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2201 No. 2201 [Edit]
This thread is for posting your thoughts and musings on whatever VN you're currently reading but haven't finished. (I looked to see if there is a similar thread, but I don't think there is one.)

I'm currently enjoying Snow Sakura. Thus far, even after choosing one of the girls' routes, most of the VN is still dedicated to SoL moments. I'd be a tad disappointed, but these scenes are simply pleasant and amusing. The characters' interactions with each other are well-done, exhibiting a sort of warmness as they tease one another. I'm also a big fan of the perverted male friend in Sumiyoshi who, despite occasionally rebuked, fits well with the group. Really, in general, the group dynamic is fantastic. Hopefully, the ending will be appropriate as there seems to be a wistful and cold air permeating throughout the town.
86 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 2569 [Edit]
I posted that first one. Since then somebody's posted it to animebytes but I still haven't read it.
>> No. 2570 [Edit]
>> No. 2571 [Edit]
I found a torrent on sukebei uploaded in 2012. It seems to stay stuck at 99.8%

Post edited on 19th Nov 2024, 12:59pm
>> No. 2572 [Edit]
NTA but I'm pretty sure the path from RED is still open as it always was.
>> No. 2576 [Edit]
File 173518598376.png - (440.05KB , 700x700 , __kurugaya_yuiko_little_busters_drawn_by_ura_ura_t.png )
I started Little Busters! today after anon's posts because I was interested in it. I hadn't read much of the posts, but I liked Kanon, Air, and Clannad, so I figure Little Busters is good too.
Sure enough... I'm starting off with Kurugaya's route. I haven't finished it but so far... Her character is a real critical strike to my heart. She reminds me heavily of myself when I was about that age, and even now... I could write a very long post about her and myself. To simplify it I'd just put it this way. I usually cling to a character in VNs, but with Kurugaya, she peels away another layer with every development. From the well-intentioned asshole, to the shy girl not good at honest conversation... If I didn't know better, I'd think that someone that once knew me used me as a character and turned me into a sexy boob girl.
We'll see how things develop, but... I don't expect any character to be so impactful as Kurugaya for me personally.
>> No. 2577 [Edit]
File 173520930968.jpg - (292.59KB , 806x625 , 72d09a6f92341143071d966c719d566d.jpg )
Recently I started playing Planetarian and a few chapters in. For a change, it's a short, linear story with only two characters, but I happen to like it thus far. It builds up a relatively grim atmosphere, which only makes the heartwarming moments with the robot girl even better. Interestingly enough, Key thought, it would be a good idea to built in a Tweet functionality (as in Twitter post) with a button for it next to the other buttons such as backlog and auto. It's of course broken by now, but I just thought it was a funny curiosity.
>> No. 2578 [Edit]
>built in a Tweet functionality
This sucks, it kind of breaks immersion and "stains" an ethereal work of art with such a degenerate mark of the real world.
>> No. 2579 [Edit]
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She's perfect. Absolutely perfect.

Although I can't say I'm personally enamored with her, Kurugaya's popular for a reason.
>> No. 2580 [Edit]
File 17386078008.jpg - (363.22KB , 964x1015 , 1738607740.jpg )
Komomo-chan is seriously adorable. Every scene she's in is elevated by her presence alone.
>> No. 2581 [Edit]
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She keeps getting better! And what a song to introduce her as a miko!
>> No. 2582 [Edit]
please stop making my heart go doki doki! source???
>> No. 2583 [Edit]
File 173881720021.jpg - (287.70KB , 1180x1080 , 1738816867.jpg )
Cute and sexy: Komomo-chan has it all!
Her seiyuu's performance is very competent as well, possessing a bit of a unique voice too.

>> No. 2584 [Edit]
File 173886670559.jpg - (445.77KB , 1217x1035 , 1738866642.jpg )
It pains me to leave her side.
>> No. 2585 [Edit]
Please don't despair. I know the feeling is terrible.
>> No. 2587 [Edit]
File 173895754625.jpg - (328.79KB , 1320x1080 , 1738956960.jpg )
The desire to embrace her is overwhelming, but I'm forsaken to this side of the screen.

It'll only get worse once shit gets serious.
>> No. 2588 [Edit]
File 173904346320.png - (728.14KB , 774x1080 , 1739043389.png )
I love it when she does this. Komomo-chan is cute! CUTE!!!
>> No. 2589 [Edit]
The mere fact that you can do this makes me angry and afraid at the same time, and probably even confused. If I had to spend at least 30 minutes a day interacting with what looks like a perfect anime girl, it'd probably drive on the edge of suicide, because the very thought that it stays that side of the screen is insufferable. Honestly sometimes I envy you. I've never been able to play romantic VNs simply because it's insufferable. I only played one ONCE in my life, and that was so much that even despite retaining mostly warm feelings I know I don't want to come anywhere near experiencing it again. Damn.
>> No. 2590 [Edit]
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It's with a heavy heart that I will be departing from my dearest Komomo-chan to walk the path of Asuho. It's a tendency of mine to defer my favorites' routes until my hand is forced, and it will be no different here. It makes experiencing their stories all the more fruitful and impactful for me, and acts a motivator to do the other girls' routes. Still, it's rather painful; Komomo-chan is my starry sky.

