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File 140245996252.jpg - (203.94KB , 1243x689 , number one.jpg )
22 No. 22 [Edit]
I still so not believe Tohno allowed this...
But let's give it a try.

For now let's just start like this and see what happens. If the legitimate AKB General OP ever gets here, please keep doing you great work.

All Japanese 48/46 and related sub-groups are welcome.

If you're new to AKB, please read the FAQ.

Quick links to AKB tv shows:


Post edited on 11th Jun 2014, 3:00pm
Expand all images
>> No. 27 [Edit]
>I still so not believe Tohno allowed this...
I'm still not crazy about 3d but the site could really use some fresh blood.
>> No. 28 [Edit]
Thought as much.

It's ok, really; as long as this board is moderated and newcomers abide to the rules at the rest of /tc/, it could be really good for both sides. If the right time ever comes, we could even discuss in here about how this entire thing can be similar to 2D love and good against feminism.

Post edited on 11th Jun 2014, 2:31am
>> No. 29 [Edit]
I keep forgetting about Aidol subs. Thanks for reminding me.

They uploaded a subbed version of the ouendan speech yesterday: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1yyjbu_aidol-akb48-37th-single-senbatsu-elections-ouendan-segment-english-sub_people
>> No. 31 [Edit]

Found this on my feed.
>> No. 35 [Edit]
My bet is they're going to perform a huge show at the Tokyo Olympics opening and conquer the world by storm from then on. It might not be what our world deserves, but it is what it needs.
>> No. 37 [Edit]
I think either the group won't exist by then, will be very different or the west still won't be ready for them as they're now (most likely, they'll go against it private Mii-chan style and worst all over again). Unless BioArt gets trendy by then, a state of the art Vocaloid live performance would have better chances of being accepted than this army of underage living dolls.
>> No. 39 [Edit]
men thats must be legendary, really hope that the group still alive then, even if not participate in the olympics i really hope that the group still exists because there future for that, komiyama, sakura, nako-miku, meru, hillary even jurina, thats is my bet for senbatsu 2019
>> No. 40 [Edit]
File 14024836868.jpg - (205.53KB , 1269x715 , captain.jpg )
I guess we're not getting the second ep of Hokamina, right?
>> No. 41 [Edit]
I seriously doubt it
Nana (Okada and Owada), Miki, Mako, Ryoha, maybe Fuuko is a safer bet. Even Yukarun has a bigger chance than those two in entering senbatsu.

Post edited on 11th Jun 2014, 4:14am
>> No. 42 [Edit]
>than this army of underage living dolls
I disagree.

The only group that best be attributed the word 'doll' is a certain Korean group -- this other group is almost near-identical and with genetic perfection it's genuinely frightening.

Yes, the world isn't ready for it because tbh the world only gets to hear mostly American music.
>> No. 44 [Edit]
File 14024919876.jpg - (54.16KB , 848x480 , 14061.jpg )
Having Chori and Maachun on akbingo was fun
>> No. 45 [Edit]
http://www.nikkansports.com/entertainment/akb48/news/f-et-tp0-20140611-1315634.html Apparently management are looking for alternatives to HS events.
>> No. 49 [Edit]
Am I the only one who thinks Nogizaka's new single to be a bit lackluster compared to the previous 2? Did Aki-P do it on purpose 'cause he knows it'd sell anyways thanks to Rena? Is Nogizaka allowed here?
>> No. 50 [Edit]
I wonder if they'll even become that popular. Their popularity seems to just come from their age, what happens when they get older?

Haruppi and Mio are much more likely in addition to Sakura and Meru who you already mentioned.
>> No. 52 [Edit]
I think NakoMiku will be pretty once they grow up. Or at the very least, only Miku.
>> No. 53 [Edit]
I've already loved this speech without even knowing what they were saying. But now that I've seen it translated, my god, this has to be the most motivational speech I've ever seen. I had goosebumps the entire time.
>> No. 54 [Edit]
I don't see a reason why they aren't allowed here. But I really like NFE, KizuKata>NFE>Barette for me.
>> No. 61 [Edit]
>subbed ouendan speech
Not sure why so many people were curious about this.
Surprised they even bothered trying to sub it. Also, holy shit, no capcha.
>> No. 62 [Edit]
What an adorable rascal Tano is.
>> No. 81 [Edit]
Management is playing it safe this single. They probably rushed it because of Rena's conflicting schedule and the 3rd stage looming by. They also brought back Eto, Inoue, Saito and Hoshino, who fit the "idol-like" image to help carry this single.

Management could also be saving resources for their 10th single and upcoming album.

A Nogizaka General would be nice.
>> No. 82 [Edit]
Another channel
>> No. 85 [Edit]
You're not the only one.
>> No. 93 [Edit]
File 140251776878.jpg - (58.68KB , 345x460 , f558cfd5.jpg )
I also find the song underwhelming compared to the two, and I can't help but think of the much more addictive Girls' Rule during the chorus. Hoping that the B-sides would be better.
>> No. 103 [Edit]
PV wise, yea it's a bit lackluster, it looks nice though and so do the girls.

The song, I like it, it's fun to listen to, I prefer it over barette.
>> No. 105 [Edit]
>Nogizaka allowed here?
Sure, sorry. Just added that to the precarious OP.
>> No. 109 [Edit]
File 140252674854.jpg - (176.19KB , 1254x693 , tehehehehe.jpg )
Damn, Mariri: get serious!
AKBs can't be a Yamato Nadeshiko for long.
>> No. 111 [Edit]
>I’m really annoyed with the inappropriate zombie scene that she was in. I was about to throw up watching how much the violence shown in this drama. I’m disappointed, I will not ever watch it anymore.
Sailor Zombie is MG3 in zombie clothing? I had a good laugh today.
>> No. 115 [Edit]
Which episode is that person referring to?
>> No. 116 [Edit]
File 14025343006.jpg - (335.22KB , 1280x1707 , zombiemiki_1280.jpg )
The one with zombified Miki.
>> No. 117 [Edit]
File 140253463112.jpg - (252.21KB , 1266x692 , POTATO.jpg )
She broke beautifully.
>> No. 124 [Edit]
Speaking of Majisuka, when do you think we're getting MG4, if it all?
If we do get MG4, would everyone prefer a continuation of MG3?
>> No. 143 [Edit]
MG3 ended in a cliffhanger so Im sure there's a sequel despite the bad acting.
>> No. 162 [Edit]

>tfw she's old enough to be Hilary's mom

Nice of Hilary to console her though. Still, I can't help but think Mariri is out of place.
>> No. 177 [Edit]
>Mariri is out of place.
Even disregarding her age, she really is awkward; but I guess that's what makes this the more interesting.

What really gets me is realizing that I'm closer to Mariri's age than to the average member's. Dang.
>> No. 181 [Edit]
I find her very funny honestly. I'm enjoying her stay at AKBINGO.
>> No. 189 [Edit]
File 140258908582.jpg - (178.78KB , 1272x692 , AKBINGO is a scary shit.jpg )
>I'm enjoying her stay at AKBINGO
She cannot say the same right now, but someday it'll be a valuable memory.
>> No. 191 [Edit]
Heh... If I remember correctly, before Mariri there was this one-half of Pink Lady who did a CM with the girls.
>> No. 193 [Edit]
Why is Sayanee such a disgusting Coreaboo?

>> No. 194 [Edit]
there's some nice manhwa .
>> No. 199 [Edit]
I just watched Ren'ai Sousenkyo for the first time, and boy do I regret not starting to watch it sooner now. It's super cute.

This is the episode I watched, starring Rie and Mako: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1z6l4d_140612-%E6%81%8B%E6%84%9B%E7%B7%8F%E9%81%B8%E6%8C%99_creation

That's also a pretty nice dailymotion channel to subscribe to. It's not all AKB related, but they do upload quite a lot of AKB and pretty quick too.
>> No. 201 [Edit]
I know it's Korea, and I'm not a big fan of Korea either, but I can totally relate, and I think it's commendable. I started studying Japanese too while working full-time, and I bet my schedule wasn't as packed as hers.

If you like something enough to spend your little free time studying for it, then that's a really great thing in my opinion, even if it's Korean.
>> No. 205 [Edit]
>> No. 206 [Edit]
>6位 SKE48終身名誉研究生・松村香織
>14位 Rev.from DVL・橋本環奈

Ahah, niggers!
>> No. 207 [Edit]
renai sousenkyo taught me that I could land Yui on an english teacher's wages

there is hope
>> No. 208 [Edit]

Hilary has a boy in her room. I ain't even mad.
>> No. 211 [Edit]
It's pretty shocking to see the level of degeneracy the /jp/ thread has descended into since most of the better posters left. I really wish they'd let it die so as not to further dirty AKB's image on that board.
>> No. 212 [Edit]
File 140261744137.jpg - (243.12KB , 960x1280 , 199.jpg )
I screamed like a little girl in that episode where Juri is confessing to a boy.

Juri is a cutie.
>> No. 213 [Edit]
File 140261781274.jpg - (110.71KB , 1280x720 , 1801ff06.jpg )
>> No. 215 [Edit]
File 140262032276.jpg - (188.59KB , 1280x720 , squirrelinbrazil.jpg )
We'll call the thread there not AKB but Manface General.

Anyway, Yuko just showed up on today's coverage of the World Cup opener.
>> No. 218 [Edit]
Can't be helped. The jannys there prefer shitposters and now they got it. They didn't give a shit about the quality of the discussion and neither should we. I'm nostalgic about what /jp/ used to be but nostalgia can only take you so far in the face of harsh reality.

I wonder if that guy ever got a reply for his feedback. Knowing how retarded they are, probably not.

Dear god. She's in brown town now. PRAY FOR YUKO!
>> No. 219 [Edit]
She'll be only there for a couple of days then jet back home because asides from the obvious vacation she still has hell a lot of work to do post-grad, such as TV dramas and hosting.
>> No. 221 [Edit]
It's winter there now, but so close to equator I don't know that counts. Hope her blood doesn't boil, in every way.
>> No. 222 [Edit]
Doesn't the 48 group have a member that is a halfie Brazilian?
>> No. 228 [Edit]
File 140262598684.png - (248.61KB , 480x272 , Yogi_Keira_3_SR5.png )
>> No. 239 [Edit]
She moved out immediately. Things weren't looking good on the ground, what with riot police somewhere beating up protesters.

Heh, now look at the thread back there. It's practically his now, so he'll spam it up until moot decides it's clogging his servers with that cholesterol.
>> No. 250 [Edit]
File 140264027967.jpg - (141.17KB , 846x932 , lel.jpg )
People change, I guess.
>> No. 255 [Edit]
I'm so glad people are noticing her now after so many years. I've liked her since the 1830m concert.
>> No. 259 [Edit]
>> No. 343 [Edit]
Is the Sailor Zombie drama going to be like the video game? Will they find another antidote that actually works? This drama turned dark fast. It went from dancing zombies to this.
>> No. 345 [Edit]
File 140273172590.jpg - (206.95KB , 1920x1080 , MayuWall01.jpg )
>> No. 347 [Edit]
I tried watching the first episode and it didnt interest me. Does it get better?
>> No. 357 [Edit]
File 140273827864.jpg - (69.62KB , 1024x640 , natsu.jpg )
Natsu looking cute as fuck
>> No. 358 [Edit]
File 140273871215.jpg - (519.47KB , 1800x1200 , tumblr_m92xrjxzvv1qmwzy6o5_1280.jpg )
Nice hover text there.
>> No. 365 [Edit]
File 140274220639.jpg - (34.88KB , 320x453 , 10390988_501072756660094_8618186640431091455_n.jpg )
I would really love to grovel on her feet now.
>> No. 368 [Edit]
File 140274459088.jpg - (58.69KB , 489x575 , 19 - 11.jpg )

Can anyone tell me what performance that is? Shit she's hot in there.
>> No. 369 [Edit]
I like how it sounds even though it's similar to their other songs.

