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979 No. 979 [Edit]
I figure I should add that I've come to bother y'all after having searched for hours on google and asking /jp/ last night (wasn't expecting much from them anyways and got what I expected).

Post edited on 1st May 2011, 8:42am
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>> No. 980 [Edit]
So pic unrelated. I'm tryng to get some VNs to work but I'm trying to do it for a buddy of mine that uses an old version of GNU/Ubuntu (9.x). We can't get the .bat to open because they aren't recognized so I made a copy of the file and made it into a .sh, the file type identical to a .bat. The problem is, I'm not very proficient with Ubuntu and he hasn't had to deal with any .sh so we are both stumped, I've looked around online but I'm not finding any real help. Any thoughts or has anyone else done this on Ubuntu?

TL;DR: how do I VN on Ubuntu?

DERP edited out original post entirely.
>> No. 981 [Edit]
I think I remember one person saying he used linux to run VNs. I can't remember who though... sorry.
>> No. 982 [Edit]
No worries, cross posted this to /jp/ and I'm getting shit answers (aside from the fact that Ren'py works fine, but I already knew that)

thanks anyways.
>> No. 983 [Edit]
Just a shot in the dark here, you've tried a windows sand box right?

I heard it'll run any VN except for DX stuff.
>> No. 984 [Edit]
not yet, didn't see that. I'll be hanging out with him later tonight so I'll bring the info to him. I take it Sandbox is a Virtual Machine? I found one saying it would work on Ubuntu called ViLE but aside from installation instructions there wasn't anything else on the site that even seemed to translate to working with a VN that they didn't support
>> No. 985 [Edit]
Emulator/Virtual Machine/sandbox


Years ago I used wine once, though I haven't really used linux recently so I can't help more than a link.
>> No. 986 [Edit]
Yeah we've got wine but I'm not well versed in it. Thinking I might be telling him to just dual boot XP. It's his old computer and he wanted to use it just for VNs.
>> No. 987 [Edit]
It might help if we had some more information. What VN is it? What does the .bat file actually do? There are differences between .bat files and .sh files so simply renaming it won't work if that's what you tried to do. You can try to run the bat file by running "wine cmd" and then typing the name of the file. If the VN is already installed you can try to run it with "wine program.exe" where program.exe is the name of the executable. If wine isn't installed run "sudo apt-get install wine" and it should be there. Many VNs work fine with wine but some will crash.

Another option is to install a virtual machine program such as virtualbox (probably the easiest to use) and install windows XP in it, assuming the hardware isn't too outdated. Most VNs are 2D only and should work fine.

Sorry if you already know this stuff.
>> No. 988 [Edit]
I use wine and virtualbox for when wine fails me.
In my experience wine will run pretty much any vn just fine.

Though I would suggest just not using linux at all, there is really no good reason to use it.
>> No. 989 [Edit]
>It might help if we had some more information. What VN is it?
Chaos Head from erogedownload.com, figured baby's first VN for him
>What does the .bat file actually do?
It's supposed to install the full English Patch (did everything listed here: http://erogedownload.com/downloads/chaoshead/comment-page-5/#comment-33927 up to that point)
>If the VN is already installed you can try to run it with "wine program.exe" where program.exe is the name of the executable. If wine isn't installed run "sudo apt-get install wine" and it should be there. Many VNs work fine with wine but some will crash.

Another option is to install a virtual machine program such as virtualbox (probably the easiest to use) and install windows XP in it, assuming the hardware isn't too outdated. Most VNs are 2D only and should work fine.
Yeah Virtual Box is my next step down the line.
Thanks for the help guys.
>> No. 990 [Edit]
I havnt tried chaos head since it first came out, but it didnt work in wine.
>> No. 991 [Edit]
you might want to look into vns that run on nscripter, it can run on linux natively.
>> No. 992 [Edit]
Good to know.
>> No. 993 [Edit]
well I'm still trying that one, but does anyone have a good idea for another baby's first VN for him? was thinking Swan Song. What a buddy of mine got me into.

Anyone got one of those charts with suggested VNs for the newfriends that I can send him?
>> No. 994 [Edit]
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>> No. 995 [Edit]
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>> No. 996 [Edit]
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>VN on ubuntu

I tried to do the same when I was starting: my desktop PC was really fucked up and I couldn't make them work on win xp. But the problems (partially related with audio hardware and corrupted libraries, in my case) extended to ubuntu and new ones appeared, so at the end it was (as >>487 just said) just an unnecessary and useless burden. I couldn't even install Deameon tools propperly with wine; I didn't get to that point, but I don't know how the fuck do we make ubuntu display kanjis properly, work as Applocale or hooking the games to AGTH (maybe it's even easier, but I don't know)...

