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File 129303358237.jpg - (58.62KB , 413x479 , x_a31b2b24.jpg )
872 No. 872 [Edit]
Is there any hope to see original VN AIR in English?
I've read Clannad and Kanon - and now I can't even watch their anime adaptations... They look like different stories... about your old friends. I hope I could read Maeda's original AIR, not it's adaptation...
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>> No. 873 [Edit]
File 129305142892.jpg - (561.90KB , 1227x1659 , 1257745904214.jpg )
Probably not gonna happen in this life time,
Air gets picked up and dropped by translators time and time again
The VN has been stuck at little more then 50% for years now.
There just isn't that much interest in the game with English speakers it seem.
Unless It gets picked up by mangagamer or something like that, I don't see it getting translated anytime time soon, if ever, but I'm sure they have a very long list of more popular and newer VN's they'd prefer to translate first, so I wouldn't count on them.
For now, enjoy the average of 2% translation progress per year.
>> No. 874 [Edit]
Didn't someone dump the 50-60% translated portion of the script a while ago on /jp/? I might dig through the archive and check, but it's going to be tough to find.
>> No. 875 [Edit]
File 129306559628.jpg - (614.42KB , 1280x800 , 7551585.jpg )

Just gotta hope they don't drop it too.
>> No. 876 [Edit]

Just gotta hope they don't drop it too.


That is why I post OP post... And their forum is dead now. So I suppose they submitted to VisiulArts demands... I think it was stupid.
>> No. 877 [Edit]
VisualArts would target fan translators translating some of their lesser-known works. Not so sure if it's hypocrisy. They didn't target LB or Tomoyo After for C&D. And Kanon and Clannad were untouched by some C&D bullshit. And nobody's working on Kudwafter.

VisualArts tends to be pissed about non-Japanese in general and throws in all kinds of shit to stop piracy, including the new anti-non-Japanese OS Siglus engine for Rewrite. Of course, Key has no say in this and doesn't give out C&Ds.

I guess the main trouble is the lack of interest that translators have for Air, so they tend to pick it up and drop it repeatedly.
>> No. 878 [Edit]
Maybe someone could translate it but not spread the word all over the place until it's finished?
but yes, that is stupid.
>> No. 879 [Edit]

Jeez, that's been a while with no update. It would be great if someone picked it up that actually had the intention of finishing it.
>> No. 880 [Edit]
They've already dropped it.
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