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1597 No. 1597 [Edit]
News here, discussion in topics please. It's okay to make comments but please don't derail this thread as I want this to be the go-to reference place for Visual Novel news, I'll try and keep it updated as much as possible. Let's get to it. Releases first, daily tidbits to follow.

April 2012 Scheduled Releases

Mahoutsukai no Yoru -Witch on the Holy Night- (魔法使いの夜)
April 12, 2012

April 27, 2012

D.C.III ~Da Capo III~ (D.C.III~ダ・カーポIII~)
April 27, 2012

April 27, 2012

ミニヨン (Mignonne)
April 27, 2012

オーバーフロー (Overflow)
April 27, 2012

Shiawase Kazoku-bu (しあわせ家族部)
パープルソフトウェア (Purple Software)
April 27, 2012

Zutto Tsukushite Ageru no! (ずっとつくしてあげるの!)
April 27, 2012

Haru Made, Kururu. (はるまで、くるる。)
すみっこ (Sumikko)
April 27, 2012

Futari wa My Angel (ふたりはマイエンジェル)
クラウド (CROWD)
April 27, 2012

Muri Yari!? Otome Days (むりやり!? オトメDAYS)
娘。(ニャン) (Nyann)
April 27, 2012

Monobeno (ものべの)
April 27, 2012

Yukiiro ~Sora ni Rikka no Sumu Machi~ (ゆきいろ ~空に六花の住む町~)
ねこねこソフト (NekoNekoSoft)
April 27, 2012

Demonion ~Maou no Chika Yousai~ (デモニオン ~魔王の地下要塞~)
アストロノーツ・シリウス (Astronauts Sirius)
April 27, 2012

Ore no Kanojo no Uraomote (俺の彼女のウラオモテ)
April 27, 2012

Hanachiru Miyako to Ryuu no Miko (花散る都と竜の巫女)
でぼの巣製作所 (Debo no Su)
April 27, 2012

Kessen! Otome-tachi no Senjou 3 (決戦!乙女たちの戦場3 ~電撃作戦!戦果はエースの名のもとに~)
unicorn-a / げーせん18 (Gesen18)
April 27, 2012

Sakura No Reply (桜ノーリプライ)
April 27, 2012

Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi AA (星空へ架かる橋AA)
フォン (feng)
April 27, 2012

Soukou no Arterial (創刻のアテリアル)
エウシュリー (Eushully)
April 27, 2012

Kouyoku no Soleil -vii’s World- (虹翼のソレイユ-vii’s World-)
April 27, 2012

Hyouka no Mau Sora ni (氷華の舞う空に)
ロゼブル (Rosebleu)
April 27, 2012

Imouto ga Boku o Neratteru (妹が僕を狙ってる)
April 27, 2012

Descriptions, Trailers and More Info: http://omochikaeri.wordpress.com/2012/04/01/april-2012-eroge-releases/
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>> No. 1598 [Edit]
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Mahoutsukai no Yoru -Witch on the Holy Night- (魔法使いの夜) - "Character" and "Special" pages updated

Guily Crown - Lost Christmas - Release date pushed back to 26th July 2012

Ane x Heaven - Playable Demo Available for Download

Yukiiro ~Sora ni Rikka no Sumu Machi~ (ゆきいろ ~空に六花の住む町~) - Introduction page added

Ore no Kanojo no Uraomote (俺の彼女のウラオモテ) - Playable demo available for download
>> No. 2181 [Edit]
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Borrowing this thread.

New Madosoft game announced:
Hamidashi Creative (ハミダシクリエイティブ)
>> No. 2212 [Edit]
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Remake news! Possibly switch and ps4 only (no pc or ps5?) also Tsukihime is finally getting an anime adaption!
>> No. 2515 [Edit]
Kanon HD was released on Steam a few days ago.
Ready to revisit this intoxicating mix of SUFFERING and uguu?
>> No. 2537 [Edit]
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Katawa Shoujo will be released on Steam in two weeks: https://store.steampowered.com/app/3068300/Katawa_Shoujo/
This isn't too surprising since its website never vanished and remains to this day. For all its flaws, KS is probably the best VN to originate in the West, too.
Do you think it'll garner any attention now that VNs are more available than ever outside of Japan?
>> No. 2538 [Edit]
I don't understand the point of releasing a game on steam that's been available for free for over a decade.
>> No. 2539 [Edit]
My guess is that it's been long enough that a reintroduction into the mindspace makes sense, and Steam would be the best way to do that. Or maybe whoever is still in charge plans to use this as a jumping off point for another venture.
>> No. 2540 [Edit]
Yeah... that makes sense. Gog or DLSite would be preferable though.
>> No. 2541 [Edit]
I don't think english games should be published on DLSite.
I've never really liked this game. It comes off as ironic other than the parts that are taken directly from Raita's original concept which nobody seems to acknowledge.
>> No. 2542 [Edit]
Would be cool. Although for dlsite, it would make sense for there to be a Japanese localization, but they'd have to ask for the rights to use the current one.

