No. 2576
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I started Little Busters! today after anon's posts because I was interested in it. I hadn't read much of the posts, but I liked Kanon, Air, and Clannad, so I figure Little Busters is good too.
Sure enough... I'm starting off with Kurugaya's route. I haven't finished it but so far... Her character is a real critical strike to my heart. She reminds me heavily of myself when I was about that age, and even now... I could write a very long post about her and myself. To simplify it I'd just put it this way. I usually cling to a character in VNs, but with Kurugaya, she peels away another layer with every development. From the well-intentioned asshole, to the shy girl not good at honest conversation... If I didn't know better, I'd think that someone that once knew me used me as a character and turned me into a sexy boob girl.
We'll see how things develop, but... I don't expect any character to be so impactful as Kurugaya for me personally.