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File 158732106889.jpg - (277.90KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Houkago Teibou Nisshi - 01 [1080p]_.jpg )
34282 No. 34282 [Edit]
A girl that just moved into town gets baited into joining a fishy club which is struggling to stay a float with bare minimum members. This little shrimp doesn't want to join but with time she'll be hooked on it. This anime is reel fun I swear, don't cast it aside!
22 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 34350 [Edit]
>but funi's subs are pretty questionable... (Muse) that has licensed this and provides more "legitimate" subs... they only seem to release hard-subbed, low-quality compressed versions.
Tangentially related, but if anyone's interested an interesting programming project might be to OCR the subs from the Muse version and release a softsub. This might only be about half a day's work in python+opencv+tesseract: I'd imagine you could have a pipeline that crops videos to the sub region, extracts the sub frames (hard part might be determining a key-frame threshold; you could probably use the timings from the HS version to reduce false positives), then OCR them.
>> No. 34389 [Edit]
New chapters if anyone is interested. Now that Japan has lifted the emergency status, hopefully the anime will resume again soon.
>> No. 34390 [Edit]
Major 2nd's second season resumed, so this might not be far behind.
>> No. 34394 [Edit]
File 159107966258.png - (2.77MB , 1900x1520 , 1589455985937.png )
It seems it has been confirmed the series will return at 7th July.
>> No. 34395 [Edit]
File 159109355133.png - (1.07MB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Houkago Teibou Nisshi - 03 [720p]_m.png )
Bummer, that's mildly disappointing but good news nonetheless. Also they will be re-broadcasting from the first episode so we can expect the fourth episode from the 28th.
>> No. 34396 [Edit]
That sucks pretty hard. Shame it wasn't some of the more crappy stuff from this season that got put on hold instead.
I do wonder if the delay wouldn't help give them more time to work on it and produce a better product.
>> No. 34397 [Edit]
Dogakobo is working on two animes this season, Yesterday wo utatte being the other and directed by a more senior staff. I didn't watch that since it doesn't fall within my range of interest but it seems to be doing well plus Houkago Teibou Nisshi being a hobby SoL and directed by a new director probably means priority is given to the former, sadly. I do agree and hope that this would mean they wouldn't have to sacrifice on the quality of the anime though.
>> No. 34476 [Edit]
>> No. 34481 [Edit]
File 159595575879.png - (2.63MB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Houkago Teibou Nisshi - 04 [1080p]_.png )
The girls are back!
>> No. 34482 [Edit]
It's been so long, I missed it so much.
>> No. 34484 [Edit]
File 159604677156.jpg - (108.86KB , 650x800 , 6ce594e45d4a41bb577ffe5f01aaed9c[1].jpg )

I thought Hinata's design was rather bland at first but she's really grown on me.

Me too, it's definitely great to have them back.
>> No. 34485 [Edit]
File 159604734815.jpg - (323.19KB , 800x600 , Uminoura_Station_landscape_1[1].jpg )
>> No. 34486 [Edit]
File 159605200294.jpg - (125.22KB , 576x1024 , 1592971735128.jpg )
This anime makes me want to eat fish. It looks so delicious. I don't care about the fishing itself but getting your own food from the sea seems so nice.
>> No. 34491 [Edit]
Bait & switch.
>> No. 34496 [Edit]
File 159656700420.png - (2.14MB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Houkago Teibou Nisshi - 05 [1080p]_.png )
>> No. 34498 [Edit]
File 159701595981.jpg - (314.33KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Houkago Teibou Nisshi - 04 [1080p]_.jpg )
I love how the first new ep after such a long hiatus starts with characters dragging their feet and being late.
>> No. 34499 [Edit]
File 159707717381.jpg - (155.75KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Houkago Teibou Nisshi - 04 [1080p]_.jpg )
I'm so glad this is back!
>> No. 34540 [Edit]
So... do they want us to hate the club advisor?
>> No. 34541 [Edit]
I pity her, really. All cakes must be burned at their respective stakes. (She did say she was close to 30, right?)
>> No. 34544 [Edit]
Like they've said, she would be great without the drinking. If not for that she'd probably have herself a much better content life. I think she has no one to blame but herself.
>> No. 34548 [Edit]
There's always a reason why people drink the way she does. She probably didn't have a content life beforehand, and thus she drank to forget about it.
