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2225 No. 2225 [Edit]
What is the latest visual novel you bought and do you think it was worth its price?
Alternatively, if you pirate your VNs: What is the latest VN you finished and would you consider paying for it?
>> No. 2226 [Edit]
I think the last VN I cleared was Sanoba Witch. I think it was really nice and comfy, and I liked all the main girls, so I didn't mind paying for it.
I both pirate and buy games depending on what makes it more convenient to play. I like to get some on the Switch if I can because I enjoy portable reading, but all I really have on there right now is Clannad and Gnosia.
>> No. 2303 [Edit]
Kara No Shoujo (first game and the sequel), which I really liked and definitely thought was worth the money. However after playing both I bought Cartagra because it was by the same devs and had some intersecting characters. That turned out to be a hugely disappointing game.
>> No. 2345 [Edit]
I'm quite new to visual novels; I've only played about 5 or so. I'm midway through higurashi and it's one of the best games (including non-vns) I've ever played. I tried the first episode and it was definitely worth paying for, especially since each episode is cheap.
>> No. 2348 [Edit]
I envy people who can buy things. You are usually either time rich or money rich, rarely both.

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