No. 898
Yeah, I itended to go with that, but...
I'm pretty sure there are (at least) two different patches around as I downloaded one from erogedownload.com and I found another on /jp/. (it was uploaded on megaupload). I was just about to install the game when I checked the patches and sure enough, the file sizes are different, so I assume the contents are different, too. The one from erogedownload weights 1440 KB and the one from megaupload 1595KB. At first I assumed the larger one will obviously have more content translated but I'm not so sure anymore, since even if some parts would be left untraslated (and judging by comments on ergoedownload that seems to be the case) they aren't totally gone... and I thought that maybe moonrunes weight more? Well, either way I just wanted to ask you which one should I use (and what are the differences between them if someone actually knows that)?
Oh, and I tried using WinMerge but apparently both files have encoding errors.