Warukii obviously. But if you're asking which concert, I'm just as clueless.
>> No. 370 [Edit]
>> No. 373 [Edit]
File 140274745635.jpg - (38.49KB , 454x606 , 14 -61.jpg )
Thank you.
Apparently it was performed at least two times on their 7 Prefecture tour. Hoping they release the DVD/BDs release details soon.

Post edited on 14th Jun 2014, 5:13am
>> No. 374 [Edit]
I was expecting more untz from a song about Ibiza
>> No. 384 [Edit]
The second ep of Hokamina finally
>> No. 385 [Edit]
Nevermind. Its from NOTTV.

Post edited on 14th Jun 2014, 8:31am
>> No. 389 [Edit]
File 140276734151.jpg - (348.87KB , 1753x1151 , team-e.jpg )
I thought this was a Team K2 thing, but apparently it's a whatever team Akari's on thing.
>> No. 391 [Edit]
File 140277377275.jpg - (241.77KB , 1440x810 , b80b0184.jpg )
Yuko sure is brave.
>> No. 392 [Edit]
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>> No. 394 [Edit]
File 140277671895.jpg - (44.21KB , 480x360 , 0.jpg )
HKT48 no Odekake Ep.26 Subbed
>> No. 395 [Edit]
Here's a stream for the Mechaike episode that has


Yuuko's part starts at the beginning of the second half.

Post edited on 14th Jun 2014, 3:00pm
>> No. 396 [Edit]
File 140278373090.jpg - (206.65KB , 1280x960 , MukaichiMion.jpg )
Thanks. I love that show.
>> No. 398 [Edit]
Every time they show the crowd I die a little inside
>> No. 400 [Edit]
It's no MG, but the show is starting to get better right now.
>> No. 403 [Edit]
File 140280496923.jpg - (284.07KB , 1220x682 , 1st date in 8 years.jpg )
Another Yuko's special (date with Takamina) subbed now:


Smashing Pumpkins BGM was a nice surprise.
>> No. 405 [Edit]

Man, that montage of pics from Yuko and Takamina's from the beginning; so many change.

Also saw Yuko's final theater performance. No more Heavy Rotation ;_;
>> No. 418 [Edit]
That episode is so sweet, with Takamina's teary letter to Yuko. Also, Takamina brought Yuko to a restaurant that she said is hers. Is that true or is it just a joke?
>> No. 425 [Edit]
I'd like to know, too. Also, those Oedo onsen reminded me of that indoors festival place at Genshiken Nidaime (Vol 13 Ch 092)... could it be?
>> No. 428 [Edit]
I wish the subtitle fags would leave.
>> No. 433 [Edit]
Go to japanese forums, then. After all, these are english spoken threads aimed mostly to foreign fans. On the other hand, I wish the "fag" and such 4chan based slang would stop here, but oh well.
>> No. 437 [Edit]
File 140282509871.jpg - (216.11KB , 960x1280 , 07 - 1.jpg )
Not sure if getting cuter or my standards are getting lower...
>> No. 440 [Edit]
I think she's just REALLY good at taking pictures of herself. And that her teeth aren't showing.
>> No. 441 [Edit]
I noticed that my standards have dropped considerably since I started following akb
>> No. 442 [Edit]
File 140282947276.png - (311.76KB , 560x340 , Oku Manami 2006 & 2011.png )
>Not sure if getting cuter or my standards are getting lower...
She's getting better at making herself look pretty.
Pic related is Oku Manami in 2006 and 2011.
>> No. 446 [Edit]
Does anyone know if she has any public communication? Like a G+, Twitter account etc.
>> No. 448 [Edit]
Nope. She's completely off the grid, and would only show up in rare circumstances such as Yuko's graduation.
>> No. 449 [Edit]
oricon singles ranking 12/23-06/09
>> No. 459 [Edit]
jesus, the oricon charts have become irrelevant now that nobody but idol fans bother to buy cds
>> No. 464 [Edit]
You know what the sad part is, that this somehow is going to enable people to pass off legitimately unpopular groups as "successful" by hiding behind flimsy sour grape excuses such as "a-at least they did it honestly". Eventually any show of strength on part of their fans (such as CD sales) will be disregarded completely no matter how hard it is to ignore and we'll regress back to a time when the grade of popularity is decided by second party news articles that reek more of wishy washy PR than honest market reporting.

To be sincere, I'm already starting to see this attitute toward other idol groups as well, especially from normies with not much clue of what's actually going on behind. Lemme say that some still believe akushukai was invented by AKB.
>> No. 469 [Edit]
>> No. 473 [Edit]
no its not. you just have to learn to look past the top of the list.
>> No. 487 [Edit]
*on part of idol fans
>> No. 489 [Edit]
File 140286828592.jpg - (24.22KB , 720x405 , SKE48_Team-E_fall_webm_snapshot_00_01_[2014_06_15_.jpg )

The WebM has sound. Just saying since everyone is probably used to silent WebMs.
>> No. 490 [Edit]
Better use http://webmup.com/ instead
>> No. 491 [Edit]
Thanks. I didn't know about that site.
>> No. 492 [Edit]
>> No. 494 [Edit]
haha, really cute. Who is it? I love me some clumsy idols.
>> No. 505 [Edit]
I've always thought she was cute but boring. But then she got FAAAAAAAAT. How do you get fat dancing all the time?
>> No. 522 [Edit]
It's really not that difficult. If a person eats more calories than they burn, he or she will gain weight. Also, I never thought she was fat.
>> No. 524 [Edit]
Spaghetti all day, everyday.
>> No. 525 [Edit]
Fuck, I just realized that she's been with AKB from 2006. Goddamn, poor Maachan, she's adorable, she'd deserve better.
>> No. 526 [Edit]
Maachan was the original Paruru
>> No. 527 [Edit]
She was the original Paruru.
>> No. 528 [Edit]
>> No. 531 [Edit]
File 140289296233.jpg - (25.69KB , 412x99 , youtube embed.jpg )
Friendly advice: take it easy with the Youtube Embed function. This site isn't as powerful and threads with lots of them normally ended up unusable, taking way to much time to load.
>> No. 533 [Edit]
While we're at friendly advices, there's a script called Dollchan. I mainly use it for a german imageboard, but it seems to be working here as well. Adds quick reply, auto refresh with notice in the tab, backtracking with hover view of the quoted posts and other shit. There currently is a bug though, you can't upload files with it on firefox at least. You can easily disable the addon with one click, make your post, and then enable it again. It also embeds youtube video itself.

>> No. 534 [Edit]
She could have but...


She doesn't want to be the part of the scene anymore whatsoever, apparently now preferring to be at the sidelines, cheering her former workmates.

Basically she was like, "I'm getting tired of this shit, I want out."

More likely she got burned big-time by 2ch.
>> No. 535 [Edit]
Well, one shouldn't use it much anyways since it can sometimes leave ugly blanks like >>367.
>> No. 537 [Edit]
Not crazy about the Cyrillic, but it allows to answer in situ and shows all replies, so it really is an useful option. Thank you.
>> No. 538 [Edit]
File 140289523354.jpg - (42.40KB , 534x190 , dollchan.jpg )
You can change it to english.

Clicking on the settings icon and then in the lower left corner. If that stupid bar shouldn't be extended, click the "dE" first.

E: Also, you can post pictures if you turn off "remove exif" and "allow duplicate images" in the form tab.

Post edited on 15th Jun 2014, 10:11pm
>> No. 544 [Edit]
Thanks again.
>> No. 553 [Edit]
I believe that's a problem on the browser side not the site. Doesn't mater if it's /tc/ or google, trying to load a page with hundreds of youtube videos on it will fuck your shit up.
>> No. 556 [Edit]
File 140291135470.jpg - (104.01KB , 841x513 , sleeves_AKB48-1_zpsc58f99b0.jpg )
seems like 4chan was abandoned by most of you, i copy paste a question

anyone have experience buying sleeve collection? im a bit newfag in these things, i saw a 60 pack for 6$, isn´t too cheap?, and really worth that cards?
>> No. 559 [Edit]
Aren't sleeves just card holders?
>> No. 563 [Edit]
i suppose that but at the same time i see these packs be called "itano tomomi" for example and confused me
>> No. 564 [Edit]
I'm assuming that the Tomochin pack would contain Tomochin's picture that cover's the back of your card?
What I really think is that what you're actually looking for are trading cards like this ones here http://www.enskyshop.com/products/3576.
>> No. 566 [Edit]
Yeah, that seems too cheap for 60 trading cards.

>>564 is probably correct. It could also be knockoff cards or just cards of unpopular members so you should read through the description. What site are you looking at it on?
>> No. 567 [Edit]


anyway im most interesed in theater packs but i don't know how to buy it outside japan, once time see a page but was 6$ a simple card besides shipping
>> No. 570 [Edit]
>> No. 573 [Edit]
File 140292640399.jpg - (532.62KB , 1536x2048 , 16 - 1.jpg )
Those guys sell their good at insanely high prices. Try this other reseller and maybe ask for a rebate on shipping costs if your combined purchase gets too high. Worked for me a few times, when I bought over 200 dollars worth of cards and CDs.

>> No. 574 [Edit]
File 140292781638.jpg - (137.97KB , 480x854 , PjN5P.jpg )
Sadly this reseller lacks older photos,though everything is much cheaper
>> No. 575 [Edit]
yep. 25$ for photo, r u serious?
so yes the best option would be save some money and bought dozen of them in the shop of that guy in ebay looks more cheaper
>> No. 581 [Edit]
I see "that guy" has made it here.
>> No. 583 [Edit]
File 140294763650.jpg - (112.55KB , 1280x720 , Three_Musketeers_a_webm_snapshot_00_00_[2014_06_16.jpg )

Best trio
>> No. 584 [Edit]
File 140295122766.jpg - (84.45KB , 640x852 , blog Kodama Haruka-470212.jpg )
>> No. 585 [Edit]
File 140295131351.jpg - (60.39KB , 640x852 , blog Kodama Haruka-470213.jpg )
>> No. 586 [Edit]
As said before, Yasusu keeps favoring Sasshi over Mayu. Here's the new Toyota commercial.
Also, I recall seeing those Team 8 costumes at the election ceremony before, so was the whole thing planned in advance?

>> No. 594 [Edit]
Oh, look. Trigger discipline.
>> No. 597 [Edit]
Would /akb/ hate me if I said Miki were my favorite among the three? She seemed the most hated back in /jp/. I love her though.

