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File 131224884855.jpg - (96.03KB , 683x521 , 345216.jpg )
1213 No. 1213 [Edit]

I'll just leave this here. I found it while lurking in Katawa Shoujo's development IRC and thought some of you would be interested in seeing it.
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>> No. 1214 [Edit]
The artwork seems good for an OELVN, I'll give it a shot.
>> No. 1215 [Edit]
Oh joy, another visual novel I'll have to wait eons to play in whole. I hate you and love you for telling me about Cradle Song, OP.
>> No. 1216 [Edit]
...an eight-string guitar? Is she planning to start a Meshuggah cover band?

This is a very short teaser, but it does a good job of making me interested for the final product.

It's so interesting to me to see how westerners absorb anime and then draw influence from it. In this case it's even kind of recursive since this is clearly influenced by The Matrix, which was influenced by Ghost in the Shell.
>> No. 1217 [Edit]
Now then, I just ended reading this and I've got to say that it is, in my opinion, an overall good preview. I found myself dumbfounded by how much of a teenager's failed love life it looked to be before anything actually happened. I found the music to be overall well made, though it seemed kind of out of place sometimes, though I've got to hand it for the art, quality and style, and the directing of it, as it looked very well made. I just honestly expect the story goes some other way on the finished work and not to a bland and drag hero-wannabe protagonist in a sci-fi dictatorial alternate universe.
>> No. 1218 [Edit]
Oh, I saw someone say 'I'm gonna read Cradle Song now' few days ago. At first I read it as Cat's Cradle, didn't bother to google it when I realized that's not it.

But yeah, good to know, thanks.
>> No. 1219 [Edit]
File 131230793996.png - (9.55KB , 191x234 , 1312037960421.png )
Argh, it ended on me right as it was getting good. I can't believe I didn't see that "twist" coming. Derp.

I'm really looking forward to the release of this game. I'll buy no matter the price. The art looks really nice and the music fits almost perfectly. Characters look like they won't disappoint either. It's so nice to see an American made VN that doesn't try to be Japanese and has quality art. Mad props for thinking about all us Linux users too.

But man I need to get a new video card. It's absolutely pathetic when low-level VN graphics can't run smoothly.
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