I can commiserate with you, if not empathize a bit. For the comfort that Komomo-chan and others provide is counteracted by the crushing weight of reality: one can't help but feel somewhat abandoned when you're not absorbed in their world. But lonely as that might seem, one can't help but think those perfect girls would be happy knowing you're trying your best in the 3D realm, the impenetrable dividing line of the monitor be dammed.
>> No. 2591 [Edit]
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Asuho is cute and all, but c'mon! Why would you do this to yourself?
>> No. 2592 [Edit]
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If there is one major detriment to this novel, it's Chinami. She's annoying, loud, and her rapport with the MC isn't all that amusing outside of a few incidents. I had to significantly reduce her voice's volume to tolerate her scenes.
I might not be able to finish every route if hers is mandatory.
>> No. 2593 [Edit]
Interesting. I'd say I like a bit loud girls like that make my own voices sound quieter so I can unwind a bit. In a way, I let her silliness entertain me, but I don't care.
>> No. 2594 [Edit]
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And while I'm complaining, I might as well express my displeasure for Kosame's perverse nature towards her sister: it's a bit obnoxious. It's played off as a joke, more or less, but I've seen this dynamic enough elsewhere that I don't find it entertaining anymore.
How our tastes change as we age!

That's a good way to approach this. Although in this instance, it's not just her loudness but the other (negative) qualities that are amplified by it.
>> No. 2595 [Edit]
File 173916331344.jpg - (699.93KB , 1920x1080 , 1739162905.jpg )
My dearest Komomo-chan is unaware of the fact that she is the crown jewel of a multi-dimensional, multi-timeline harem constructed from the player's ability to rewrite events indefinitely. And so the only one who's single here is glasses-kun. (This is what I have to tell myself to not feel like crap.)
>> No. 2597 [Edit]
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Asuho's chapter: done. Very much of an introductory one in terms of conflicts, resolutions, and overall plot points, but she also has the air of "main girl" because of this and possessing the highest number of CGs (to my displeasure). Although I wasn't emotionally invested most of the time, her relationship with her father is touching and the last scene did pluck a heart string. Lastly, I appreciate the other characters remaining relevant once her route began in earnest, making for a more immersive experience.

In contradiction to what I recently posted and usually do, I will be embarking on my beloved Komomo-chan's route posthaste. My heart ached profusely for each appearance she made while with Asuho; delaying is no longer an option.
>> No. 2598 [Edit]
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As I skim the introductory parts in preparation for Total Komomo-chan Love, my initial feelings regarding Chinami are reinforced: she is a headache-educing creature. The prologue is extremely painful to get through because of her, or maybe to be more fair, the repetition involving her.
>> No. 2599 [Edit]
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I very much am, my beloved Komomo-chan!
>> No. 2600 [Edit]
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I can't wait!
>> No. 2601 [Edit]
At this point I can't wait either. Keep us updated!
>> No. 2602 [Edit]
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Less than a minute in, this is already a stark contrast to Asuho's. Komomo-chan, please don't despair!
>> No. 2604 [Edit]
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I wouldn't have it any other way!
>> No. 2605 [Edit]
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No word in the English language can express how much I love it when she becomes pouty like this. Cute, CUTE, CUTE!!!
>> No. 2606 [Edit]
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And I'd do it again if it means being with Komomo-chan.
>> No. 2607 [Edit]
Some things are worthy of sacrifices. Komomo-chan's one of those.
>> No. 2608 [Edit]
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Is it really my fault when her reactions are so damn cute?

Without a doubt.
>> No. 2609 [Edit]
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I did, in fact, do it again.
>> No. 2610 [Edit]
Do they even realize that they are the only reason they can't have everything? I mean, I who would mind having a little harem for themselves?
>> No. 2611 [Edit]
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He's one of my favorite characters.

I would agree if this were another game, but I love Komomo-chan so much that I wouldn't take that deal even if it were possible. A harem implies romantically spending time with another girl other than she, and I simply cannot bear that.
>> No. 2612 [Edit]
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Anything for you, my dear.
>> No. 2615 [Edit]
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I can die happy.
>> No. 2616 [Edit]
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The entirety of this scene is one of the cutest things I've had the pleasure of experiencing in my time enjoying Japanese media. And the buildup? So good.
Komomo-chan is the miracle of the universe.
>> No. 2619 [Edit]
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A girl who's bridal carried gets a massive increase to her maiden level.
>> No. 2621 [Edit]
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Her aggressive bashfulness when treated like a maiden is something to behold, anons. It's supremely cute.
>> No. 2622 [Edit]
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Komomo-chan is a tough nut to crack, and I love it. To watch her slowly open up, realizing her own feelings, is an absolute delight. I'm afraid, however, that given a recent development, something sad will happen to collapse her final wall so that she might earnestly rely on you.
>> No. 2623 [Edit]
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The treason will continue until Komomo-chan's mood improves.
>> No. 2626 [Edit]
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She lied about student council work to spend time with you.
My heart is nearing its end.
>> No. 2627 [Edit]
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Her cuteness is suffocating me to such an extent that I've made little progress since my last post. Each press of the return key reveals yet another full frontal assault on my heart.
>> No. 2628 [Edit]
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And the teasing is so good.
>> No. 2629 [Edit]
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Slowly but surely, anons!
>> No. 2630 [Edit]
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The story continues down the dark path laid out in the beginning of her route. While I don't think it's going to be too bad, I'm still not feeling good.
Komomo-chan will be saved!
>> No. 2631 [Edit]
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Rare are the times that I have fist-pumped while reading visual novels, but this was one of them.
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