Anyway, behold the second coming of Acchan. Skip to 2:30.
>> No. 598 [Edit]
Holy shit, she's doing it on propose, right? It's too similar.
>> No. 599 [Edit]
I want to hear her sing, If her singing also sounds like Acchan I'd go ballistic.
>> No. 601 [Edit]
Jurina is skipping out on yet another live show.
>> No. 602 [Edit]
It's more probable that the already shot the CM before sousenkyo.
>> No. 603 [Edit]
File 140299415034.jpg - (89.95KB , 644x859 , 09 - 1.jpg )
I love her the most too
>> No. 604 [Edit]
Relevant news:
Matsui Jurina injures her fingers during the rehearsal for SKE48's special live.
On June 16, idol group SKE48 member Matsui Jurina was injured during the rehearsal for the group's "AiiA SKE48 Special live" held at AiiA Theater Tokyo, leading to the cancellation of her appearance on the live.
According to a source close to the group, Matsui injured the middle finger and ring finger of her right hand, but it's unknown if those fingers are fractured.
At the beginning of the live, Matsui appeared on the stage, and explained to the fans, "I was really looking forward to this, and participated in the rehearsal happily with vigor, but I got injured during the rehearsal, so I can't come on the stage after this." She then apologized to them in a tearful voice for not being able to participate on the live.
This live was a special event for mobile card game "SKE48 Passion For You", and approximately 800 audience who were chosen attended the live.
>> No. 605 [Edit]
Damn, she needs to be more careful.
>> No. 606 [Edit]
Clearly just an excuse.
>> No. 607 [Edit]
Why is Jurina such a whore?

>> No. 609 [Edit]
Translate please?
>> No. 613 [Edit]
Miki is adorable. I was put off of her at first but she's really grown on me.

How does she even manage to injure her fingers in dance rehearsal? Hasn't this happened multiple times?
>> No. 615 [Edit]
Damn, not again... As usual.
>> No. 616 [Edit]
I dunno, tripfag. Why are you so desperate to repost the same link on both boards even considering that the content has nothing to do with your premise?
Also unless this is your first day on the Japanese Internet you should know better than to source a net tabloid that everyone takes as a joke and which makes no effort hiding the fact that the "anonymous confessions" are just creative retellings of conversations they saw on 2ch the day before.
>> No. 617 [Edit]
File 140300935464.jpg - (157.11KB , 1024x768 , Yucuort.jpg )
Yuria's on a roll.

>> No. 618 [Edit]
>big story last week about hkt with massive drama
>post story about phone in poll no one cares about saying it was rigged because one guest hosts is an ske fan
show me a hkt article on shitzo
>> No. 620 [Edit]
File 140301366072.jpg - (85.07KB , 454x606 , IMG_2827.jpg )

Fuck I love this performance of Hato Gata Virus. Paruru and Sakura are so hot here, probably my 2nd favorite stage unit ever, right after Kimi no C/W with the Paruru Center at B W-1.

What are some of your favorites?
>> No. 623 [Edit]
File 140301647768.jpg - (125.16KB , 1064x1553 , AKB_20140612_035.jpg )

Good song, good live.
Maybe I should watch AKB SHOW more often, I didn't realize they had live performances of theater songs.
>> No. 624 [Edit]

Meetan just gave birth.
>> No. 626 [Edit]
That should warrant a thread of its own.

>> No. 632 [Edit]
File 140304275430.jpg - (292.80KB , 1440x810 , 140618-0140300895-1440x810.jpg )
Look what's back next week on AKBingo.
>> No. 634 [Edit]
The Circle of Life.
>> No. 635 [Edit]
Who is more flexible, Haruppi or Hillary?
>> No. 637 [Edit]
File 140304659258.jpg - (11.34KB , 640x360 , InoueYuria_webm_snapshot_00_11_[2014_06_18_01_06_3.jpg )
I'm a sucker for really long hair. That's why I like Inoue Yuria.

>> No. 641 [Edit]
File 140305100855.jpg - (115.07KB , 947x504 , decisions.jpg )
That 'Why the fuck did I graduate for?' face...

She was really the best, but honestly I think she's gonna go down like everyone else. The charm only lasts for as long as you're AKB; after that, you're just the nth fish in a huge pool of disposable random entertainers.
>> No. 644 [Edit]
I think she made the best decision with leaving when she did. AKB is still on top and Yuko was the most prolific member. She can survive for a while with her fans and reputation. It's better than hanging on and losing fans and relevance like no3b are doing.
>> No. 645 [Edit]
Did AKB's official channel take down the eizo center videos? I just wanted to watch the luka luka night fever video again.
>> No. 646 [Edit]
Pretty sure they were removed right after the program ended.
>> No. 649 [Edit]
File 140308572164.jpg - (82.89KB , 454x606 , 07 - 21.jpg )
New anta no dare episode

God I love Okada Nana, it's a shame how rarely I see her in any variety shows anymore.
>> No. 650 [Edit]
File 140309222021.jpg - (505.37KB , 1920x1080 , f64f447c.jpg )
She's always in Tentoumu-Chu no Sekai o Muchu ni Sasemasu Sengen. (Who picks these long names?)

I love that show because I really like all the Tentoumu-Chu members and Nana is always there.
>> No. 656 [Edit]
Hokkaido group coming??
kana going to be bought
>> No. 658 [Edit]
>She's always in Tentoumu-Chu no Sekai o Muchu ni Sasemasu Sengen.
Thanks a lot, I'll check that one out.
>> No. 661 [Edit]
Best ongoing 48g related show in my opinion.
>> No. 669 [Edit]
File 140314060479.jpg - (152.61KB , 1162x580 , 9a.jpg )
So, are they the new TeamB OTP now?
>> No. 670 [Edit]
No /u/. There's no OTP between girls.
>> No. 671 [Edit]
More like there is ONLY OTP between girls
>> No. 672 [Edit]
Its ok /u/. I used to believe that Santa was real too.
>> No. 674 [Edit]
This is why I idol.
>> No. 675 [Edit]
File 140314765560.jpg - (44.47KB , 455x606 , 16 - 31.jpg )
There's a second one
>> No. 676 [Edit]
>duplicate images

This forum is shit.

Also haruppi doesn't need the instagram filters the rest of them need.
>> No. 677 [Edit]
File 140314945183.jpg - (395.50KB , 672x1532 , Mayuyu.jpg )
So, Mayuyu is basically permanent center now, right?
>> No. 687 [Edit]
File 140317776623.jpg - (31.87KB , 439x586 , 115 - 1.jpg )
Awesome episode, especially because of Miyupon. Is there any show in which she appears more frequently?
Also, I actually cheered at this one http://webmup.com/dHxkh/
>> No. 688 [Edit]
File 140317808515.jpg - (140.88KB , 1252x1252 , 7gBDib5S.jpg )
>> No. 689 [Edit]
One on left is qt. Who is that?
>> No. 692 [Edit]
>> No. 694 [Edit]
Just found out a site where you can watch a bunch of AKB videos from variety shows to appeal videos. Don't know though if everyone can access the site.

>> No. 696 [Edit]
There are hundreds of user lists like those on various video hosting sites. Examples:

(youku playback is usually blocked for non-mainland china but can be unblocked with a plugin or downloaded directly)

>> No. 702 [Edit]
File 140321629385.jpg - (82.24KB , 640x640 , 10483421_646555345438802_1761523668_n.jpg )
Now with more instagram

>> No. 706 [Edit]
Please try to contain your rudeness when you come here.

4chan has the same duplicate image block. And it's there for a reason. The picture you posted had already been posted in this thread. In fact it was posted right after the first picture.
>> No. 708 [Edit]
File 140322150245.jpg - (93.82KB , 574x765 , 19 - 1.jpg )
That San Andreas PC on the bottom left made me smile.
>> No. 710 [Edit]
I wonder if she has sex with the hookers and then kills them for their money. Nice spot though.
>> No. 711 [Edit]
File 140322417082.jpg - (156.50KB , 1024x768 , CAP (1).jpg )
You a busta, CJ.
>> No. 712 [Edit]
File 140322471378.jpg - (69.57KB , 640x480 , o0640048012972895913.jpg )

Next photobook will be all about dogs.
>> No. 715 [Edit]
Where do you guys get / watch the latest episodes? I only found up to 232, but I know it's past 250+
>> No. 718 [Edit]
>> No. 720 [Edit]
File 140323229351.gif - (36.02KB , 200x146 , 1402341166784.gif )
>that smashing pumpkins 1979 song
>those pictures
>the whole montage
>that everything

I think the day Takamina graduates, I am done with this whole AKB thing. My heart won't be able to take it anymore. The only thing that still keeps me going is the fact that Haruna, Takamina, Minegishi and Sae Chan are part of it (Granted she left to disgusting SH48 or whatever that chink shit is called).
>> No. 721 [Edit]
For the heck of it:


One of the first, if not the first, appearance of AKB48 on tv. Four months after Team A was created, 3 months before their first tv performance. March 22, 2006.
>> No. 722 [Edit]
Kayachan was the very first AKB imouto.
>> No. 735 [Edit]
File 140326199898.jpg - (18.45KB , 500x281 , 439857c2.jpg )

Paruru is going to star in a recruitment for the Japan Self-Defense Forces if I got that article right.
>> No. 737 [Edit]
Well done, Tohno!

You also got rid of the Ken-sama thread; glad to see you really are monitoring this board.
>> No. 741 [Edit]
File 1403059203197.webm - (4.74MB )
>> No. 742 [Edit]
File 140327021270.jpg - (80.21KB , 600x800 , uyiyoiuo.jpg )
Get well soon Miichan.

>> No. 744 [Edit]
Can request a webm of 'Round two: give it to Mariri'?
>> No. 745 [Edit]
File AKB48_Nemousu_TV_SP10_~Australia_no_Hihou_wo_Sagas.webm - (1.43MB , AKB48 Nemousu TV SP10 ~Australia no Hihou wo Sagas.webm )
>> No. 747 [Edit]
File 140327475651.jpg - (58.50KB , 1280x720 , 140610 AKBINGO! ep292_mp400_20_352014-06-20-16h30m.jpg )
Sasshi is so goddamn hot
>> No. 750 [Edit]
File 140327733398.jpg - (188.57KB , 640x848 , image.jpg )
She's quite attractive, actually.
>> No. 751 [Edit]
File 140327775517.png - (578.92KB , 1280x720 , Screenshot_2014-06-20-17-17-38.png )
I hope you guys are all supporting your oshimen in the Oshimen Support Event.
>> No. 752 [Edit]
When are request hour 2014 dvds going to appear
>> No. 753 [Edit]
If you mean AKB, BD's are out
>> No. 754 [Edit]
Damn, that picture in Wikipedia is nasty.
>> No. 756 [Edit]
Shimada and Miyu are so cute, why can't they be more popular?
>> No. 758 [Edit]
File 140329251622.jpg - (213.49KB , 1200x795 , 34fbb61a.jpg )
>> No. 762 [Edit]
File NatsuNako.webm - (2.91MB )
>> No. 764 [Edit]
File 140331372493.jpg - (68.42KB , 676x451 , 36360b86.jpg )
>> No. 765 [Edit]
File 140331998539.jpg - (64.56KB , 668x449 , 034f3c15.jpg )
Ah yes... Nicovideo Live, the leading company in market research.
>> No. 766 [Edit]
>one of the most common life-threatening genetic diseases
Fuck...I really don't care for her that much, but I hope she gets through that.

