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File 130857360334.png - (17.39KB , 648x176 , son___.png )
1308 No. 1308 [Edit]
ITT parental disappointment

How could your children disappoint you? I found this template yesterday when I looked through my pics and I realized I never ever used it.
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>> No. 1309 [Edit]
File 130857369473.png - (31.87KB , 648x176 , Votoms.png )
Example of what it's supposed to look like. But since it's /cr/ you're free to do whatever you want with it.
>> No. 1310 [Edit]
>your children
Somehow I think you haven't thought this thread through.
>> No. 1311 [Edit]
File 130857911181.png - (26.77KB , 648x176 , my-sad-little-pony.png )
>> No. 1312 [Edit]
File 130858058011.png - (31.18KB , 648x176 , waifu.png )

Notice how that guy in the comic is only imagining the scene. Also, I purposedly used the word 'could'.


Hahaha, this is great. Would work with all the PreCures and other mahou shoujo stuff, too.

By the way, edits are fine, too.
>> No. 1313 [Edit]
File 130858778629.png - (17.01KB , 648x176 , rms.png )
Richard Stallman edition.
>> No. 1314 [Edit]
File 130859777195.png - (19.85KB , 644x171 , dad.png )
I should be able to squeeze out something funnier.
>> No. 1316 [Edit]
File 130860587510.jpg - (63.15KB , 648x176 , PFSC.jpg )
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