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File 140245996252.jpg - (203.94KB , 1243x689 , number one.jpg )
22 No. 22 [Edit]
I still so not believe Tohno allowed this...
But let's give it a try.

For now let's just start like this and see what happens. If the legitimate AKB General OP ever gets here, please keep doing you great work.

All Japanese 48/46 and related sub-groups are welcome.

If you're new to AKB, please read the FAQ.

Quick links to AKB tv shows:


Post edited on 11th Jun 2014, 3:00pm
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>> No. 27 [Edit]
>I still so not believe Tohno allowed this...
I'm still not crazy about 3d but the site could really use some fresh blood.
>> No. 28 [Edit]
Thought as much.

It's ok, really; as long as this board is moderated and newcomers abide to the rules at the rest of /tc/, it could be really good for both sides. If the right time ever comes, we could even discuss in here about how this entire thing can be similar to 2D love and good against feminism.

Post edited on 11th Jun 2014, 2:31am
>> No. 29 [Edit]
I keep forgetting about Aidol subs. Thanks for reminding me.

They uploaded a subbed version of the ouendan speech yesterday: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1yyjbu_aidol-akb48-37th-single-senbatsu-elections-ouendan-segment-english-sub_people
>> No. 31 [Edit]

Found this on my feed.
>> No. 35 [Edit]
My bet is they're going to perform a huge show at the Tokyo Olympics opening and conquer the world by storm from then on. It might not be what our world deserves, but it is what it needs.
>> No. 37 [Edit]
I think either the group won't exist by then, will be very different or the west still won't be ready for them as they're now (most likely, they'll go against it private Mii-chan style and worst all over again). Unless BioArt gets trendy by then, a state of the art Vocaloid live performance would have better chances of being accepted than this army of underage living dolls.
>> No. 39 [Edit]
men thats must be legendary, really hope that the group still alive then, even if not participate in the olympics i really hope that the group still exists because there future for that, komiyama, sakura, nako-miku, meru, hillary even jurina, thats is my bet for senbatsu 2019
>> No. 40 [Edit]
File 14024836868.jpg - (205.53KB , 1269x715 , captain.jpg )
I guess we're not getting the second ep of Hokamina, right?
>> No. 41 [Edit]
I seriously doubt it
Nana (Okada and Owada), Miki, Mako, Ryoha, maybe Fuuko is a safer bet. Even Yukarun has a bigger chance than those two in entering senbatsu.

Post edited on 11th Jun 2014, 4:14am
>> No. 42 [Edit]
>than this army of underage living dolls
I disagree.

The only group that best be attributed the word 'doll' is a certain Korean group -- this other group is almost near-identical and with genetic perfection it's genuinely frightening.

Yes, the world isn't ready for it because tbh the world only gets to hear mostly American music.
>> No. 44 [Edit]
File 14024919876.jpg - (54.16KB , 848x480 , 14061.jpg )
Having Chori and Maachun on akbingo was fun
>> No. 45 [Edit]
http://www.nikkansports.com/entertainment/akb48/news/f-et-tp0-20140611-1315634.html Apparently management are looking for alternatives to HS events.
>> No. 49 [Edit]
Am I the only one who thinks Nogizaka's new single to be a bit lackluster compared to the previous 2? Did Aki-P do it on purpose 'cause he knows it'd sell anyways thanks to Rena? Is Nogizaka allowed here?
>> No. 50 [Edit]
I wonder if they'll even become that popular. Their popularity seems to just come from their age, what happens when they get older?

Haruppi and Mio are much more likely in addition to Sakura and Meru who you already mentioned.
>> No. 52 [Edit]
I think NakoMiku will be pretty once they grow up. Or at the very least, only Miku.
>> No. 53 [Edit]
I've already loved this speech without even knowing what they were saying. But now that I've seen it translated, my god, this has to be the most motivational speech I've ever seen. I had goosebumps the entire time.
>> No. 54 [Edit]
I don't see a reason why they aren't allowed here. But I really like NFE, KizuKata>NFE>Barette for me.
>> No. 61 [Edit]
>subbed ouendan speech
Not sure why so many people were curious about this.
Surprised they even bothered trying to sub it. Also, holy shit, no capcha.
>> No. 62 [Edit]
What an adorable rascal Tano is.
>> No. 81 [Edit]
Management is playing it safe this single. They probably rushed it because of Rena's conflicting schedule and the 3rd stage looming by. They also brought back Eto, Inoue, Saito and Hoshino, who fit the "idol-like" image to help carry this single.