Already!? She must have realized that group isn't going anywhere.
>On June 18, idol group AKB48 Team 8 member Okubora Chinatsu, who is Gifu prefecture's representative, announced her graduation from the group.
>> No. 767 [Edit]
Oops, forgot the link

>> No. 769 [Edit]
File 140332548727.jpg - (51.39KB , 440x586 , 5e4fc7fagw1efqsec2w94j20k00qoq4z.jpg )
It's been really hard for her since last year. For me it's sad, cause I think she's the only fallen member who showed honest contrition from the beginning and was given the coldest shoulder by everyone. She may never get back all she lost, but I hope she reaches some balance and finds peace in her AKB life before everything ends.
>> No. 771 [Edit]
Autosage test post, don't mind me.
>> No. 772 [Edit]
File 140332674227.jpg - (469.55KB , 1280x1707 , 4f4a20a4462309f7b5818efc700e0cf3d6cad675.jpg )
Something about girls in fitted hats really gets to me. Add Paru and I think I've just died. For fucks sake man.
>> No. 774 [Edit]
File 140332740960.jpg - (48.25KB , 486x384 , sealife carrousell.jpg )
Japan has it all.
>> No. 777 [Edit]
File 140332805568.jpg - (29.75KB , 332x456 , --GEGB9KFCdc_U6TQHqweuLI_AAAAAAAG7CE__LwW0fVHni4_p.jpg )

Post edited on 20th Jun 2014, 11:16pm
>> No. 778 [Edit]
tfw Paru will never look at me in disappointment after I make us lose at an arcade game. :(

Webm isn't working for me.
>> No. 779 [Edit]
>Webm isn't working for me.
right-click on it and open it in another tab.
>> No. 780 [Edit]
I honestly though she had died, lol. She appeared in like the first 20 episodes of AKBINGO and then no one said a word about her again and she never appeared in anything else.

I read about her and it said she graduated in like 2012, but what the fuck was she doing all the time before?

>tfw graduating is awful because they all just fade into obscurity

>Kasai hasn't even posted on her twitter for like a year now
>Itano, disgusting S x W x A x G shit
>Acchan hasn't updated instagram in like 2 years
>Yuko barely fucking doing anything with that Brazil cup shit

>> No. 781 [Edit]
I understand Mariko's fashion brand bombed as well.

Enjoy your idols while you can, guys. Once the AKB magic spell finishes at graduation, the world turns pitch black all over again.
>> No. 782 [Edit]
File 140333145156.jpg - (186.08KB , 640x480 , o0640048012976647304.jpg )
Meetan spent 2 years in SDN48 until they all graduated. After that you could still follow her at http://ameblo.jp/ohorimegumi/
Itano has a tv show and updates her twitter. + SWAG
Maeda just posts pics directly on twitter so no need for instagram. She's in a bunch of doramas and movies.
Yuko just graduated and is still everywhere, and has her tv show with Ariyoshi.
Kasai promoted her last single on tv but don't expect to see her much in varieties after the Ougon Densetsu debacle.

They don't really fade into obscurity, they just don't have the AKS machine to promote them anymore. Of course if your only source of info is the general AKB fandom, it'll seem like they vanished.
>> No. 783 [Edit]
1500 yen for a month's subscription? That's not bad actually. It's more expensive than other things I've subscribed to but AKB48 has like the most content ever. So yeah.
>> No. 793 [Edit]
An AKB Channel for 1500円. I would pay it. I really wish DMM would stop region blocking the 48 group live on demand subscriptions. I know there are ways around it, but the process is annoying.
>> No. 803 [Edit]
File 140337360457.jpg - (64.40KB , 425x567 , Boss46.jpg )
Anyone else ボス fans here?
>> No. 805 [Edit]
File 140337425267.jpg - (488.26KB , 1155x1650 , Memorial (5).jpg )
Hmm I see, I didn't even know about SDN48 lol. I'm fairly 'new' to the scene so I guess it's my bad for not knowing all the details.

I am happy that at least Yuko and Atsuko made it. I really liked Kasai, but I guess she's inevitably going to fade away after that debacle.

I see Mariko and Sayaka still doing stuff, just not sure what they're doing as I can't read Japanese, but I see pictures of them all the time.

I only really still follow AKB48 because I like Takamina, Haruna and Minegishi. I liked Sae-chan but she left to that Chinese thing.

Out of curiosity has anyone else here watched Q10 (The Drama with Maeda in it?) I thought it was really good, I hope she does more, I love seeing her beautiful face.
>> No. 807 [Edit]
how long you think akb will still alive ppl?
>> No. 808 [Edit]
Never heard of her but I am now. She's gorgeous. Why didn't you guys tell me?
>> No. 809 [Edit]
aaaannd she's 13 years old. welp I guess I'm lolicon now. thanks guys
>> No. 810 [Edit]
File 140337965554.jpg - (42.03KB , 640x360 , AKB48 140214 M42 LOD 1830 (Mukaichi Mion BD Valent.jpg )
Is it possible to get the DMM vids somewhere in a resolution greater than 640x360?
>> No. 811 [Edit]
Depends on a number of factors.

Now that a new center has been pretty firmly established, AKB can get a solid image/artistic direction again. They were kind of all over the place these past 2 years. This could signify a new renaissance for the group.

Regardless, AKB still has the theater to fall back on. Even if they slowly become nothing more than a mildly popular nostalgia act, they have the tools necessary to make as many comebacks as they want as long as they keep bringing in fresh blood and never lose the theater.
>> No. 812 [Edit]
>welp I guess I'm lolicon now. thanks guys
You always were. Don't blame us.

Post edited on 21st Jun 2014, 1:44pm
>> No. 813 [Edit]
File 140338354038.jpg - (55.46KB , 362x544 , 19.jpg )
Oops, forgot my picture. Enjoy your Boss.
>> No. 814 [Edit]
File 140338505652.jpg - (12.12KB , 387x114 , based yuko.jpg )
Good taste, Yuko
>> No. 815 [Edit]
File 140338755581.jpg - (69.92KB , 1024x682 , BqlSdXCCUAA6tYr_jpg large.jpg )
Mariko is shooting some CM dressed in a sailor suit. https://twitter.com/mariko_dayo

Akimoto is in Italy eating pasta right now, I think. She's been very busy travelling, doing tv and charity/volunteering. https://twitter.com/akimotooo726

If you want to check more Maeda tv/movies: http://asianwiki.com/Atsuko_Maeda
>> No. 817 [Edit]
ty she's lovely.
>> No. 818 [Edit]
File 140339058731.jpg - (1.84MB , 1600x2136 , chunichi_20140207_aichi-toyota_ad.jpg )
>> No. 819 [Edit]
File 140339113564.gif - (3.01MB , 400x267 , 1401751567357.gif )
Bump for interest.
>> No. 820 [Edit]
File 140339157393.png - (100.07KB , 720x1280 , Screenshot_2014-06-22-00-56-36.png )
What's this about?

>> No. 821 [Edit]
Its Canada. Look for a member who went there.
>> No. 822 [Edit]
The CA is for California actually.
>> No. 844 [Edit]
>She's in a bunch of doramas and movies.
Aren't all those B-movies, though?
>> No. 847 [Edit]
Not really B-Movies.

>> No. 848 [Edit]
Don't know what those prizes are, but most of those seem to me like shoddy terror/sentai movies alright.

Tamako in Moratorium looks interesting, however; will give it a go.
>> No. 851 [Edit]
File 140342252953.jpg - (533.07KB , 1271x1782 , Moshi-Dora_A4_front2.jpg )
Those are film festival prizes.

Kuroyuki Danchi is from the guy who made Ringu. Eight Rangers 1 and 2 are based on a skit/series by Kanjani Eight, a Johnny's group. It's kind like if they made big budget Majisuka Gakuen movies with special effects and acting lessons. I get that you might not like those types of movies but I wouldn't call either shoddy.

Tamako got #9 in Kimejun in their Top 10 Best Japanese Movies of 2013.
>> No. 852 [Edit]
I would love a Majisuka Gakuen movie, I think it would make huge money.
>> No. 853 [Edit]
I can kind of understand your excitement, but please remember that this isn't 4chan.
>> No. 854 [Edit]
Not him, but what is that supposed to mean?
>> No. 856 [Edit]
Listed in the Tohno-chan rules as something people are not allowed to do:
>/b/-Level Shit. E.g. gets, greentext, meta shitposting and reaction images
>> No. 861 [Edit]
File 140343357012.jpg - (173.49KB , 1366x768 , Team8.jpg )
>inb4 all wota drive a Toyota.

Also I wonder what non-japanese people would think of Toyota if they found out that they support a team of little girls who belong to a group where they do gravure at a very young age.
>> No. 862 [Edit]
>> No. 863 [Edit]
It was greentext and a reaction image obviously. Also pointing out things like those is actually encouraged by the mods.
>> No. 874 [Edit]
You're never going to be able to change our behavior so I suggest you stop trying for your own sanity. Or shut down this board. I'm fine with either.
>> No. 888 [Edit]
File 140346410549.png - (359.83KB , 640x1098 , 16.png )
From Team Surprise 2014. These could be used as mascots.
>> No. 889 [Edit]
File 140346424029.jpg - (253.28KB , 1070x1673 , 01.jpg )
Dat subtle underboob.
>> No. 900 [Edit]
Nobody wants to see that.
>> No. 906 [Edit]
Thank you for spotting.
>> No. 915 [Edit]
File 140349476251.jpg - (59.68KB , 550x311 , 20131101222318101.jpg )
That Broken english...

>> No. 916 [Edit]
Yui's hair is the best.
>> No. 917 [Edit]
Not hers, no. But is good to train the eye.
>> No. 919 [Edit]
That akushu joke. So they did realize it was insane (and now it'll only get worse).
>> No. 926 [Edit]
I gotta admit Jurina's pun by the end was funny.
>> No. 933 [Edit]
So Mayuyu's center song has already been announced, it's called Kokoro no Placard and will be used inside the new Baitoru commercial (you can hear some of it during the CM reel inside this video).

On other news, I took upon myself to archive all the member's writeups that are published on the Asahi Shibun in the AKB的人生論 series because it was a simple pain in the ass that I could only access only 3 of them a day via subscription service.
For those of us who know Japanese and want to know what your oshi has got to say about themselves, have a nice read:

Post edited on 23rd Jun 2014, 2:06pm
>> No. 938 [Edit]
File 140357312240.jpg - (176.72KB , 400x600 , baito06.jpg )
Also, Sasshi answering to the question "which part time job you'd like to do" with the only reasonable answer.