That's not true even as an exaggeration. Many knew that KS originated from those illustrations, and I think the devs even asked for Raita's permission to work off his designs.

On the contrary, many faulted it for being too earnest at times. Do remember this was over a decade ago.
>> No. 2543 [Edit]
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I don't know how to feel about that, dragging it out into the spotlight after 12 years. Perhaps it doesn't get much attention though. If it does, I honestly don't think anything good will come from it. There has been so much said and done regarding it, what else could still be done? A route for Akira is finally getting made? Can't imagine anything else.

A japanese translation exists and yes, Raita has been asked and gave the permisson.
>> No. 2544 [Edit]
I was thinking along similar lines as you, but came to realize that if one were to be introduced to the medium through a Western work, then I'd prefer it to be something like Katawa Shoujo than other games that are parodies, jokes, or satire. It's an honest attempt at a bishoujo nakige that elicited authentic feelings from many, as depicted in your image. Yeah, if I were to recommend something I'd choose a Key title or a short but sweet doujin novel (which is what got me into VNs), but one could do so much worse than picking up Katawa Shoujo after witnessing its possible (and probably minor) resurgence. Just pray they don't read Shizune's route first.

>A route for Akira is finally getting made? Can't imagine anything else.
I doubt anything like that will happen, but I always imagined Miki would be the first to get one if that were to every occur.

>A japanese translation exists and yes
And I just found out that it will be included amongst other languages. Neat!

>Raita has been asked and gave the permisson.
Memory: intact.
>> No. 2545 [Edit]
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> if one were to be introduced to the medium through a Western work
Why not enter the world of vn through a Japanese work? I agree though that KS is a good entry point, even though it's the only thing the devs ever made and there are not many good visual novels produced by people outside of Japan. Besides this there are many vn on steam already, I think if there won’t be many who will have their first with it.

> It's an honest attempt at a bishoujo nakige that elicited authentic feelings from many, as depicted in your image
I do remember the gut punches I received from Katawa Shoujo very dearly. The developers clearly cared, took it seriously and gave their best, without thoughts on how to make money, cater to a specific audience or whatever. The novel does have a special place in my heart, but this is exactly why I am also sceptical. It's not 2012 anymore. Last thing I want to see now is some moral faggots to complain that Kenji is misogynistic or slap some shitty labels on every character.

> if I were to recommend something I'd choose a Key title or a short but sweet doujin novel (which is what got me into VNs)
This made me think on how you would recommend a visual novel to somebody, who has never read one before. Perhaps one that is the source to an anime they like? The length and content should also be considered, handing someone a 50 hour+ is surely a heavy load as a first, while a nukige could give a wrong impression and a kinetic too boring? Guess this also depends on if they even like to read or not.

> but one could do so much worse than picking up Katawa Shoujo after witnessing its possible (and probably minor) resurgence
Even when throwing in all those vn with Japanese origin I consider KS very good. Looking at the whole thing I am convinced that those responsible have read a fair share of them themself before creating it and liked the medium, had some respect for it. For all the love I have for Katawa Shoujo, I do hope it's only the gentle flicker of a candle. Nowadays I hate it more than anything when something I like gets a lot of attention.

> Just pray they don't read Shizune's route first
May be an unpopular opinion, but I think her route wasn't that bad. Just not as good as the others though, so I understand why It does have that reputation. Her route Is great in the alpha by the way. Hanaka is also recommended there.

