No. 34309
This sort of thing was why I dropped Stella Jogakuin like a brick after giving it a shot. Much like Houkago Teibou Nisshi, it looked loaded with cuteness and had a girl who just wanted to join a tea club but was harassed, manipulated, and forced to join a survival games club, practically with a gun to her head. They event went as far as to have the character undergo physical changes to fit into the club, I just couldn't stand to watch that. It's not nearly as bad in Houkago Teibou. The club here is pretty harmless with some elements she likes, and it could actually be considered good for her. Our main character is grossed out by aquatic creatures, but like it or not she's stuck living in a sea side town where she's probably going to encounter a lot of marine life day by day for years to come, might as well make the best of it and tackle that fear head on.