>> No. 958 [Edit]
File 140362001598.jpg - (125.04KB , 768x1024 , Yogi Keira-333317.jpg )
Yogi Keira announced today during Team N's show that she will graduate from NMB48.
>> No. 964 [Edit]
File 140363280057.jpg - (376.20KB , 960x1280 , 24 - 1 (1).jpg )
The amount of likes on KojiMako's G+ posts have been comparable with those of Sakura lately.
I wonder if she'll be in senbatsu next year.
>> No. 968 [Edit]
File 140364192757.jpg - (74.63KB , 480x640 , 23 - 4.jpg )
that's some waist on yuiri
>> No. 969 [Edit]
File 140364196110.jpg - (86.04KB , 480x640 , 24 - 2.jpg )
>> No. 987 [Edit]
It sounds pretty weak sauce.
>> No. 988 [Edit]
File 140366821550.jpg - (330.64KB , 712x1643 , danso (sort of).jpg )
Nana: she is manlier than me, at least.
Seina: instant suicide.
Sae: pretty much kept the entire thing's level.
Yuka: they weren't even trying...

Verdict: these kouhai need work. Komi needs to master the "interesting" euphemism and Mariri is just insane after eating worms.

Also: those poor Team 8 girls.
>> No. 989 [Edit]
File 140366860192.jpg - (250.37KB , 1220x684 , defiling continues.jpg )
She's getting it next time.
>> No. 990 [Edit]
I thought I was the only disgusted by Tano's act. LOL. It's a bit vindicating that Paruru and Miki felt the same way.
>> No. 994 [Edit]
File 140368602467.jpg - (114.58KB , 1278x720 , 140623 Tentoumu-Chu! no Sekai o Muchu ni Sasemasu .jpg )
This episode, man
>> No. 1003 [Edit]
File 140372323068.jpg - (97.80KB , 1024x768 , 1403722891723.jpg )
Hirarii's little brother is living the life.
>> No. 1004 [Edit]
How come he doesn't speak japanese? But yeah, I'm even more jealous of him than the kid who got to touch Kasais breats.

couldn't upload the .webm here for some reason, 8mb is too large.
>> No. 1005 [Edit]
That kid doesn't look full Japanese at all.
>> No. 1007 [Edit]
I love Renai Sousenkyo, but it's physically painful to watch
>> No. 1008 [Edit]
>> No. 1011 [Edit]
Idols Presumed Salaries
*1位 6800万 指原莉乃 (HKT48)
*2位 5900万 小嶋陽菜 (AKB48)
*3位 5300万 高橋みなみ (AKB48)
*3位 5300万 百田夏菜子 (ももいろクローバーZ)
*5位 5000万 橋本環奈 (Rev. from DVL)
*6位 4900万 菊地亜美 (アイドリング!!!)
*6位 4900万 道重さゆみ (モーニング娘。)
*6位 4900万 玉井詩織 (ももいろクローバーZ)
*6位 4900万 渡辺麻友 (AKB48)
10位 4800万 柏木由紀 (AKB48)

11位 4300万円 松井玲奈 (SKE48)
12位 4200万円 島崎遥香 (AKB48)
13位 3500万円 山本彩 (NMB48)
14位 3300万円 佐々木彩夏 (ももいろクローバーZ)
14位 3300万円 川島海荷 (9nine)
14位 3300万円 工藤遥 (モーニング娘。)
17位 3000万円 有安杏果 (ももいろクローバーZ)
17位 3000万円 Ami (E-girls)
19位 2900万円 高城れに (ももいろクローバーZ)
20位 2600万円 松井珠理奈 (SKE48)
20位 2600万円 峯岸みなみ (AKB48)
22位 2400万円 横山ルリカ (アイドリング!!!)
22位 2400万円 鞘師里保 (モーニング娘。)
22位 2400万円 嗣永桃子 (Berryz工房)
25位 2000万円 生駒里奈 (乃木坂46)
26位 1800万円 横山由依 (AKB48)
26位 1800万円 木下ひなこ (姫carat)
26位 1800万円 大川藍 (アイドリング!!!)
29位 1700万円 熊井友理奈 (Berryz工房)
29位 1700万円 矢島舞美 (℃-ute)

29位 1700万円 譜久村聖 (モーニング娘。)
29位 1700万円 奥仲麻琴 (PASSPO)
33位 1600万円 伊藤萌々香 (フェアリーズ)
33位 1600万円 宮澤佐江 (SNH48)
35位 1500万円 三宅ひとみ (アイドリング!!!)
35位 1500万円 最上もが (でんぱ組.inc)
35位 1500万円 須田亜香里 (SKE48)
35位 1500万円 プー・ルイ (BIS)
35位 1500万円 北原里英 (AKB48)
40位 1200万円 山田菜々 (NMB48)
40位 1200万円 松村香織 (SKE48)
40位 1200万円 和田彩花 (スマイレージ)
40位 1200万円 渡辺美優紀 (NMB48)
44位 1100万円 吉本実憂 (X21)
44位 1100万円 前田亜実 (AKB48)
44位 1100万円 柴田阿弥 (SKE48)
44位 1100万円 岩佐美咲 (AKB48)
48位 1000万円 宮脇咲良 (HKT48)
48位 1000万円 山内鈴蘭 (SKE48)
50位 *900万円 傳谷英里香 (ベイビーレイズ)
>> No. 1012 [Edit]
Once again, where do these figures even come from and what's the logic behind those estimates?
>> No. 1014 [Edit]
lolkaotan = milky, yamada nana
I wish it were true. but ske management are so fucking shit.
>> No. 1015 [Edit]
Either I'm reading it wrong, or these seem rather high, don't they?
>> No. 1016 [Edit]
it rather fair and possible if you compare it to their net worths. But yeah if they are actually getting any of that is questionable.
>> No. 1020 [Edit]
File 14037668738.jpg - (525.29KB , 960x1440 , i_imgur_com_nuyQGYy.jpg )
That Aamin. Disregard sousenkyo ranking, acquire currency.

No idea either. I only found this picture, but I don't know if there's more to that article than just the table.
>> No. 1021 [Edit]
Googling this might help: アイドルの年収
But my Japanese is too bad for me to bother going through the links.
>> No. 1022 [Edit]
This is so stupid. I saw Ami from E-Girls apartment on a show and it's smaller than mine and I make 25% of what she reportable makes.
>> No. 1032 [Edit]
Maybe it's like with soccer players or other well-paid athletes: They won't be able to stay in the business forever, so they (if they're smart enough) save most of their money for when they're jobless.

Also apartments are most likely way more expensive in Japanese cities than where you live, unless you live in a Japanese city yourself of course. And there's that they might just prefer to spend their money on clothes and fancy dinners rather than on a bigger apartment.
>> No. 1033 [Edit]
I'm not sure how they spend their money, but if they have to survive everyday life, of course budgeting is a big deal in the world's most expensive cities, they have to learn much about it by experience, and once in a while they'll splurge a bit.

With the exception of agency heads who have the lion's share from the record sale takings, only a few Japanese entertainment personalities on the top of the food chain will ever actually afford their own condo unit.
>> No. 1035 [Edit]
File 140380650727.jpg - (556.29KB , 3840x2160 , 【4K】AKB48チーム8 あすたむらんど徳.jpg )
I need a 4K screen.
>> No. 1036 [Edit]
Just FYI taxes used to be public and at their peak MM made between 2000 and 5000man depending on the girl.

It'd be weird if Sayu makes as much now as Nacchi did back then considering how crazy popular she was, but then Japan is all about seniority.
>> No. 1037 [Edit]
That's a pity. I actually thought she would last longer as an idol. She was relatively cute.
>> No. 1038 [Edit]

Tomochin and autotune.
>> No. 1039 [Edit]
File 140381407085.jpg - (193.77KB , 890x1132 , Kazokugari-chart.jpg )
Mariko is going to be in a new drama.
>> No. 1041 [Edit]
Generic bitchy. I cannot look up nor respect her anymore. She's just a woman, now.
>> No. 1042 [Edit]
File 140382711676.jpg - (224.55KB , 959x1280 , 14 - 4 (1).jpg )
She got them hidden for so long until that posting she made.

Can't unsee.
>> No. 1043 [Edit]
Hillary?? God almighty. I was starting to think she's kind'a sweet and now this...

Now I do envy her brother.
>> No. 1044 [Edit]
File 140382903918.jpg - (106.21KB , 574x766 , 14 - 5.jpg )
holy maracas
>> No. 1045 [Edit]
It's because Hilary and he grew up in America, and were taught English. Hilary didn't even start learning Japanese until a few years ago, and she is still learning now.
>> No. 1046 [Edit]
Was wondering if it was an offshot from this year's Mizugi Surprise and went to G+ only to find out it's some private photos she posted because she mentioned about them on AntaDare.
It pains me to realize that in magazine gravures they'll still make her wear undershirts and short pants for some more time again.

Post edited on 26th Jun 2014, 5:56pm
>> No. 1047 [Edit]
Ueki Nao talking about the police contacting her about an opium poppy picture.


>> No. 1048 [Edit]
Considering Komi (also 15) was already shot in a two piece and after this one staggering G+ post of her, I think it's very possible for that to change really soon.
>> No. 1049 [Edit]
I actually looked at the pods if it was scored. Scared me for a bit.
>> No. 1050 [Edit]

That would explain why she did so bad at that Quiz 30 show early this month.
>> No. 1051 [Edit]
File 140383898493.jpg - (92.68KB , 454x640 , 26 - 1.jpg )
best body in akb
>> No. 1053 [Edit]
File 14038390992.jpg - (62.95KB , 454x640 , 26 - 2.jpg )
>> No. 1054 [Edit]
Even so calling the Last Supper "Last Dinner" was inexcusably dumb.
>> No. 1055 [Edit]
File 14038465975.jpg - (624.83KB , 1125x1600 , YJ_30_2014_voz48_1600px (10).jpg )
>> No. 1064 [Edit]

I have no doubt that she knows the Fresco as The Last Supper, but I don't think she knows the name in Japanese, and it's not something that appears in daily conversation.

Who knows, it's probably all scripted anyways, haha.
>> No. 1066 [Edit]
File 140392475313.gif - (1.43MB , 358x203 , riichan.gif )





Post edited on 27th Jun 2014, 8:11pm
>> No. 1067 [Edit]
File 140392681738.jpg - (82.52KB , 800x1139 , hl4k2Ue.jpg )
This is only kinda related but I'll ask it anyways because I'm interested, but is Kanji usage linked to intelligence in Japan.

For example my Japanese sucks but I can understand a lot of some girls posts because they use barely any kanji, where as some girls use a bunch of Kanji and I can't understand anything so I just naturally consider them more intelligent.

Its probably more of a question for Japanese citizens but I'd thought I'd ask it because its been bugging me for a while.
>> No. 1068 [Edit]
File 14039284475.jpg - (20.16KB , 450x241 , o0450024112511054384.jpg )
It's mostly education and preference. Using difficult kanji can make you hard to understand to younger fans. Of course, some are just kanji dumb.

>> No. 1069 [Edit]
Yeah I thought as much,I was just thinking that there was some stigma attached to it.
>> No. 1070 [Edit]
At least provide some background for your gossip shit instead of just copypasting from GeinoLabo.