>> No. 34550 [Edit]
thus making it worse.
>> No. 34551 [Edit]
Yeah, but how much worse?
>> No. 34552 [Edit]
Well she seems to have alienated and pushed away what few people might have remained in her life.
>> No. 34553 [Edit]
True, and I'm just being retarded at this point.
>> No. 34558 [Edit]
File 159794254840.png - (2.88MB , 1920x1080 , Spoiler Picture.png )
oh no
>> No. 34559 [Edit]
File 159794885454.jpg - (96.11KB , 607x719 , 1590172086912.jpg )
This series is getting to dark.
>> No. 34571 [Edit]
File 159841372553.jpg - (193.49KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Houkago Teibou Nisshi - 05 [1080p]_.jpg )
Wrong type of club lol
>> No. 34583 [Edit]
File 159883676678.jpg - (74.24KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Houkago Teibou Nisshi - 06 [720p]_m.jpg )
I like her truck.
>> No. 34586 [Edit]
>> No. 34597 [Edit]
The previous episode was very nice. I love rain.
>> No. 34601 [Edit]
File 159955143329.jpg - (140.01KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Houkago Teibou Nisshi - 09 [720p]_m.jpg )
>> No. 34602 [Edit]
File 159955164529.jpg - (121.12KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Houkago Teibou Nisshi - 09 [720p]_m.jpg )
Quite the handsome fella, ain't he?
>> No. 34608 [Edit]
I really liked the episode with him. Really brings out a new side in Hina.
>> No. 34609 [Edit]
File 15997057845.png - (1.42MB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Houkago Teibou Nisshi - 10 [1080p]_.png )
>> No. 34610 [Edit]
File 159970585829.png - (3.72MB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Houkago Teibou Nisshi - 10 [1080p]_.png )
>> No. 34611 [Edit]
File 159971631315.jpg - (113.13KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Houkago Teibou Nisshi - 10 [720p]_m.jpg )
Hina's got a lot of sides. Some more pernicious than others.
>> No. 34630 [Edit]
File 160024065887.png - (1.79MB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Houkago Teibou Nisshi - 11 [1080p]_.png )
>> No. 34631 [Edit]
File 16003145218.jpg - (84.41KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Houkago Teibou Nisshi - 07 [720p]_m.jpg )
I never noticed how cute she is. Glasses are a magical thing...
>> No. 34633 [Edit]
Funnily enough, if a character usually wears glasses, she looks better with them off. However, if a character is not bespectacled in most of her appearances, then equipping glasses increases her charm. (Perhaps it's just me.)
>> No. 34634 [Edit]
I've noticed that. I think it's by design?
>> No. 34635 [Edit]
File 160049724974.jpg - (155.80KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Houkago Teibou Nisshi - 08 [720p]_m.jpg )
Sometimes it feels almost morbid how they kill and eat what they capture. Almost...
>> No. 34643 [Edit]
File 160078611997.png - (2.44MB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Houkago Teibou Nisshi - 12 [1080p]_.png )
They sure packed the yuri in this final episode, too little too late however.
>> No. 34644 [Edit]
File 160078621052.png - (4.41MB , 1920x1080 , Spoiler Picture.png )
I'll miss them a lot, hope it won't be too long until we see them again.
>> No. 34645 [Edit]
File 160078631067.png - (1.98MB , 1920x1080 , Spoiler Picture.png )
Nice punchline to tie back to the first episode. Probably one of the better last episode to an anime I've seen.
>> No. 34646 [Edit]
File 160078637532.png - (2.89MB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Houkago Teibou Nisshi - 12 [1080p]_.png )
>> No. 34647 [Edit]
File 160078659689.png - (2.69MB , 1920x1080 , Spoiler Picture.png )
Here's hoping there will be a sequel in the future.
>> No. 34651 [Edit]
File 160080008118.jpg - (354.29KB , 1200x1131 , korosu.jpg )
I'm going to miss this series, there's anything that could fill the void next season?
>> No. 34652 [Edit]
Doga Kobo's doing Maou-jou de Oyasumi next season, and there's Gochiusa too.
>> No. 34656 [Edit]
There will be a couple of cgdct SoLs as the other post mentioned but if you are looking for something iyashikei then unfortunately you might have to wait until winter, at least there will be Non Non.
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