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File 171361734541.png - (394.84KB , 640x480 , Wikipe-tan_visual_novel_(Ren'Py).png )
2460 No. 2460 [Edit]
Why did Ren'Py used pygame instead of lua?
>> No. 2462 [Edit]
Python integration, accessible to developers ranging from low to high skills, and better performance compared to lua.
>> No. 2466 [Edit]
Because lua has 1-indexed arrays.
>> No. 2467 [Edit]
> better performance compared to lua.
lua is actually faster than python given how simple its interpreter is, and luajit is faster still. But really the fact that its so simple is a limitation: I get the appeal of lua from ease of integration standpoint, but as an actual language it's a pain to do anything meaningful. And whose bright idea was it to use 1-indexed arrays in a language whose main goal is supposed to be ease of interop with C?
>> No. 2469 [Edit]
>but as an actual language it's a pain to do anything meaningful
For those interested in leveraging Lua, but don't want to write it: https://github.com/hengestone/lua-languages
>> No. 2473 [Edit]
If you don'tlike renpy you can always use Löve2d for visual novels, it's barely even newer than renpy they are both from the 2004-2008 era.
>> No. 2503 [Edit]
I just found out that pytorch is actually called pytorch because it's the successor of torch, which was based in lua.

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