For once Shitzo was somewhat informative and balanced instead of being the garbage tabloid it always is. Apparently the problem with those kind of poppy is that after being imported in Japan in the 60s it started growing in the open like a normal wild flower in spite of all efforts by the government to completely eradicate it. Its seeds are spread by bird poo and may even end up in bags of natural fertilizers so nowadays you can sometimes spot some lone poppy growing at the edge of the street or in cracks of the road.
Some other TV guy got in trouble before because it started growing spontaneously in his garden.

Funny how they kept that in the LOD whereas STAP jokes are still "no good" for recording.
>> No. 1071 [Edit]
File 140393167599.jpg - (416.03KB , 1440x810 , 140601-2029500081$.jpg )
Staged or not I was pretty impressed by the way Lemon figured out the answer about barbeque and infrared waves (?). Contrarily to her airheaded appearance she seems gifted with some great lateral thinking.
Wish they'd call AKB in the show some more times.
>> No. 1072 [Edit]
It seems some friend told Kaotan about that, she replied on Gugutasu that she actually makes less than half of that.
The source of the list was Ex Max anyway, if you look up on Google you can already tell from the cover what kind of tabloid it is.
>> No. 1073 [Edit]
File 140393321338.jpg - (84.41KB , 600x800 , DrillStare.jpg )
>> No. 1074 [Edit]
Konami E3 2010
>> No. 1078 [Edit]
Ammin had some guy recognize her in public and she said she was happy about it.

Unfortunately, he did it by suddenly grabbing her arm and scaring the shit out of her.
>> No. 1080 [Edit]
Any idea why that guy Nacchan on H!O stopped uploading PON!? I loved that shit.
>> No. 1083 [Edit]
Have you tried messaging him?
>> No. 1084 [Edit]
I tried to but I can't open his profile. And if I try sending one, it says invalid recipient.
>> No. 1085 [Edit]
Those are the eyes of a woman willing to kill for the center position.
>> No. 1088 [Edit]
I would still be thinking the nacchan uploader was just a china mirror bot but when nacchan left the group the person kept posting on his uploads how depressed he was.
>> No. 1090 [Edit]
File Ono_Erena_-_Hatachi_wo_Nozokimi-1.webm - (2.30MB , Ono Erena - Hatachi wo Nozokimi-1.webm )
Good lord
>> No. 1098 [Edit]
She looks soft
>> No. 1102 [Edit]
File Ono_Erena_-_Hatachi_wo_Nozokimi-1.webm - (4.13MB , Ono Erena - Hatachi wo Nozokimi-1.webm )
She seems to be on a chubby side.
>> No. 1112 [Edit]
File 140399275114.jpg - (186.35KB , 1280x960 , MukaichiMion .jpg )
>> No. 1125 [Edit]
She should have stayed in akb a little longer.
>> No. 1126 [Edit]
File 140400960352.jpg - (655.31KB , 3264x2136 , 6efcb996.jpg )
Finally Yasusu is writing something about Annin and Kawaei
>> No. 1128 [Edit]
Rena + Cripple = OTP?

>> No. 1129 [Edit]
File 140402155964.jpg - (88.44KB , 1024x768 , BrM8X-BCYAEj5RB.jpg )
>> No. 1130 [Edit]

He probably just thought she was another piece of meat ;_;
>> No. 1137 [Edit]

that ikemen hashtag

>> No. 1139 [Edit]
ske student performance on right now
>> No. 1140 [Edit]
File 140403539622.jpg - (115.55KB , 1280x720 , 140605 AKB48 no Anta Dare_mp4_snapshot_16_26_[2014.jpg )
>> No. 1142 [Edit]
on sale 20min
already sold out.
>> No. 1143 [Edit]

Anyone know the name of the music at 0:53 onwards?
>> No. 1144 [Edit]
File 140405007666.jpg - (269.49KB , 960x1560 , yuko_worldcup.jpg )
Looks like that and another tweet by yuko were among today's top retweeted photos with the worldcup hashtag, whatever that's worth
>> No. 1150 [Edit]
File 140405907884.jpg - (90.21KB , 960x720 , n7w0yeIoos1txcjgoo1.jpg )
>> No. 1151 [Edit]
File 140406017766.jpg - (306.99KB , 600x861 , yuko PHOTOBOOK.jpg )
>> No. 1153 [Edit]
I hear that Brazil has some of the best ass in the world.
>> No. 1155 [Edit]
File 140406179717.jpg - (110.38KB , 720x1280 , 61e2349c.jpg )
It's nice alright.

However, with those tweets and her plans about getting married within the next 2 years and having 3-5 children, I'm counting the days before our beloved Yuko becomes truly unpresentable.

Time destroys everything.

Post edited on 29th Jun 2014, 10:11am
>> No. 1156 [Edit]
File 140629_Yumechi_Nagisa_no_CHERRY.webm - (3.92MB )
My favorite SKE girl performed one of my favorite songs as center today. ;_;
>> No. 1157 [Edit]
She was just walking around in the streets... But i'm a NEET and don't have the money to go see her in a city next to mine... Why do i even live?
>> No. 1158 [Edit]
File 140406412927.jpg - (278.18KB , 1427x2000 , cover01.jpg )
Why not make her yours then and love her forever?

She's a normal girl, she just happened to be an idol in Japan, but outside of Japan people barely know who she is.

You could literally run into her and make conversation with her and who knows what can happen.
>> No. 1160 [Edit]
Harukyan's been posting videos of her playing 1/48 on G+
>> No. 1161 [Edit]
File 140407082680.jpg - (281.06KB , 1280x720 , 140628 HKT48 no Goboten ep06_mp4_snapshot_25_38_[2.jpg )
HKT48 Kagoshima concert DVD/BR will be released on 25th july.
>> No. 1163 [Edit]
Center seems to suit Yumechi quite well. I hope she gets a decent push in time.
>> No. 1166 [Edit]
File 140409598417.jpg - (71.10KB , 1280x720 , 【第5弾】 裏の裏まで見えたのか!.jpg )

The last AQUOS vote is ended.
>> No. 1168 [Edit]
Sasshi is such a caring leader
>> No. 1169 [Edit]
Finally. Been waiitng for this.
>> No. 1170 [Edit]
File 140412201013.jpg - (101.34KB , 1278x718 , th9SQ21.jpg )
>> No. 1172 [Edit]
It's weird to see an idol do a Let's Play of a game they are in.
>> No. 1174 [Edit]
Let alone trying to score with themselves.
>> No. 1175 [Edit]
File 140413779788.jpg - (297.96KB , 1276x712 , bijin.jpg )
The true HQ stereo.
>> No. 1176 [Edit]
Those marshmallows...

Relatedly: who do you guys think has the fairest skin in all 48/46 groups?
>> No. 1177 [Edit]
Karen Iwata and Rena Matsui are your best candidates.
>> No. 1179 [Edit]

marshmallows? i dont get it
>> No. 1181 [Edit]
Soft, white and sweet?
>> No. 1182 [Edit]
Annin's back to the theater again.

Also, some article commemorating the event
>> No. 1184 [Edit]
>> No. 1188 [Edit]
File 140415815860.jpg - (96.00KB , 720x960 , 30 - 1.jpg )
>> No. 1189 [Edit]
File 140415938091.jpg - (210.18KB , 960x1280 , 30 - 1 (1).jpg )
Ryoha should just speak up a bit and she would instantly be more popular imo.
>> No. 1190 [Edit]
File 140416168980.jpg - (128.52KB , 1280x718 , ac1_mp4_snapshot_02_52_[2014_06_30_22_52_15].jpg )
Can anyone by any chance tell what anime character Yumechi has on her shirt?
>> No. 1194 [Edit]
File 140419761477.jpg - (554.62KB , 980x520 , 3dede1ffc4d08055376ab1015a13ba19639fc964_53b108ce5.jpg )
July set
>> No. 1196 [Edit]
File 140421247644.jpg - (37.21KB , 768x1024 , 9876.jpg )
Guss what?

>> No. 1197 [Edit]

The release only includes the first and last day of the tour(Oita & Fukuoka), no Kagoshima. They should have gone with a compilation of the different skits and units instead. It is a real waste that we can't get to see the other performances.
>> No. 1199 [Edit]
>AKB48 140630 A5R LOD 1830 (Audience born in June)

>> No. 1200 [Edit]
I'd like to know too. The only female or senior audiences made some sense (some), but what about this.
>> No. 1201 [Edit]
All I can guess from googling it is that it's a collective seitansai for fans with June birthdays. Do they do this for other months at all?
>> No. 1203 [Edit]
All I can guess from googling it is that it's a collective seitansai for fans with June birthdays. Do they do this for other months at all?
>> No. 1204 [Edit]
File 140423727951.jpg - (50.18KB , 576x608 , dd5cb852.jpg )
>> No. 1205 [Edit]
She loves bananas?
>> No. 1206 [Edit]
its just to mix things up and allow an increased chance of getting a spot. Or at least its supposed too, depends on DD response and who's actually performing
>> No. 1207 [Edit]
I often see 剥がし when reading handshake repo's. Kanji means peeling, to come off, in context its the end of the meeting. So maybe her favorite part of handshakes is when you leave. Or she likes bananas
>> No. 1209 [Edit]
File 14042434837.jpg - (84.16KB , 717x866 , d111c1c8.jpg )
Yes. But saying you love bananas after talking about a manager's zipper being down is a bit awkward.
>> No. 1214 [Edit]
Suzuran still doesn't seem to have learned that ero-tsurishi don't have an easy life in AKB, fans prefer the mellow clingy ones like Daasu obviously.
What kills me is that the banana (which doesn't show on my browser but oh well) is right at the end of this story though

The zipper in the manager's pants was open so I was like "Erm, the zipper is a bit open O_O" and he said "You're only looking at that part, isn't it". What part is that part?

I guess that if you want to take on a self-destructive attitude you might as well be creative with that.


Hagashi are just a nickname for the staff guys who nudge you off the exit of the booth at HS events when your overstay your time.
>> No. 1218 [Edit]
Well, I mean, there is a time for dirty jokes.

From the episodes I've seen of Ariyoshi, it seems like that's all they do there.
>> No. 1225 [Edit]
File 140431492782.jpg - (64.82KB , 1280x720 , vlcsnap-2014-07-02-23h24m48s45.jpg )
10/10 biggest boobs in 48.

And I'm not talking about Yamada.
>> No. 1226 [Edit]
>> No. 1227 [Edit]
Beat me to it, hella awesome song.
>> No. 1228 [Edit]
>> No. 1231 [Edit]
they're doing a AKB49 musical and Sae is playing the main character
>> No. 1232 [Edit]
First thing that came up to mind was a question they asked to Yasusu last April at the end of a lecture to the students of some academy. I'm surprised they were actually planning it.

