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855 No. 855 [Edit]
is it reasonable to NTR the girl you are interested in
so when you do play her route you feel a lot better about it?
I've never cared for playing eroges put I suppose now is a good time to start since anime and computer games don't bring the joy they use to.
and well that sort of the angle i'm approaching this
so is it a reasonable way of going about it?
>> No. 856 [Edit]
Just flow with the story the first time through it, don't even try to target a specific girl.

Yeah, you might end up going after the girl you like most, but that's the real you going through the story.
anything else is just you choosing whatever to get a certain girl just for her end.

Not that it's a bad thing, i just think flowing with the story and choosing based on how i would choose is the funnest way to go through (even if i hate ignoring that girl later to do other routes)
>> No. 857 [Edit]
>> No. 858 [Edit]
It's like when a guy watches a girl he loves cheat on him/she is raped in front of him
>> No. 859 [Edit]
that's sorta how I played KS. I played it though answering it the way I would. though it involved me immediately falling for hanako and going for her

but I didn't want to go for the other girls, mainly because it just didn't feel right, like it wasn't me playing. I know that sounds silly, but I like to get into it and actually portray myself as the MC.
>> No. 861 [Edit]
I find it can go a few different ways when I'm playing a VN.

There's the times when I immediately fall in love with one of the heroines and strive fervently for her route, if I somehow slip into another route you better believe I'm hitting the reload button.

Then there's the times I am unsure who I really 'want' or I equally like a few of them, then I will just give answers I feel I would in those situations.
>> No. 862 [Edit]

That's what I've been doing when I first began playing them but after ending up with the girl I liked the least time and time again I sort of gave up on that. Now I'm trying to maitain some sort of balance and play as if I were the MC (although not always) BUT I make some exceptions when it comes to picking the heroines.

This is pretty much off topic but even though I'm always attracted to ara ara well-mannered ojou-samas is anime and manga I tend to pick all sorts of different character types on my first playthrough in VNs (including tsunderes and genki girls who I usually dislike).


>I like to get into it and actually portray myself as the MC.

I sometimes like to do that, too, but I prefer VNs where MC is a 'real' person. Bonus points for face (well, this faceless MC thing is pretty stupid either way) and voice acting.

Oh, and I found the way sex was portrayed in YMK very off-putting (I dropped it solely because of this).
>> No. 863 [Edit]
in the end i couldn't go through with it,
my inner whiteknight simply would not let me...
>> No. 864 [Edit]
Well I just finished Aeaka's route
it made me feel...feelings...I'm rather confused since I don't know if I like these feelings or not...
>> No. 865 [Edit]
For most games, it really isn't a problem.

In YMK, however....
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