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2410 No. 2410 [Edit]
Hello, I've never been here, but I was looking for a place to discuss visual novels and so, after searching "visual novels" on wiby.me, I found this board
I'm currently reading Ever17
>> No. 2411 [Edit]
How do you like it so far? I've thought about reading that one.
>> No. 2412 [Edit]
I only just finished sora's route.
The character interactions are not as good as I was looking for, I was expecting more moments of tension between them. For a bunch of teenagers trapped in an underwater base on the verge of collapsing, they are surprisingly cheerful. I also struggled a lot to understand certain character's motivations, specially tsumugi.
I was really looking forward to the Kid as a character, he seemed really interesting in the prologue. He didn't do much until now though, I hope this will change now that I'll be "playing" as him in the following routes.
>> No. 2414 [Edit]
It really does get better
>> No. 2421 [Edit]
what the actual fuck is going on with this game

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