Also, the cast revealed so far is:
Sae as Urakawa Minori
Kojimako and Owada Nana as Hiroko Yoshinaga (double casting)
Akarin, Kaotan and Tani also appear as key cast

Theatrical play starts this September
>> No. 1233 [Edit]
How weird...
That makes it double crossdressing.
However I prefer this to them getting an actual guy to do it.
>> No. 1234 [Edit]
File 140436120375.jpg - (35.64KB , 379x572 , 03 - 1 (1).jpg )
Damn, Katayama lifts?
>> No. 1236 [Edit]
possibly last you'll hear off ono erena
last chance to make them crappy jokes
>> No. 1238 [Edit]

Why do retirement notices always have to be so vagueee?
>> No. 1239 [Edit]
File 140438350227.gif - (962.66KB , 400x225 , b24ae26e.gif )
I honestly think these are the biggest. They're close but she isn't as fat as Yuki.
>> No. 1241 [Edit]
File 140439567767.jpg - (98.27KB , 1280x720 , 140702 HKT Shakariki 48 Preview_mp4_snapshot_00_11.jpg )
New HKT show HKT Shakariki 48 starts tomorrow.
>> No. 1243 [Edit]
File 140440085211.jpg - (90.33KB , 500x500 , 622c5635602d10255253430750be3df3.jpg )
All these shows, thank goodness I have more to do this summer
>> No. 1244 [Edit]
so as expected nabepro didn't get the police involved and made up a bullshit excuse about somebody having access to Aki's twitter
>> No. 1245 [Edit]
File 140440437369.jpg - (61.81KB , 576x1024 , Broag0zCYAA2V5Z.jpg )
>> No. 1246 [Edit]
File 140440537263.jpg - (49.78KB , 640x360 , HKT48 140702 H2 LOD 1830_wmv_snapshot_01_17_53_[20.jpg )
Twintails Miku is pure cuteness.

Dayum indeed.
>> No. 1247 [Edit]
so why did jo eriko even come back to nmb
>> No. 1248 [Edit]
Sakura have really a nice butt

Post edited on 3rd Jul 2014, 10:28am
>> No. 1249 [Edit]
Double damn. Where is this from? A HQ version can't come soon enough.

>so why did jo eriko even come back to nmb
Didn't she just land a major acting role? She probably rejoined to get a kickstart to her career and some high profile backing.
>> No. 1254 [Edit]
File 140442408761.jpg - (44.32KB , 640x360 , AKB48 140702 M43 LOD 1830_wmv_snapshot_00_22_09_[2.jpg )
I somehow really like Mion with her forehead showing.
>> No. 1256 [Edit]
Currently she's probably my favorite 48 body. She's like a figurine.

Yeah, she can actually pull it out.
>> No. 1260 [Edit]
Be honest: you just want to see Sakura's Warukii complete and in full HD.
>> No. 1261 [Edit]

Erepyon calling it quits completely by the 15th. Why I am not surprised?
>> No. 1262 [Edit]
That's a shame, I enjoyed her solo stuff. She did well for herself especially considering at what point she left the group.

I'll need to fap to her DVD to commemorate the date.
>> No. 1264 [Edit]
File 140447909871.jpg - (109.29KB , 1018x762 , thefuckimseeingthemdrugs.jpg )
Fucking drug spam just got mixed into legit vids.
>> No. 1265 [Edit]

Ai no sonzai
>> No. 1271 [Edit]

>Mayuyu doesn’t like dogs, and although she tried really hard, her smiles were all stiffened in the pictures that came out. Instead, we picked Paruru who worked very well with her own pet dog and had a nice smile for the cover.

Excuse me, I have to laugh loud.
>> No. 1274 [Edit]
Someone posted Takita Katoko's old private blog on /jp/ and it looks like she's a much bigger wota than I am.


When I saw her blog, I wanted to add her on g+, but apparently draft members still don't have an account. Are they even ever going to get one? Would be kind of weird if they didn't.
>> No. 1281 [Edit]
That's kind of a problem I have nowadays.

It seems like every single noun has somehow become a synonym for some kind of drug... Apparently if you try to buy a rose, it's a crack pipe depending on where you are? And salts don't actually go in the bath (except when they do)? It's too confusing.

That being said, I didn't know the drug version of AKB actually had any kind of prominence. I figured that it and 2NE1 were just silly names for a kind of "drug-ish" compound someone discovered.
>> No. 1287 [Edit]
File 14046516742.jpg - (638.49KB , 1920x1080 , 0987654.jpg )
FUCK!! I hope Sayanee returns for revenge.
>> No. 1289 [Edit]
File 140465499555.jpg - (1.76MB , 3000x1250 , 41128739.jpg )
SKE48 Owaki Arisa announced her graduation at the end of the month.
>> No. 1299 [Edit]
ske draft members have a single g+ account they share. I dont know about other groups
>> No. 1320 [Edit]
File 140477607677.jpg - (149.81KB , 1260x688 , worked for the boobs.jpg )
Good idea or bad idea?
>> No. 1336 [Edit]
File 14048298821.jpg - (113.41KB , 1024x768 , french-kiss-food.jpg )
I want to wrestle Akicha. I bet she would make a formidable opponent.
>> No. 1338 [Edit]
She would destroy me
>> No. 1344 [Edit]
Does there exist a "AKB 600 seconds" for all the girls, or only for some?
>> No. 1358 [Edit]
Only your most famous ones.

Which is sad because Myao had a 600 seconds. Oh how fleeting is fame.
>> No. 1367 [Edit]
they only did 16 of them. and if you didn't know, 600sec is the shortened version aired on TV, the full thing was released on microsd as 5400sec
>> No. 1369 [Edit]
File 140489603581.jpg - (405.79KB , 864x1230 , 073.jpg )
Looks like a Yandere show promo pic.
>> No. 1379 [Edit]
The Gozua user on dailymotion have 12, you know which other 4 there are? And what is microsd?
>> No. 1380 [Edit]
File 140492255634.jpg - (58.50KB , 1280x720 , 140708 AKBINGO! ep296_mp400_16_292014-07-09-18h09m.jpg )
Great episode, it's my favorite segment in general. Sakura already looked adorable, but Komiharu really took it away. I'm also starting to pay more attention to Miki since Tentoumu-Chu, she's cute as fuck.
>> No. 1383 [Edit]
>> No. 1412 [Edit]
File 140506328054.jpg - (71.64KB , 480x640 , 14 - 1.jpg )
Hillary has gone full 'Murrican lately. Let's look at the evidence.

-Light hair
-Her last few posts have been 100% in English
-Note the choice of 帰える "今からアメリカ帰りまーす", as in, returning home

So the question is, is she doing this for attention in the group or is she homesick? Probably some of both, but I'm actually thinking it's mostly the latter. I bet she leaves Japan after she graduates from AKB. Go look up her interview with One Direction and you'll see what I mean, she's Western as hell. Thoughts?
>> No. 1415 [Edit]
I don't think it's either, in my opinion.
>Light hair
A lot of the AKB members have been coloring their hair a lighter color lately. Maybe she is just following the crowd.
>Her last few posts have been 100% in English
She switches between making posts in English and Japanese. She only made about three posts in English since her last Japanese one, too.
>Note the choice of 帰える "今からアメリカ帰りまーす", as in, returning home
I think it's just a learner's mistake. I have used 帰ります incorrectly before in the past, when I am talking about returning to my hometown to see my family.

Not saying it couldn't be homesickness, but I highly doubt it. If she does return, I wonder if she will move back to Arizona.
>> No. 1421 [Edit]
> I bet she leaves Japan after she graduates from AKB.
No way. I think she achieved something more substantial in Japan than she would try in America (hard to imagine if she were to audition in American Idol).
>> No. 1423 [Edit]
Actually when talking about returning to the place you were born/grew up, 帰る is correct, regardless of if you're coming back to Japan. Wish I could remember where I read this.
>> No. 1424 [Edit]
File 140509173358.jpg - (82.61KB , 1024x1024 , BsLpzQZCUAAlJBW.jpg )
life in Mochi's Team B
>> No. 1427 [Edit]
She has to be able to smell her saliva on her minions to acknowledge them as hers.
>> No. 1429 [Edit]
I think that's just being in the vacation mood.

Which I'm enjoying. Nothing like a little bit of USA every now and then. Now if only they'd drive up to SF...
>> No. 1430 [Edit]
File 140510652336.jpg - (243.47KB , 720x1280 , ami-dress.jpg )
The dress pictures have been given to the people who fought hard enough for their oshimen in the AKB otoge oshimen support event. Ami looks beautiful in hers. Anyone else got one?
>> No. 1436 [Edit]
File 140514876178.jpg - (38.83KB , 346x461 , 11 - 1.jpg )
She's back in the US so she is playing it up. A lot of Japanese people look at her blog if they wanna practice English like the reverse of many here.
She lived in the US for almost all of her life so 帰る shouldn't be given that much thought.

I enjoyed Ammin commenting "nice eyebrows" on this picture of Saho yesterday.
>> No. 1438 [Edit]
File 140515897940.jpg - (212.08KB , 640x480 , kuramochi-team-b-shirt.jpg )
>> No. 1439 [Edit]
So what do you think of the new song?
>> No. 1440 [Edit]
I thought it was pretty lame the first time I listened to it, but I like it more and more the more I listen to it. It was the same with Labrador Retriever for me.

>> No. 1444 [Edit]
File 140518562436.jpg - (508.92KB , 1649x2200 , 4N62VcR.jpg )
Saho often turns me on.
>> No. 1445 [Edit]
Goto Mayuko (SKE48 KKS)announced her graduation today

Stupid sexy Iwatate
>> No. 1446 [Edit]
File 140518608039.jpg - (236.66KB , 1062x1500 , Okada Nana 岡田奈々 Weekly Playboy March 2014 .jpg )
The juniors keep losing clothes...


By next year we should have some good stuff.
>> No. 1451 [Edit]
File 140519081820.jpg - (151.73KB , 726x1024 , yjkJYXwQyR8[1].jpg )
They can make anyone look good
>> No. 1456 [Edit]
that was mean
>> No. 1457 [Edit]
File 140519631179.jpg - (308.60KB , 772x878 , burikko mariri.jpg )
Cross-quoting for OT.
>> No. 1461 [Edit]
File 140520469060.jpg - (237.82KB , 1440x810 , 78744604.jpg )
I have got to wonder what Yasusu is aiming for with this song.
On one hand, wota are already suspecting he wants this to achieve viral mainstream popularity like KFC so he's retrying pretty much the same approach as last year even though it would be a hard act to follow.
You have the infectious hook, you have the calm retro groove, you have the trademark dance move that builds up a familiar connection with the song (the onigiri in KFC, the V sign in KokoPura). Also not so long ago there was a leak of information on Twitter about a large gathering of extras to shoot some unnamed AKB PV (http://akb48honten.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-2394.html).
On the other hand the lyrics so far lack the same punch as KFC, plus the song seems inherently weak and unfit for being the stuff to sing with friends at karaoke,
Looking at Mayuyu's statements right after the SSK (http://www.oricon.co.jp/news/2038391/full/) maybe he just wanted to go along with her wishes to make an cute idol-like song and nothing else. I still can't help feeling that center-Mayuyu doesn't seem to spark in him the same level of creativity that Sasshi did.

Post edited on 12th Jul 2014, 3:44pm
>> No. 1464 [Edit]
I did like Labrador from the beginning. This one, however... it's damned weak.

EDIT: after some more listening, I'm staring to like the chorus.

Post edited on 12th Jul 2014, 6:41pm
>> No. 1465 [Edit]
File 140521592611.jpg - (103.59KB , 817x457 , kawaei.jpg )
All that clapping and signs with the hands and fingers.

