Holy shit, JAST, take all my money. Official releases from Nitro+ planned: >Saya no Uta >Kikokugai >Hanachirasu >Sumaga >Outlaw Django >We’ll be cooperating contractually with the staff of TLwiki to bring these games to you as promptly as possible while retaining a high standard of quality, with the understanding from Nitroplus that the development cycle of Demonbane was excessively long. The release format will include several options, including bundled disc releases that pair some of the shorter games as well as individual download versions of each title. After a preliminary evaluation of game content we see no need to make any changes at this time. Xuse: >Seinarukana >Seinarukana is being produced in contractual collaboration with the group currently working on the project hosted at TLwiki. Peach Princess: >Starless http://www.jastusa.com/pre-ax-roundup-coming-attractions
This is awesome, I hope it is the Kikokugai remake.
>>627 It's not.
>>627 99% sure it won't be. At the beginning of the post, it says all titles will be 18+, and the Kikokugai remake is all-ages.
Um, OK. If they ever get around to it, sure. I won't hesitate to throw my money at them.
Saya no Uta + Hanachirasu - Fall 2011, $30 Django + Kikokugai - 2012, Price TBA Sumaga - 2012, Price TBA http://www.nitroplususa.com/new-nitro-titles-announced-preorders/
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