> I doubt anything like that will happen, but I always imagined Miki would be the first to get one if that were to every occur.
Miki already has one, but it can't be incorporated into the base novel, it's a standalone called Summer Clover. I didn't like it because of how Miki was presented there, which was honestly a huge blow to me, I liked her a lot in her short appearance she had.
>> No. 2546 [Edit]
>Why not enter the world of vn through a Japanese work?
Ideally one would, but there are those who'll inevitably read a Western work as their first, and Katawa Shoujo being among the popular choices would be a good thing in my book for reasons you and I both agree on. Now that I think about it, however, I wonder if someone new would be able to pick up on whether it's Western or not.

>Last thing I want to see now is some moral faggots to complain that Kenji is misogynistic or slap some shitty labels on every character.
There are those who would do this, yes, but there are also many who wouldn't. I suppose this doesn't worry me too much because I never interact with such people in my online spaces.

>This made me think on how you would recommend a visual novel to somebody, who has never read one before.
Bit of a daunting task, isn't it? You'd definitely want to tailor a recommendation to the person's taste, so what I said before had a "generic" target in mind. But I think a shorter novel is more or least a must, and there are many of those that aren't mere nukige.
>Guess this also depends on if they even like to read or not.

>May be an unpopular opinion, but I think her route wasn't that bad. Just not as good as the others though, so I understand why It does have that reputation.
Its primary problems in my book are that it can feel like a slog at times and Misha's part in it is going to be very hit or miss for someone.
>Her route Is great in the alpha by the way. Hanaka is also recommended there.
So I've read.

>Miki already has one, but it can't be incorporated into the base novel, it's a standalone called Summer Clover.
Yeah, but it's obviously non-canon. So there would be an opportunity to craft one that's better, not that one should expect any append.
>> No. 2547 [Edit]
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> I wonder if someone new would be able to pick up on whether it's Western or not.
A good question. Given how lovingly it was crafted I don't think so. Also the fact that it is for free, so there is no need to gather information on it before buying either. If somebody even pays instead of being a pirate.

> I suppose this doesn't worry me too much because I never interact with such people in my online spaces.
I don't interact with such people either, I don't even use those places where things like that originate from. Yet somehow now and then something leaks through and it ends up on my plate. Unfortunately I have no idea how to avoid that, TC is the only place I know who seems to be capable of walling this off.

> You'd definitely want to tailor a recommendation to the person's taste
Perhaps their read manga would be a good help to pinpoint a recommendation. Maybe even more than the books they know or the anime they have watched.

> Its primary problems in my book are that it can feel like a slog at times and Misha's part in it is going to be very hit or miss for someone
While it never felt like a slog for me, it is unfortunate that Misha is so heavily presented in her route. It makes sense, that she would appear a lot, given how much time they spend with each other, but Misha having an own route would have surely benefited both of them. Especially the story regarding Misha could have been made better that way.

> So I've read
Clear recommendation, if you ever feel like reading it again. Rin, Liliy and Emi are almost the same though.

> Yeah, but it's obviously non-canon. So there would be an opportunity to craft one that's better, not that one should expect any append
That is correct, it's not canon. It was made by a writer of Katawa Shoujo, but was published as text only, a fan fiction, which was later made into a novel by somebody else. I do appreciate the vigor of some people creating fan made things, but the art there really is sloppy. My opinion is that her character is also not that nice there, but I guess that is personal taste. Thinking about an append gives me mixed feelings, I wonder if they would still be capable to fit something new into it nicely. I never feel well when I hear that something gets dig up and is being fixed or expanded. After the release to immediately work on additional content and fixes is the way for me. It seems most likely to still carry the have the spirit of it in their heart and mind.
>> No. 2553 [Edit]
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SINce Memories: Hoshi no Sora no Shita de will be the first entry in the Memories Off series to be translated into English!
You guys remember Memories Off, right?
>> No. 2603 [Edit]
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Especially relevant to tohno-chan: AIR will be coming to Steam on March 5th. About time!
>> No. 2613 [Edit]
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This is exciting news!
>> No. 2614 [Edit]
Really? Is it a sign of something new being in the works?
>> No. 2617 [Edit]
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cant wait
>> No. 2618 [Edit]
Other than the game itself? Probably not. I assume it's just the copyright holders seeing the potential for a new revenue stream, even if small one, by releasing one of their own games that never had an official translation.
>> No. 2620 [Edit]
Not for Air particularly but there's new Key stuff coming like the Summer Pockets anime.
I hope the upscaling in this isn't as bad as it was in Kanon.
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