So being practical, I would recommend to make a partition for windows; some people say XP is better for VNs, but I play them just fine on my Windows7 laptop (wich is way faster and manage better to use several simultaneous translators).

Post edited on 1st May 2011, 11:52am
>> No. 997 [Edit]
>> No. 998 [Edit]
>how the fuck do we make ubuntu display kanjis properly
System>Administration>Language Support>Install Japanese if I remember correctly.
>> No. 999 [Edit]
>I couldn't even install Deameon tools propperly with wine;
....why would you even try to do that?

>but I don't know how the fuck do we make ubuntu display kanjis properly, work as Applocale or anchoring the games to AGTH...
install proper fonts, applocale isnt needed on linux, and use something like http://digital-haze.net/lagth.php for text hooking.

tsukihime, it uses onscripter so it runs easily under linux.
>> No. 1000 [Edit]
>why... do that

I don't remember very well, but I think Nautilus and Gmount gave me problems from the begining... I was -and remain- new to Linux as well and my PC was really a mess. But it's good to know about options, now.

Post edited on 1st May 2011, 12:05pm
>> No. 1001 [Edit]
mount -o loop disk.iso folder/
then go to ~/.wine/dosdevices and make a symbolic link (ln -s) to it if need be.
>> No. 1002 [Edit]
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>another baby's first VN
picrelated is one of my favorites and runs fine in Linux.

To see if a particular game runs in wine, check out its entry at appdb.winehq.com.
You may have to set the system language to Japanese, I don't know.
Check out fuseiso for mounting DVD images.
If you need help on how to use a Linux console first, type man intro into a terminal.

>Though I would suggest just not using linux at all, there is really no good reason to use it.
At least not for people who can't read or modify source code and have no desire to learn it and don't need decent multi-language support, that is
>> No. 1003 [Edit]
but Saya is fully patched...
are you japanese (fluent) yourself?
>> No. 1004 [Edit]
>are you japanese
I'm German, but yes, I can read Japanese
>> No. 1006 [Edit]
I ran many VNs on my dual boot Arch/Gentoo box before installing 7 so I have some experience I can share. All of them were translated.

Insani releases native Linux versions of almost all their translations. Narcissu 2 is like this too IIRC. You can actually use the statically linked Linux executable of (P)ONScripter to run any (P)O/NScript game such as Tsukihime, Tsukihime PLUS+DISC, Kagetsu Tohya and Ballad of an Evening butterfly (saves will be dot files on your home folder, tipically .gamename for ONScript games and .randomcharacters for NScript games). Download it at http://onscripter.unclemion.com/releases/ (if unsure get http://onscripter.unclemion.com/pub/onscr/onscripter-en-linux-i386-20110413.tar.bz2 unpack it and copy onscripter-en to the game folder and run said executable).

Kirikiri games such as Fate/Stay Night tend to run fine through wine as the engine itself is open-source, although some proprietary extensions (such as some F/SN effects) can bring trouble. Just save often, ctrl through the problematic effects and backlog it. I got this problem about four times and I got all endings (plus tiger dojos) so it's perfectly playable.

Nitro+ games are weird. Saya ran fine through wine but with a few random crashes. Kikokugai refused to run most of the time, but when it did I completed the game experiencing no further trouble. Chaos;Head patched fine (the bat didn't work, I just did everything manually) but the game itself didn't work (main menu had no buttons at all).

Ever17 simply didn't run. SWAN SONG ran fine under wine, though it was annoyingly slow during effects (such as the earthquake near the start). Sharin no Kuni worked like a charm with wine, as did Planetarian. Inganock, Wanko to Kurasou and Utawarerumono are three games that I can't remember where I played. IIRC, Utawarerumono ran fine with wine, Inganock and Wanko failed.

That's pretty much all I can say. Do note that this was done with old versions of wine, so your mileage may vary. Oh, and I used the native cdemu to emulate a virtual drive.
>> No. 1007 [Edit]
Uhm...Linux user here for like 2 decades. I've never had any issues reading VNs with just a simple Wine installation.
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