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File 130865634816.jpg - (46.82KB , 247x504 , S05_CHRI_1_04B_07_00_N.jpg )
1227 No. 1227 [Edit]
I-it's not like I want you to play my route or anything...

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>> No. 1228 [Edit]
File 130865768617.jpg - (76.97KB , 267x400 , shouichi.jpg )
... But since simply reminding you it's released won't ignite any discussion I might as well try to set some initial topics.

First of all, didn't Rance-kun look like he might be gay? I know the characters themselves point that out and he himself denies it later (you could probably say he's asexual) but for some reason I still can't really shake off that feeling. I'm not saying he's a flamboyant, metrosexual faggot, just that he somehow gives off a homo vibe and when asked about it he wouldn't try to hide it and probably wouldn't even understand how it's supposedly 'strange'.
>> No. 1229 [Edit]
File 130865808646.jpg - (13.73KB , 260x260 , F_S23_KOYU_0_02B_01_01_N.jpg )
Koyuki. She's been driving me mad every time she made an appearance. She's supposed to look like somebody and I can't fucking figure it out! Traits that might be giving me this deja-vu-esque feeling:

- this pose, where she tilts her head to side her fringe cover part of her eye (there's a similar one in OP of Angel Beats! but that's not it)
- her character in general, especially the derpy stoner vibe she gives off
- didn't she sing something at some point? Because I feel the character who I'm thinking off might've been singing songs while tilting her head from side to side.
- also, I somehow feel that whoever I'm thinking off was pretty clingy

But for the time being point 1 is the most important one. I feel that just like Gakuto's and Kazama's this pose is a reference to someone.
>> No. 1230 [Edit]
File 130865843251.jpg - (51.12KB , 395x547 , S02_KAZU_1_04A_11_00_L.jpg )

Why do people dislike Wanko!? Wanko is a good girl. Don't you want to pick on her, then apologize and pat her head whenever she appears?!
>> No. 1231 [Edit]
And finally a small request (if there's someone who hasn't played it yet and plans to). I can't find the scene I'm looking for. In said scene (which happens during the prologue I think), Moro, Gakuto, Yamato and probably Ikurou (I'm not sure about him, though) talk about women. Moro says that he doesn't care that much about sex and he'd rather just lay in bed with a woman. I should've cap'd that but it didn't. If you'll stumble upon it please either cap it or memorize on which day it happened and let me know. Thanks in advance~~
>> No. 1232 [Edit]
Is that a Virtual Boy?
>> No. 1233 [Edit]
So this isn't fully translated? It's just a few parts here and there?

Why do people do that?!
>> No. 1234 [Edit]
File 130874138884.png - (1.19MB , 1366x768 , Room.png )

Yup. He has got other consoles in his room, too.


>Why do people do that?!

First of all, it's hardly something new. As for the 'why' part... Well, TakaJun has been working on it for a long-ass time and for the time being we only have 2/5 main routes and 1/6 side routes translated (and then there's True Route, too). If he were to release it once he's done with everything we'd have to wait until ~2013. This is a quite long VN you know. I'm not even sure whether he'll manage to complete Momo route this year (possible Christmas release?).

Also, I doesn't really bother me. Think of it as enforced playing order. I mean hell, the game DOES have enforced playing order (that's only for side characters and True Route but still). Sure, I would prefer to do it in other order but it can't be helped.
>> No. 1235 [Edit]
Looking forward to wanko's route translation.
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