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2285 No. 2285 [Edit]
What have Visual Novels thought you?
>> No. 2286 [Edit]
>> No. 2293 [Edit]
>> No. 2347 [Edit]
that slow build up to porn is amazing. Sometimes.
>> No. 2361 [Edit]
Years ago I tried to pick up girls like in my dating sims. It didn't work out. Visual novels have taught me not to trust visual novels.
>> No. 2418 [Edit]
>> No. 2443 [Edit]
That you can't get outside ever again if you play them.
>> No. 2560 [Edit]
Heh. Autistic.
>> No. 2563 [Edit]
Where do I download vns? I want to play steins;gate someday.
>> No. 2564 [Edit]
steam, mangagamer, playstation network, the nintendo eshop in particular is also surprisingly good for vns
steins;gate is available for purchase on steam, as well as the nintendo eshop and psn if you want it on a console.
unless you were referring to piracy specifically
>> No. 2565 [Edit]
>unless you were referring to piracy specifically
Of course I were not
>> No. 2566 [Edit]
There is also Denpasoft, Jast and Jlist, but if you are only interested in Steins;Gate, Steam is probably the best.
>> No. 2575 [Edit]
By buying official "localizations" of VNs you're only contributing to the westernization and death of the medium, it's the same as buying official localizations of manga or paying for Crunchyroll or whatever. Piracy is the morally correct option if you care about the medium. If you want to support the creators, you can buy Japanese copies on Japanese websites like DLsite.
Now, as for piracy sites, there are many. The most popular one and a good starting point is good old Nyaa/Sukebei.

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