That must have hurt.
>> No. 1466 [Edit]
It's a weak song but at least it's not bad, a shame thou, Mayuyu was waiting for this number 1 for so long and it might not be too good for her.
>> No. 1467 [Edit]
Which of the new gens (12th generation and newer) do you see having the greatest potential to center in three years' time?

I have high hopes for Miki Nishino. Good variety skills and pretty face and body to boot. She's like the second coming of Mayu Watanabe.
>> No. 1468 [Edit]
Nishino will never get higher than pre-scandal Minegishi and even then she will need around a Janken rigging to get there.

Kojima has a chance, but a couple more people will have to graduate. Okada will probably have around the same as Kitahara Rie.
>> No. 1469 [Edit]
Owada, obviously. She'll get the same treatment as Paru because of her looks.
>> No. 1470 [Edit]
File 140522771313.png - (587.24KB , 848x480 , 1380280_17907363228236.png )
>She's like the second coming of Mayu Watanabe.
That's curious cause it's what people kept saying about Komi in the beginning ("Komiharu is Mayuyu on steroids"). Fortunately, both of them has shown a character of their own (even if sometimes reluctantly) which gives them more chances to grow, even if not into a center position.

Anyway: Kojimako seems to be strong, for some reason I still don't quite get. Here's a video of some of them auditioning (Kojimako herself and some current Team4 members) to put it in some perspective:

>> No. 1479 [Edit]
The thing is even if those girls work their way further up, Mayu will most likely stay center for as long as she stays with AKB, which can easily be another 5 years, probably even more.
>> No. 1480 [Edit]
Still no ep 3 of Hokamina, get your shit together China
>> No. 1481 [Edit]
File tenshi.webm - (1.80MB )
Akari being a heavenly blessed beauty.
>> No. 1483 [Edit]
File 140525459837.jpg - (1.18MB , 1366x1682 , akari-gravure-001.jpg )
>> No. 1484 [Edit]
File 140525464876.jpg - (1.13MB , 1366x1703 , akari-gravure-002.jpg )
>> No. 1485 [Edit]
File 140525469621.jpg - (151.07KB , 1366x1677 , akari-gravure-003.jpg )
>> No. 1486 [Edit]
File 140525472357.jpg - (816.77KB , 1366x1698 , akari-gravure-004.jpg )
>> No. 1493 [Edit]
I got rekt.
>> No. 1498 [Edit]
They must have changed it because I can't access these links, says forbidden.
>> No. 1499 [Edit]

Post edited on 14th Jul 2014, 11:55am
>> No. 1504 [Edit]
File 140536177414.jpg - (867.86KB , 1132x1600 , kaotan-hai-yoisho.jpg )
Kaotan is a cutie.

Post edited on 14th Jul 2014, 11:17am
>> No. 1505 [Edit]
i like to look at h!o download numbers
ariyoshi recently had way above norm
did something happen on that show or is someone spoofing their ratio again
>> No. 1506 [Edit]
File 140536835250.jpg - (62.03KB , 640x640 , kojiharu.jpg )
Maybe people want to spend more time with Kojiharu because they think she could graduate any month.
>> No. 1520 [Edit]
File 140539805910.jpg - (326.70KB , 960x1280 , 12 - 1.jpg )
great taste in tshirts as always
>> No. 1521 [Edit]
kinda looks like she has a cold sore
>> No. 1522 [Edit]
File 140539847557.jpg - (892.26KB , 960x1280 , 06 - 1.jpg )
her other shirt shows how she got it
>> No. 1526 [Edit]
Thanks... Is there any way to rip the new cards from the game or did the site change it so you can access card images you don't have any more?
>> No. 1545 [Edit]
File 140558441026.jpg - (225.27KB , 1212x686 , other maeda.jpg )
Certainly not what you'd call a beauty, but she's like really, really sweet; I sense nothing but honesty and tenderness from her. I'm glad they let her participate on AKBINGO already.
>> No. 1546 [Edit]
File 140558840851.jpg - (279.75KB , 480x640 , mitsuki-jellybeans.jpg )
I agree. I just love Mitsuki. She's my favorite new generation member. You should check her out in Team 4's song on Labrador Retriever. That's where she stole my heart.


She's also in quite a few of the AnDare episodes that got uploaded to YouTube.
>> No. 1547 [Edit]
Yeah I had seen it already, though back then my eyes were only looking for Komi. Neither of them got much screen time on it, but since then their chances keep getting better.
>> No. 1548 [Edit]
File 140560576175.gif - (1.64MB , 250x250 , n8ttgc3JmI1r31n4zo2.gif )
episode 3 of the french kiss travel show is worth a watch
>> No. 1549 [Edit]
Did 48 comments stop working?
>> No. 1551 [Edit]
I've never used it, but it looks like it's been removed from the Chrome Store, so it might be down for good.
>> No. 1552 [Edit]

Because of the boobs?
>> No. 1553 [Edit]
The bedroom scene that came before the pool scene was even better, even though it didn't have boobs.
>> No. 1558 [Edit]
File 140574574120.jpg - (184.45KB , 606x1041 , Mariri debut.jpg )
I was very skeptical, but Mariri did pretty well; she's got some stamina (and nice legs; I now want to see pics of her in her youth). She was also very happy that Mayu wrote a letter for her. That was a birthday she won't forget.
>> No. 1559 [Edit]
File 140574621014.jpg - (59.61KB , 720x1280 , 1397914787087.jpg )
>> No. 1560 [Edit]
AKB really does well to them. All of them.
>> No. 1561 [Edit]
>Has a 10-year experience as a ballet dancer

That somewhat explains her physical condition.
>> No. 1562 [Edit]
Anyone seeing Tomochin tomorrow?
>> No. 1563 [Edit]
File mayu-yuki.webm - (4.56MB )
>> No. 1564 [Edit]
More Mayu-Yuki in this month's XX episode by the way:
>> No. 1566 [Edit]
It must be nice to have a friend you share your life's passion with.
>> No. 1567 [Edit]
I don't think I could like her anymore. Yet again, she never really was one of my favs.
>> No. 1575 [Edit]
File 140580563865.jpg - (423.39KB , 1280x960 , team-k-tour-01.jpg )
Team K Tour was today.
>> No. 1576 [Edit]
File 140580567917.jpg - (390.03KB , 1280x960 , team-k-tour-02.jpg )
>> No. 1577 [Edit]
File 140580707348.jpg - (53.35KB , 426x678 , haruppi-team-k-tour.jpg )
Haruppi will never be our imouto again...
>> No. 1579 [Edit]
File 140580956277.jpg - (810.59KB , 1500x2165 , 41.jpg )
It's too late to turn back, embrace it.
>> No. 1588 [Edit]
Damn, she's almost like Yui Horie!
>> No. 1590 [Edit]
File 140583848296.jpg - (25.22KB , 480x270 , d7aa10c2-s.jpg )
Repost for one of the hottest videos ever made...

>> No. 1592 [Edit]
File 140584535011.jpg - (1.04MB , 1648x1099 , IMG_5352.jpg )
It was nice to see her again, but still ;_;
>> No. 1594 [Edit]
God damnit Tomochin, you make it hard for me to even try and listen to the song.
>> No. 1596 [Edit]
I think it's pretty funny she looks whiter than the people in the background, even though it was in America.
>> No. 1597 [Edit]
The intro already killed me:
>> No. 1598 [Edit]
File 140586061493.jpg - (34.34KB , 831x315 , Hairy_center.jpg )
Not shaving properly your armpits in the Year of our Lord of 2014 is unforgivable.

Mayu a shit.
>> No. 1600 [Edit]
I wanna see the full pic. Maybe she was doing the contortionist joke.
>> No. 1605 [Edit]
Full pic or I'm calling bullshit, there's no way that even if she hadn't shaved this wouldn't have been airbrushed somehow.
>> No. 1606 [Edit]
File 140587907628.png - (511.26KB , 680x510 , One hairy armpit to rule them all.png )

I didn't believe it either...

Here's the source. Did no one warned her? I mean she could at least make an emergency & quick shave.

>> No. 1607 [Edit]
You get this video after a Google image search:

But I find it really hard to care about it. I think I just shouldn't. Or anyone else either for that matter.
>> No. 1608 [Edit]
That whole verbatim series was unshopped
>> No. 1609 [Edit]
File 140587966156.jpg - (125.27KB , 680x684 , The soaked queen.jpg )
So she's not cyborg at all...
>> No. 1610 [Edit]
YY Terebi is hilarious, how did I miss this show

>> No. 1613 [Edit]
File 14059423292.jpg - (374.43KB , 1280x960 , team-b-tour.jpg )
>> No. 1614 [Edit]
File 140594237866.jpg - (2.40MB , 3264x2448 , team-4-tour.jpg )
>> No. 1618 [Edit]
I don't know anon. How did you miss it?
>> No. 1630 [Edit]
I didn't really think it would ever happen, but Milky just won back my heart with this:
>> No. 1639 [Edit]
File oba.webm - (4.09MB )
Late webm just for the heck of it and because she was actually trying.
>> No. 1646 [Edit]
What do you mean by she is actually trying? Looks like she is just using her bad english to get some laughs.
>> No. 1647 [Edit]
Has anyone found a link/torrent to the reshuffle dvd supposed to be available from 23 of July? Can't find it anywhere
>> No. 1648 [Edit]


>> No. 1649 [Edit]
>Making of "HKT48 Kyushu Seven Prefectures Tour"
is available on H!O.
>> No. 1650 [Edit]
Miichan is so pretty in this one. My eyes were pasted on her.
>> No. 1651 [Edit]
The long awaited HKT48 7 prefectures tour DVD/BD is finally available on H!O.
>> No. 1652 [Edit]
File 140631997846.jpg - (88.98KB , 1024x768 , love is being stupid.jpg )
>> No. 1657 [Edit]
I agree: she looks unusually pretty. I still don't get how she's allowed to participate in the single, though (no personal grudges against her, I just wonder).
>> No. 1658 [Edit]
She's not in senbatsu, seeing as this is the election single, she's just standing in for Sae it looks like for this broadcast. At least I assume it's Sae that's missing since I don't see her, which would make sense if she was doing SNH stuff at the time of the filming.
>> No. 1662 [Edit]
Wish it didn't take so long to come out though.
Gonna be weird watching Chiyori and stuff when she has long passed.
>> No. 1664 [Edit]
File 140638312088.jpg - (233.27KB , 849x767 , uchiyama_natsuki.jpg )
>> No. 1665 [Edit]
>Does the ‘no-dating’ rule for idol group members go against Japan’s Constitution?
Woah, I hope someone will scan it
>> No. 1668 [Edit]
I'm going to save you time because she already brought up the subject in the writer's corner of the Asahi Shinbun last week anyway.

Mirror for those who don't have no subscription:

tl;dr version - no
Also there is this other tidbit about paparazzi vs freedom of expression but oh well...

This is the book anyway (already out since 10 days ago). I'm not really well informed about new Team 4 members, but does the article mention she's a first year student at the Keiou university and the study of Japanese constitution has been an interests of her since a young age, or it's the same sterile and puerile anti-idol rhetoric once again?
>> No. 1685 [Edit]
I agree.
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