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File 129353442365.jpg - (99.33KB , 574x435 , top_11.jpg )
885 No. 885 [Edit]
Jast USA grabbed the TLwiki project just before release.
Are you frustrated?
Expand all images
>> No. 886 [Edit]
>To be released next year!

Why do they make promises that they know that they can't keep?

Demonbane fucking when?
>> No. 888 [Edit]
There's already a complete translation patch for My Girlfriend is the President floating around, but it was released prior to the re-translation.
>> No. 889 [Edit]
Demonbane is Nitro+'s fault though, ALcot isn't moving all of their stuff or saying they need to revamp their engine completely, so it could be they actually manage.
>> No. 890 [Edit]
I can only hope the lack of support for the engine problems with Demonbane won't be repeated by Nitro+ with additional titles.
>> No. 891 [Edit]
Thanks Moogy. I fucking love Moogy.
>> No. 893 [Edit]
Peter Payne's reign extends to TLWiki thanks to his Jewgold.
>> No. 894 [Edit]
File 12935719627.jpg - (154.12KB , 1143x1600 , 1271836154941.jpg )
Forgot my picture.
>> No. 895 [Edit]

>> No. 896 [Edit]
Wasn't the patch already released?

Played this 3 - 4 months ago. Startship girl is moe.
>> No. 897 [Edit]
There's a patch that translates all the dialog, but images haven't been edited, and I think there are some glitches. It's nothing big though, it is perfectly playable to completion.
>> No. 898 [Edit]

Yeah, I itended to go with that, but...

I'm pretty sure there are (at least) two different patches around as I downloaded one from erogedownload.com and I found another on /jp/. (it was uploaded on megaupload). I was just about to install the game when I checked the patches and sure enough, the file sizes are different, so I assume the contents are different, too. The one from erogedownload weights 1440 KB and the one from megaupload 1595KB. At first I assumed the larger one will obviously have more content translated but I'm not so sure anymore, since even if some parts would be left untraslated (and judging by comments on ergoedownload that seems to be the case) they aren't totally gone... and I thought that maybe moonrunes weight more? Well, either way I just wanted to ask you which one should I use (and what are the differences between them if someone actually knows that)?

Oh, and I tried using WinMerge but apparently both files have encoding errors.
>> No. 899 [Edit]
The patch I have is 1.55 MBs. I don't recall running across anything that was untranslated outside of the menus, but I only read one route.
>> No. 900 [Edit]
I posted a megaupload on /jp/ yesterday, so that may have been the one I'm using. It's 1.55mb just like >>211 I haven't played the game completely with it, but I know people who said they have. They also said it glitched some times, like not showing a cg, but it was fixed by restarting the game.
>> No. 901 [Edit]

Ok, I'll go with that one thanks.

>I posted a megaupload on /jp/ yesterday, so that may have been the one I'm using.

Yeah, this is most likely the case. Thanks.
>> No. 902 [Edit]
From what I've heard, the translators sold their fan translation to JAST (well the project just happened to be hosted on TLwiki, so Moogy had no part in this; this was a decision made by the fan translation project members). So any money made by JAST for the sale of this game goes to the fan translators for Osadai.

So, in short: No.
>> No. 903 [Edit]
Im fine with it

Translators getting paid for handwork and expanding commercialization of fine moe goods?

All good
>> No. 904 [Edit]
>So any money made by JAST for the sale of this game goes to the fan translators for Osadai.
I'm certain that only (a likely very small) part of the money they make will go to the translators, but I'm guessing that's not what you meant to say.
>> No. 905 [Edit]

Me again. The patch works like a charm. Yeah, some stuff is left untranslated but it hasn't bothered me that much. As a matter of fact, there was one scene where there was a CG but no speech bubble so it was left untranslated... and I understood it all. I never tried to learn a single japanese word so that was kinda wierd. It's scary how much of it is stuck in my head just due to watching anime/palying VNs. Oh well.

And the game itself is really great. It's been a while since I enjoyed a VN this much. I guess I just prefer light-hearted (or rather, totally absurd) stuff like this rather than serious stories when it comes to VNs. It's the exact opposite with books, however - I absolutely hate when author tries to force some kind of humorous, toungue-in-cheek narrative in a book. It just feels wrong for me.


>So any money made by JAST for the sale of this game goes to the fan translators for Osadai.

As >>225 menotined, you probably meant some, not any. I don't think that's the case. In this kind of situations the translators would usually receive all the money they were offered for their translations at once and that's it. They won't get any % of the royalities from the sales. Of course, I might be wrong but I'm pretty confident about my guess.


Same here. They did it with pretty much altruistic intentions so it's great to see that their hard work got rewarded and I'm happy for them. I can't believe there are people out there who are bitching about how they 'sold out'. It's ridiculous.
>> No. 906 [Edit]
Probably because they did sell out. If anything release the game, since it was already finished, then pick a new game to work on as a commercial release.

Getting to nearly 100% then suddenly saying LOL NOPE, JAST TIEM then making everybody wait for god who knows now. I doubt many people are going to end up buying it.
>> No. 907 [Edit]

Of course this just means we have to wait a little while longer to pirate it.

The translators get paid and we download their translations for free, everybody wins, except for Jast, fuck them.
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