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File 169381384446.jpg - (63.12KB , 485x368 , 1560183988_screenshot-1-air-visual-novel-355910009.jpg )
2362 No. 2362 [Edit]
Visual Novels as a medium are effectively dead. A few embers still burn for now but every year more and more studios are closed, the profits generated get less and less, and the works that exist try harder and harder to appeal to normalfags.

Otaku culture was so successfully integrated into the mainstream where artefacts of what were once a niche are now commonplace - any mouthbreathing well integrated member of society can tell you all about Fate or Clannad or Higurashi thanks to the adapations and youtube explanation videos and wikipedia synopsis - but the value of these works has been entirely drained. We exist in a society of shadows cast by something no longer there.
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>> No. 2363 [Edit]
File 169384780462.jpg - (117.00KB , 1024x576 , 6272f7d58367c22fb3989357fd5f4eb1.jpg )
Don't a lot of mobile games, like Blue Archive, have VN type elements? It's not the same though, yeah. Amateur eroges are still a thing, but most have little to no story. Making a VN might also become easier over time, like what happened to books, removing the need for large studios.

There might also come a point in time, where people crave longer form entertainment. The market for VNs was never most people though, so I wonder where that market went.
>> No. 2364 [Edit]
>Making a VN might also become easier over time
Given the proliferation of open source/free-to-use/cheap engines and resources, the technical aspect of making a VN has never been more accessible. Graphics-wise, a passionate writer could utilize AI to generate character art and backgrounds, and it'll get better in the future. That said, I would prefer a more human touch.
>> No. 2365 [Edit]
>any mouthbreathing well integrated member of society can tell you all about Fate or Clannad or Higurashi thanks to the adapations and youtube explanation videos and wikipedia synopsis
It's been like that for a long time now. These VNs were always pretty popular I wouldn't call that the death of otaku culture. People can watch anime, play J-RPGs, read VNs, manga or LNs but they usually don't dig deep into them.
>but the value of these works has been entirely drained
You shouldn't judge something based on its popularity. I love Higurashi and some popular VNs and I don't care about what normalfags think about them. It doesn't change their quality either.
>and the works that exist try harder and harder to appeal to normalfags.
>every year more and more studios are closed
>We exist in a society of shadows cast by something no longer there.
At one point, passionate people will have to take it upon themselves and create their own works. It's already be done in the past thanks to doujin circles and independant studios or groups so it's possible. It's not productive to always complain like that and this behavior is pretty common in some anime and video games circles. Like >>2364 said, it's never been easier to create your own VN (or video game in general). The solution to that slump is to get creative and get into indie stuff.
>> No. 2366 [Edit]
>the value of these works has been entirely drained
why? Lots of novel authors still cite Nasu as a direct inspiration in why they chose to write.
>> No. 2367 [Edit]
It's time for TC to make its own visual novel.
I'll do the logo.
>> No. 2368 [Edit]
I'll do character design.
>> No. 2369 [Edit]
Its what happened to AAA games and movies and anime even. Though the east lasted a bit longer. But now everything is for "a wider audience".
>> No. 2370 [Edit]
There's always been mainstream and subculture anime. Jump shows and late night anime don't exist in the same realm.
>> No. 2371 [Edit]
>Jump shows and late night anime don't exist in the same realm.
They're the same industry. Must be plenty of cross pollination.
>> No. 2376 [Edit]
Sadly, these kind of projects rarely get anywhere, except for a few cases in big imageboards. But, if it somehow manages to start off, I can try to help with the writing.
>> No. 2377 [Edit]
I can do the programming. Unless there's an artist though, this is dead on arrival.
>> No. 2378 [Edit]
>these kind of projects rarely get anywhere
Yeah, my post is just a poor attempt at humor.

And of course the programming and scripting would be the easiest part unless we opted to not use an existing engine, but even then it wouldn't be that bad considering a basic VN is effectively a fancy slideshow.
>> No. 2379 [Edit]
File 169479857752.jpg - (518.77KB , 984x1400 , milky_umbalance_01.jpg )
I want to make a doujin circle with anons!
>> No. 2380 [Edit]
art seems like the hardest part, but also the easiest if AI is okay.
>> No. 2381 [Edit]
AI art is okay for backgrounds and single image pornography. Story and character specific art is beyond its capabilities imo.
>> No. 2382 [Edit]
This could only happen if someone went and did a significant amount of the legwork on their own and then asked for help afterwards.
>> No. 2383 [Edit]
In other words, you need a director?
>> No. 2561 [Edit]
File 173115644926.gif - (451.61KB , 500x455 , 1609841524525.gif )
>Visual Novels as a medium are effectively dead. A few embers still burn for now but every year more and more studios are closed, the profits generated get less and less, and the works that exist try harder and harder to appeal to normalfags.
Ugh, thanks for tha laugh?
>> No. 2562 [Edit]
File 173116802317.gif - (496.38KB , 500x455 , f6ea77790b6fc885e17fb2a1daab9945.gif )
>> No. 2567 [Edit]
File 173203170438.png - (1.19KB , 39x29 )
Judging by your English screenshot you're part of the problem and not any better than the people you're describing.

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