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File 129297938991.jpg - (53.17KB , 640x479 , higurashi-randomscreencap.jpg )
851 No. 851 [Edit]
Is there any confirmation of the characters' ages in Higurashi?

Based on the setting and everything it seems to imply that they're all elementary schoolers, but the chest tumors on Mion/Shion are a bit large for that young.

I guess that wouldn't be completely out of the question for anime style character design though.
>> No. 852 [Edit]

Mion/shion are the oldest of them. I'm guessing 18 since the year after Higurashi they graduate.
I think K1 is 17, since after they left, he becomes the oldest guy in school.

Rena is probably 16, but Rika and Sakoto are much younger. Probably 11-12 years old?
>> No. 853 [Edit]
About right. I think Satoko is supposed to be a couple of years older than Rika though, who's probably 9-10

The confusing thing is their all going to the same class. I don't think that would work too well, even with Ciel as your teacher.
>> No. 854 [Edit]
Well, the older students were supposed to also act as teachers to some extent. That's why they showed the class having joint study time all the time.
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