Management could also be saving resources for their 10th single and upcoming album.

A Nogizaka General would be nice.
>> No. 82 [Edit]
Another channel
>> No. 85 [Edit]
You're not the only one.
>> No. 93 [Edit]
File 140251776878.jpg - (58.68KB , 345x460 , f558cfd5.jpg )
I also find the song underwhelming compared to the two, and I can't help but think of the much more addictive Girls' Rule during the chorus. Hoping that the B-sides would be better.
>> No. 103 [Edit]
PV wise, yea it's a bit lackluster, it looks nice though and so do the girls.

The song, I like it, it's fun to listen to, I prefer it over barette.
>> No. 105 [Edit]
>Nogizaka allowed here?
Sure, sorry. Just added that to the precarious OP.
>> No. 109 [Edit]
File 140252674854.jpg - (176.19KB , 1254x693 , tehehehehe.jpg )
Damn, Mariri: get serious!
AKBs can't be a Yamato Nadeshiko for long.
>> No. 111 [Edit]
>I’m really annoyed with the inappropriate zombie scene that she was in. I was about to throw up watching how much the violence shown in this drama. I’m disappointed, I will not ever watch it anymore.
Sailor Zombie is MG3 in zombie clothing? I had a good laugh today.
>> No. 115 [Edit]
Which episode is that person referring to?
>> No. 116 [Edit]
File 14025343006.jpg - (335.22KB , 1280x1707 , zombiemiki_1280.jpg )
The one with zombified Miki.
>> No. 117 [Edit]
File 140253463112.jpg - (252.21KB , 1266x692 , POTATO.jpg )
She broke beautifully.
>> No. 124 [Edit]
Speaking of Majisuka, when do you think we're getting MG4, if it all?
If we do get MG4, would everyone prefer a continuation of MG3?
>> No. 143 [Edit]
MG3 ended in a cliffhanger so Im sure there's a sequel despite the bad acting.
>> No. 162 [Edit]

>tfw she's old enough to be Hilary's mom

Nice of Hilary to console her though. Still, I can't help but think Mariri is out of place.
>> No. 177 [Edit]
>Mariri is out of place.
Even disregarding her age, she really is awkward; but I guess that's what makes this the more interesting.

What really gets me is realizing that I'm closer to Mariri's age than to the average member's. Dang.
>> No. 181 [Edit]
I find her very funny honestly. I'm enjoying her stay at AKBINGO.
>> No. 189 [Edit]
File 140258908582.jpg - (178.78KB , 1272x692 , AKBINGO is a scary shit.jpg )
>I'm enjoying her stay at AKBINGO
She cannot say the same right now, but someday it'll be a valuable memory.
>> No. 191 [Edit]
Heh... If I remember correctly, before Mariri there was this one-half of Pink Lady who did a CM with the girls.
>> No. 193 [Edit]
Why is Sayanee such a disgusting Coreaboo?

>> No. 194 [Edit]
there's some nice manhwa .
>> No. 199 [Edit]
I just watched Ren'ai Sousenkyo for the first time, and boy do I regret not starting to watch it sooner now. It's super cute.

This is the episode I watched, starring Rie and Mako: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1z6l4d_140612-%E6%81%8B%E6%84%9B%E7%B7%8F%E9%81%B8%E6%8C%99_creation

That's also a pretty nice dailymotion channel to subscribe to. It's not all AKB related, but they do upload quite a lot of AKB and pretty quick too.
>> No. 201 [Edit]
I know it's Korea, and I'm not a big fan of Korea either, but I can totally relate, and I think it's commendable. I started studying Japanese too while working full-time, and I bet my schedule wasn't as packed as hers.

