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File 130744103013.png - (484.38KB , 800x600 , flylikeaneagle.png )
1100 No. 1100 [Edit]
FH is translated.


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Post edited on 7th Jun 2011, 3:04am
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>> No. 1101 [Edit]
Wow, it's done? Thanks for the info, I'll be sure to at least download it later (although - to be perfectly honest - the trial was rather disappointing).
>> No. 1103 [Edit]
Is the translation still as godawful as the /jp/ threads imply?
>> No. 1104 [Edit]
yes, it's not much better then using agth
>> No. 1105 [Edit]
Thoughts so far?

Debating downloading it.
>> No. 1106 [Edit]
Downloading now. That is the extent of my thoughts.
>> No. 1107 [Edit]
>While many have said that it still looks unedited, there was a reason. Several others I had asked to edit wanted to change too much, to the extent mentioned above. My choice was to only try to fix obvious spelling errors, and leave the rest unchanged. Why? To show that this project, my first visual novel translation, is undoubtedly not perfect, to show the flaws that are normal for such. I want to tear down the arrogant "barrier to entry" and classism that surrounds visual novel translation. I want to preserve this imperfection as a first step, a milestone to serve as a reminder to everyone and inspiration to others who are also just starting (and we need more of you!) - there is no need to be ashamed or afraid.

What the fuck am I reading? He purposely left the translation butchered and stilted to preserve some sort of imaginary effect? I haven't started reading it yet (patching right now,) but this doesn't instill any great confidence in me.
>> No. 1108 [Edit]
Got a little past the introduction today. Only enough to introduce me to the main girls, really. I'm really liking Kururi. Kuudere loli are absolutely amazing, and I will be ludicrously buttmad if she doesn't have a route.

The translation takes a little getting used too, but it isn't the worst. It's exceedingly formal, and downright bizarre at some times, but you can always understand what they are talking about. Well, as long as you are a English native, at the least.

Haha, when I first loaded it up, Shou's voice was on as Microsoft SAM, and I was like "what the fuck is this?" It's been so long since I have even thought of that thing that I almost, for just one second, thought it was part of the experience. Hah, man I'm an idiot.
>> No. 1109 [Edit]
File 130813222775.jpg - (128.83KB , 816x638 , 1308057855384.jpg )
Hahaha, oh wow. I'm so tempted to read this. It's probably more entertaining than whatever it's like untranslated, anyway.
>> No. 1110 [Edit]
File 130820841685.jpg - (62.64KB , 800x600 , 1307747584611.jpg )
Yeah, she's got a route.
>> No. 1111 [Edit]
File 130912340790.jpg - (81.67KB , 800x600 , 1308624486305.jpg )
>> No. 1112 [Edit]
Could someone direct me to a download or torrent of Flyable Heart? The only ones I've been able to find are either out of seeds or are not compatible with the English patch due to different versions.
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