 1869 [Edit]
I'll start on 18 after I wake up, unless someone else wants it.
>> No. 1874 [Edit]
File 133621916733.jpg - (94.21KB , 500x500 , 3walls.jpg )
Took me forever and looks derp.
>> No. 1876 [Edit]
File 133622685785.jpg - (39.40KB , 500x500 , 5.jpg )
Took me literally 40 minutes.
>> No. 1879 [Edit]
File 133625533925.png - (124.25KB , 500x500 , meinhime.png )
here's my block
>> No. 1881 [Edit]
I'll do the 24th (ltr, ttb).
>> No. 1882 [Edit]
File 133632832046.png - (126.86KB , 500x500 , grid.png )
>> No. 1883 [Edit]
File 133633484014.jpg - (98.08KB , 500x500 , grid.jpg )
>> No. 1885 [Edit]
Haha, what
>> No. 1887 [Edit]
File 133723837282.png - (171.63KB , 500x500 , tc.png )
>> No. 1888 [Edit]
File 133723911945.png - (1.80MB , 2520x2548 , 50.png )
>> No. 1890 [Edit]
Sorry about not having it in yet, having some problems with the site file manager...
>> No. 1894 [Edit]
I like the progress. I never got around to submitting one, far too lazy and lacking confidence in my drawing skills.
>> No. 1895 [Edit]
I'm claiming Erin's face~
>> No. 1896 [Edit]
File 133789737591.png - (135.67KB , 500x500 , eerinsquare.png )
Aaand done.
>> No. 1907 [Edit]
File 133971258226.png - (6.54KB , 99x97 , oops.png )
I'm an idiot and drew it at a tiny, unscaled resolution while the rest are 500x500. Too lazy to do it again though...
>> No. 2057 [Edit]
Bump. I realize this has caused a bit of a drama back in the day and we more or less agreed to let it die and forget about it altogether but it's been a while and I figured maybe some new users who'd be interested in this began to browse /tc/ since then. Won't hurt to try at least. If nobody gives a damn we can simply go back to pretending it never happened in the first place.
>> No. 2511 [Edit]
File 142672951931.jpg - (44.80KB , 500x500 , bottomrighttile.jpg )
>> No. 2512 [Edit]
wow... Didn't think I've ever seen another block get made again.
>> No. 2513 [Edit]
File 142673065694.jpg - (50.82KB , 476x475 , 11 2 go.jpg )
>> No. 2514 [Edit]
Damn, that's my block. I was gonna do it... someday. You busta.
>> No. 2516 [Edit]
File 142673862158.png - (161.41KB , 500x500 , 16th_block.png )
>> No. 2517 [Edit]
File 14267445351.jpg - (51.34KB , 479x479 , 10 2 go.jpg )
>> No. 2518 [Edit]
File 142680899667.png - (60.40KB , 500x500 , 4rdBlock.png )
>> No. 2519 [Edit]
You know, it kinda defeats the point when one person does multiple blocks.
>> No. 2520 [Edit]
It defeats the point? Is there a point to this to begin with?
>> No. 2521 [Edit]

It kinda does but it's basically picking between this and never finishing this project period.
>> No. 2663 [Edit]
yes, it's meant to be a team project.
>> No. 2912 [Edit]
File 152694798797.jpg - (99.20KB , 500x500 , sixth block column1row2.jpg )
This was really fun to do! This needs to get finished! In another six years.

Did this drama take place in IRC?

>> No. 2930 [Edit]
File 153409980137.png - (63.52KB , 500x500 , Reisen.png )
I was procrastinating on drawing a square for years and finally drew my favorite square without checking the thread to find another anon sniped it recently ;_;

I'll draw a different square soon
>> No. 2931 [Edit]
Common bro.
>> No. 2941 [Edit]
They did it two years before your post, how's that recent?
>> No. 2947 [Edit]
You have misread my post date >>2912

Better draw it now before you get sniped again.
>> No. 2948 [Edit]
You are correct, my mistake, sorry.
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