If you like something enough to spend your little free time studying for it, then that's a really great thing in my opinion, even if it's Korean.
>> No. 205 [Edit]
>> No. 206 [Edit]
>6位 SKE48終身名誉研究生・松村香織
>14位 Rev.from DVL・橋本環奈

Ahah, niggers!
>> No. 207 [Edit]
renai sousenkyo taught me that I could land Yui on an english teacher's wages

there is hope
>> No. 208 [Edit]

Hilary has a boy in her room. I ain't even mad.
>> No. 211 [Edit]
It's pretty shocking to see the level of degeneracy the /jp/ thread has descended into since most of the better posters left. I really wish they'd let it die so as not to further dirty AKB's image on that board.
>> No. 212 [Edit]
File 140261744137.jpg - (243.12KB , 960x1280 , 199.jpg )
I screamed like a little girl in that episode where Juri is confessing to a boy.

Juri is a cutie.
>> No. 213 [Edit]
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>> No. 215 [Edit]
File 140262032276.jpg - (188.59KB , 1280x720 , squirrelinbrazil.jpg )
We'll call the thread there not AKB but Manface General.

Anyway, Yuko just showed up on today's coverage of the World Cup opener.
>> No. 218 [Edit]
Can't be helped. The jannys there prefer shitposters and now they got it. They didn't give a shit about the quality of the discussion and neither should we. I'm nostalgic about what /jp/ used to be but nostalgia can only take you so far in the face of harsh reality.

I wonder if that guy ever got a reply for his feedback. Knowing how retarded they are, probably not.

Dear god. She's in brown town now. PRAY FOR YUKO!
>> No. 219 [Edit]
She'll be only there for a couple of days then jet back home because asides from the obvious vacation she still has hell a lot of work to do post-grad, such as TV dramas and hosting.
>> No. 221 [Edit]
It's winter there now, but so close to equator I don't know that counts. Hope her blood doesn't boil, in every way.
>> No. 222 [Edit]
Doesn't the 48 group have a member that is a halfie Brazilian?
>> No. 228 [Edit]
File 140262598684.png - (248.61KB , 480x272 , Yogi_Keira_3_SR5.png )
>> No. 239 [Edit]
She moved out immediately. Things weren't looking good on the ground, what with riot police somewhere beating up protesters.

Heh, now look at the thread back there. It's practically his now, so he'll spam it up until moot decides it's clogging his servers with that cholesterol.
>> No. 250 [Edit]
File 140264027967.jpg - (141.17KB , 846x932 , lel.jpg )
People change, I guess.
>> No. 255 [Edit]
I'm so glad people are noticing her now after so many years. I've liked her since the 1830m concert.
>> No. 259 [Edit]
>> No. 343 [Edit]
Is the Sailor Zombie drama going to be like the video game? Will they find another antidote that actually works? This drama turned dark fast. It went from dancing zombies to this.
>> No. 345 [Edit]
File 140273172590.jpg - (206.95KB , 1920x1080 , MayuWall01.jpg )
>> No. 347 [Edit]
I tried watching the first episode and it didnt interest me. Does it get better?
>> No. 357 [Edit]
File 140273827864.jpg - (69.62KB , 1024x640 , natsu.jpg )
Natsu looking cute as fuck
>> No. 358 [Edit]
File 140273871215.jpg - (519.47KB , 1800x1200 , tumblr_m92xrjxzvv1qmwzy6o5_1280.jpg )
Nice hover text there.
>> No. 365 [Edit]
File 140274220639.jpg - (34.88KB , 320x453 , 10390988_501072756660094_8618186640431091455_n.jpg )
I would really love to grovel on her feet now.
>> No. 368 [Edit]
File 140274459088.jpg - (58.69KB , 489x575 , 19 - 11.jpg )

Can anyone tell me what performance that is? Shit she's hot in there.
>> No. 369 [Edit]
I like how it sounds even though it's similar to their other songs.

Warukii obviously. But if you're asking which concert, I'm just as clueless.
>> No. 370 [Edit]
>> No. 373 [Edit]
File 140274745635.jpg - (38.49KB , 454x606 , 14 -61.jpg )
Thank you.
Apparently it was performed at least two times on their 7 Prefecture tour. Hoping they release the DVD/BDs release details soon.

Post edited on 14th Jun 2014, 5:13am
>> No. 374 [Edit]
I was expecting more untz from a song about Ibiza
>> No. 384 [Edit]
The second ep of Hokamina finally
>> No. 385 [Edit]
Nevermind. Its from NOTTV.

Post edited on 14th Jun 2014, 8:31am
>> No. 389 [Edit]
File 140276734151.jpg - (348.87KB , 1753x1151 , team-e.jpg )
I thought this was a Team K2 thing, but apparently it's a whatever team Akari's on thing.
>> No. 391 [Edit]
File 140277377275.jpg - (241.77KB , 1440x810 , b80b0184.jpg )
Yuko sure is brave.
>> No. 392 [Edit]
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>> No. 394 [Edit]
File 140277671895.jpg - (44.21KB , 480x360 , 0.jpg )
HKT48 no Odekake Ep.26 Subbed
>> No. 395 [Edit]
Here's a stream for the Mechaike episode that has


Yuuko's part starts at the beginning of the second half.

Post edited on 14th Jun 2014, 3:00pm
>> No. 396 [Edit]
File 140278373090.jpg - (206.65KB , 1280x960 , MukaichiMion.jpg )
Thanks. I love that show.
>> No. 398 [Edit]
Every time they show the crowd I die a little inside
>> No. 400 [Edit]
It's no MG, but the show is starting to get better right now.
>> No. 403 [Edit]
File 140280496923.jpg - (284.07KB , 1220x682 , 1st date in 8 years.jpg )
Another Yuko's special (date with Takamina) subbed now:


Smashing Pumpkins BGM was a nice surprise.
>> No. 405 [Edit]

Man, that montage of pics from Yuko and Takamina's from the beginning; so many change.

Also saw Yuko's final theater performance. No more Heavy Rotation ;_;
>> No. 418 [Edit]
That episode is so sweet, with Takamina's teary letter to Yuko. Also, Takamina brought Yuko to a restaurant that she said is hers. Is that true or is it just a joke?
>> No. 425 [Edit]
I'd like to know, too. Also, those Oedo onsen reminded me of that indoors festival place at Genshiken Nidaime (Vol 13 Ch 092)... could it be?
>> No. 428 [Edit]
I wish the subtitle fags would leave.
>> No. 433 [Edit]
Go to japanese forums, then. After all, these are english spoken threads aimed mostly to foreign fans. On the other hand, I wish the "fag" and such 4chan based slang would stop here, but oh well.
>> No. 437 [Edit]
File 140282509871.jpg - (216.11KB , 960x1280 , 07 - 1.jpg )
Not sure if getting cuter or my standards are getting lower...
>> No. 440 [Edit]
I think she's just REALLY good at taking pictures of herself. And that her teeth aren't showing.
>> No. 441 [Edit]
I noticed that my standards have dropped considerably since I started following akb
>> No. 442 [Edit]
File 140282947276.png - (311.76KB , 560x340 , Oku Manami 2006 & 2011.png )
>Not sure if getting cuter or my standards are getting lower...
She's getting better at making herself look pretty.
Pic related is Oku Manami in 2006 and 2011.
>> No. 446 [Edit]
Does anyone know if she has any public communication? Like a G+, Twitter account etc.
>> No. 448 [Edit]
Nope. She's completely off the grid, and would only show up in rare circumstances such as Yuko's graduation.
>> No. 449 [Edit]
oricon singles ranking 12/23-06/09
>> No. 459 [Edit]
jesus, the oricon charts have become irrelevant now that nobody but idol fans bother to buy cds
>> No. 464 [Edit]
You know what the sad part is, that this somehow is going to enable people to pass off legitimately unpopular groups as "successful" by hiding behind flimsy sour grape excuses such as "a-at least they did it honestly". Eventually any show of strength on part of their fans (such as CD sales) will be disregarded completely no matter how hard it is to ignore and we'll regress back to a time when the grade of popularity is decided by second party news articles that reek more of wishy washy PR than honest market reporting.

To be sincere, I'm already starting to see this attitute toward other idol groups as well, especially from normies with not much clue of what's actually going on behind. Lemme say that some still believe akushukai was invented by AKB.
>> No. 469 [Edit]
>> No. 473 [Edit]
no its not. you just have to learn to look past the top of the list.
>> No. 487 [Edit]
*on part of idol fans
>> No. 489 [Edit]
File 140286828592.jpg - (24.22KB , 720x405 , SKE48_Team-E_fall_webm_snapshot_00_01_[2014_06_15_.jpg )

The WebM has sound. Just saying since everyone is probably used to silent WebMs.
>> No. 490 [Edit]
Better use http://webmup.com/ instead
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